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Hey guys -- so long story short, Vimeo is essentially holding our Patreon catalog hostage and unless we pay $16,200 to them, our account will be deactivated and the majority of the videos on this page will disappear. 

Let me explain ... 

Some of you may noticed that two days ago, nearly every single video disappeared from our Patreon feed. Because we were out shooting a documentary in the mountains of California, we didn’t even realize this had happened until we logged back into our computers 24 hours later, which was yesterday morning.

This was a true nightmare morning. Not only would none of our videos open, but we received over 200+ pissesd off messages and lost 500+ patrons as a result of this. Some people even canceled their lifetime memberships. A few people thought that our plan was to rack up as many Patreon subs as possible, then ditch the platform entirely to start up a subscription elsewhere, like on MembersOnly or OnlyFans.

This is the furthest thing from the truth. We are extremely grateful for your support and have been on the road, working overtime to create a bunch of new documentaries that I'm really stoked to announce, as well as putting the finishing touches on our movie with Abso Lately. 

Anyways, back to the morning I noticed everything was gone —

In a panic, I first called my contact at the Patreon support team, who was extremely helpful at breaking this all down. My contact explained that the issue was not directly with Patreon, but with Patreon’s embedded beta video uploader, which for some reason, had been using Vimeo as its hosting platform.

My Patreon contact told me that in order to truly get to the bottom of this, I'd have to get through to someone at Vimeo. I tried to log into my Vimeo account, but I was locked out, so I reached out to Vimeo's automated support line and sent out a bunch of SOS's to my limited rolodex of connections in the tech world, and finally, was able to make a contact with Vimeo's Senior Account Executive. 

My Vimeo contact told me that all of my videos had been removed from Patreon because I’d exceeded Vimeo’s ‘bandwidth limit’ (image 1). Bear in mind, we haven’t uploaded a single Channel 5 video directly to Vimeo, we've only uploaded through Patreon’s built-in video feature, so I was confused. Not to mention, the Patreon-exclusive videos we release through only get a couple thousand views per video, which is nothing compared to our view counts on larger platforms like YouTube and Instagram. 

In addition to that, we actually purchased a ‘Vimeo Pro’ plan in advance, which costs $250/year and supposedly allows us 1 Terabyte of annual storage. So far, combining every channel 5 video, we have yet to exceed 250GB, even a quarter of the storage limit that we pay for. 

We were asked to send our company info (Image 2), then after contesting with Vimeo for a while, I was referred to a ‘compliance team,’ who gave me an ultimatum (image 3):

Pay Vimeo between $8,000-$9000 a year, or our account will be deactivated and all videos hosted through Vimeo will be gone. Their figure for a 2 year plan is $16,500…

Vimeo is a big company. I'm sure there's something in the terms of service fine print that covers this type of shady business practice, but we were completely blindsided by it. It's not creator friendly, and we think Vimeo is making a huge mistake by what feels like retroactively demanding massive sums of money with absolutely no end in sight.

This is a really shitty situation. While on one hand, I obviously want to boss up and just move on, I’m scared all of the videos on this page will be gone and more patrons will think we’re somehow scamming them. I still have all the high-quality video files from all my Patreon/Vimeo uploads, but I'd rather not have to re-upload anything as well. The best part of posting a video on Patreon has always been reading your guys' comments, and deleting and re-uploading the videos would not only erase them, but also spam your inboxes with content you've already seen.

Realistically, we're probably going to have to pay Vimeo's ransom next week. 

Just wanted to fill you guys in on this current situation regarding Vimeo and explain things to any Patrons who may have thought we were running a racket. 

Love Y'all,

Andrew, Nic and Evan



Myco Trizmegistus

I hope they Patreon paid them, profusely apologized and waived your fees for a couple years. This is embarrassing. PS: Y'all should probably make a new post already, it's 2024


Y’all can’t catch a break :(


Yo why is the world out to fuck you guys all the time? You will prevail.


That’s wild. Seems very sketchy from Vimeo considering you had the Pro membership??


Keep it up!!! We understand!! Fuck em!!!


Time to destroy Vimeo


We got you!!

Jake Wilty

vimeo a bunch of custers


Thanks for the clear communication, I hope this matter is resolved fast, best of luck


Fuck the ransom, just abandon vimeo and re upload. All of it will.be convienently in one spot on the timeline.


Have you considered self hosting your videos? You’d have more control over them that way. I’m sure you can pay to get that set up with Wordpress for less than what Vimeo is asking for


Use floatplane.com instead of patreon. They host content without a third party


So whack. Your community will have your back though!


fuck vimeo, sorry guys


wow man that really fucking sucks. hopefully y’all can sort through this shit asap!!!


BIG LOVE ANDREW. You’ll never lose me as a patron no matter what. 🔥🔥❤️❤️


thanks for being so transperant with us, Vimeo seems super scummy. We appreciate what all you guys do


wow that's hella dumb eff vimeo

Søren Risby

Fuck that sucks guys, sending love and support from Aus ❤️


Channel 5 and the Terrible Horrible No Good Really Bad Bullshit


Sucks, but y'all got this.

Nathan Lucas

That fuckin sucks guys. Any chance you could upload to Youtube as a private/unlisted link and link those videos here? I really hope it doesn't have to come to you paying those SOB's


Fuck Vimeo


Sorry to hear you guys are dealing with more bad luck. Don’t pay them dick though, put that money back into productions and throw the shit up on YouTube private. Seriously Vimeo is trash anyway.

Jake Wilty

youtube private links are better anyway fuck em


Do whatever makes sense for you guys. trust


don’t pay. just reupload.


Wtf is Patreon doing hosting on Vimeo? Not trying to defend Vimeo here but it seems to me like Patreon is the worse offender for exposing you to a risk like this


Yo wtf, this sounds like something patreon needs to take responsibility for because youve been uploading through their platform


Hang in there guys! We support you 100%! Let us know what we can do

Garrett Passamonti

This is so fucked. U have my support. Hella sus on Patreon ngl… they should pay wtf


Here to support you no matter what, if there’s anything any of us can do to help we’re here for y’all


fuck paying the ransom, whatever y'all need to do or wherever you need to go, we'll follow. no one does it like y'all ❤️


Spam my notifications all you want. Just don’t pay the leeches at Vimeo.


Wow, fuck Vimeo


the corporate greed is through the roof


I think ya gotta hit em back with more profanity


this is so bogus, so sorry for you. always happy to support you


Wow, fuck them. And fuck them being all butthurt about profanity.


Totally understood I’m a software engineer I’m down to help you guys figure out a long term solution for free just because I believe in your vision and don’t wanna see tech platforms blowing it


This sucks man. Appreciate you guys keeping us informed. FWIW, no intention of cancelling my membership while you guys are on here. If you did decide to move elsewhere, myself and I’m sure many others would follow.


I've always thought Patreon was ridiculously out of date by using Vimeo. They suck, even just from a video platform perspective. I'm sure they have a contract or something, but Patreon really needs to step their shit up as well in this regard. Either start first-party video hosting, or just partner with a different video host, because this is absolute clown shit. And it's not the first time I've heard of something like this, either.


Dude you guys can't catch a break. My husband and I will throw some extra $$ your way to help. Never commit suicide everything will ce alrigt


shoot me a DM


The other patreon accounts I follow just do private YouTube videos that can only be accessed with a shared link, maybe you could do that instead?


Yo fuck that, smear their custah ass names all over the internet

Simeon Ayton

"It ain't about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa


+1 to saying fuck that ransom and reupload elsewhere. It does suck that the old comments will be gone but if it’s better for you guys long term then I think that’s the move. I also wouldn’t mind getting the notifications again for the old vids.


Don’t pay the fuckers, do whatever you gotta do but don’t pay them.


That's bullshit! If you switched services you wouldn't lose my business Andrew. Do what you gotta do


I appreciate the update. Y’all keep up the great work


I don't speak for everybody but seeing a wall of reupload notifications would be preferable to knowing you guys were forced into paying a bullshit ransom to Vimeo. Fuck those guys.


Whats the fucking point of a pro membership vimeo??? Bitchea


I think another creator had a similar issue recently with Vimeo. They have a bad history of this


What the fuck? This seems like Patreon needs to get involved since it was uploaded via their platform...


Contact Sunny at hate5six he is going through this exact situation he might be able to offer some insight as to how he handled it. He’s most likely still dealing with this issue right now but they gave him the same BS about bandwidth.


fuck vimeo! sending lots of love your way guys this shit is fucking bonkers


Same thing happened to hate5six, hit him up and see if he managed to sort it.

Conor Boran

I wouldn't mind getting spammed with notifications for reuploaded videos. Fuck Vimeo.


Thank you for keeping us in the loop, we all got yous guys back even now while vimeo are being dick-heads, fuck em


Man that's some bullshit. Crazy some people really thought you were trying to pull a fast one, you haven't once seemed like someone who would do that. I don't think it's a coincidence you're having to go thru all these hurdles to produce genuine independent media.

Andrew McCann

What the actual fuck? Doesn’t their terms specifically include unlimited bandwidth? Fuck Vimeo.


DONT FUCKING PAY THEM. I don't know what the solution is but fuck that! That's a ridiculous sum of money!!!


Reuploading is fine by me. I don't mind the alerts.


If channel 5 made an onlyfans i'd subscribe. Show me dat ass. Fuck those assholes at vimeo though. Sounds pretty shady to me.


This is horse shit. Please explain more about why they are talking about Fair Use, otherwise it literally just sounds like they are holding you ransom.


Fuck 'em and switch to official torrents


damn that sucks, especially coming from a platform that has always appealed and catered to independent filmmakers. not ideal but maybe there’s a way to grab the comment archive and just reupload as unlisted on youtube? best of luck fellas


You got to keep it 5150 and ditch that Vimeo, they are a bullshit platform. I'd reupload elsewhere and just make the switch now, who knows what those custers will do next.


Fuck that man just reupload, who cares about the alerts. This is criminal.


That's wild. I had no idea the beta Patreon Beta uploader was using Vimeo, but even if you have a pro Vimeo account that shouldn't have any bearing. I reckon Patreon bears some of the responsibility here. Especially as the uploader is surely being added to get away from the years-long issue between Vimeo and Patreon embeds. I had Vimeo reach out and demand money from our channel only for me to point out we had barely used any of our corporate account. They're clearly over-aggressive and perhaps picking on channels with large numbers of patrons. I feel for you guys, this stuff shouldn't be so much of a nightmare. But it's not your fault those uploads were landing on Vimeo either. Best of luck with it all, we'll still be here.


Don't pay them. Do whatever you guys need to do


Don't care about extra notifications, do what you gotta do, fuck 'em don't pay IMO


Just subscribed today and then saw this, happy to support you guys in a shit situation


FUCK THE MAN! We have your back Channel 5


Fuck vimeo


Man, that's a fucking bogus situation. So is it basically ransom?


Vimeo has always been such a complete garbage video platform. I made an account for one purpose and it is just barely usable. I'll pay more for you to use a better platform. Not sure what the exact answer is though, sorry. And fuck those fuckers for fucking crying about fucking profanity.


Time to go straight to bitchute, Alex Jones style Fuck kerwin


Fuck Vimeo , reupload and we’ll post even better comments


Yeah that's not cool from Patreon. They should be the ones dealing with Vimeo. You're using Vimeo's service through Patreon, it's their problem to solve.


Contact Anjali Sud through LinkedIn and include the NYTimes article. They will figure this out for you.


fuck Vimeo, as one of your subscribers I'd honestly rather you do anything BUT pay Vimeo the money they're requesting. definitely consider another option because that shit ain't worth it


Yooo thats some bullshit, im sorry that happened yall.


This is some Custer shit, fuck Vimeo


Keep on trucking guys, I'm with you all the way, fuck vimeo




Not canceling my subscription anytime soon, stay strong. FUCK VIMEO!!!!!


Reupload don’t pay that shit


Vimeo have always been overpriced. No offence but you need better business sense. There are plenty of alternative hosting platforms and you should work on your own website. Plenty of smaller creators than you are doing just that. Don't support crap companies like Vimeo and hire someone to cover technical broadcasting. There are plenty of us out there.


Actual hostage situation, this is appalling. The time limit is also clearly intentional to make you sweat. Clients should be alerted to such problems long enough before action is taken so they have time to address it. *Extortion*!!


This sounds like patreon’s fault to me. Its not a great platform, you guys are the only creators that make this platform worth using. I would love to see you switch to floatplane.com (created by the LinusTechTips youtube team). Or any place that delivers a better user experience and doesn’t rely on third party integration for content delivery.


That's some crooked ass shit they are pulling.


Good luck and let us know what we can do to help. Trust brother.


Insanely fucked up what the hell


Wow that’s dirty as fuck of them to do that. I’m sorry for how stressed you all must be. Someone needs to create a YouTube-alternative really bad.


Maybe the Vimeo people don't understand the difference between Gb and GB, but there was only one month where the usage exceeded 3000GB (24000Gb). And it's absurd not to have a usage tier between $250 and $8000 a year...


The re-uploads under a separate platform would be a one time issue for us, notification-wise. Continued use of Vimeo's hosting platform would potentially end up costing you more for gouged hosting prices. If it isn't adding up it might be time to sever ties with them. I'm sorry you lost fans over this and were being hated on but I speak for a lot of us when I say we're with you til the end what ever ends up happening 🤙


Fuck Vimeo


Yikes. Never go viral on Vimeo I guess... Fuckin idiots.


Rehost IMO. if we get spam from patreon for a few days about new releases so be it.


Fuck em', do not give them your money! Happy to consume your videos anywhere (have you considered pornhub.com?)


Go to a zoo, go the monkey enclosure and interview the monkeys. Then upload it with the title "interview with the directors of Vimeo" Don't pay the ransom, find a new host and we'll just make better comments.


Honestly dude I’d say just don’t pay them and re-upload in another manner… that’s a lot of cash for a small biz, and when the contract is up, it will probs lead to them demanding even more for the next…. Don’t let attachment to comments lead to you having a knife held to your throat. Just make the switch that needs to be made and you will be so much happier with that decision. That money may be better spent on a lawyer for price gouging you based on what I assume was a newfound knowledge by Vimeo of your success/revenue


So where do we go to bitch at vimeo for their treatment of creators? Let's clog that shit.


Reupload that shit. Fuck Vimeo.


That's serious bullshit. I think Patreon should be held partially accountable here, you guys put your trust in their hosting platform, and WE as Patrons trust that Patreon will be the only guys taking a cut of the money we pay. Obviously, we are both wrong. This industry keeps trying to screw you guys. Keep your heads up, we want to see you all succeed.


You boys definitely need your own website at least as a backup in these types of situations. You don’t want to completely be at the mercy of 3rd parties all the time.


what if you put that on the blockchain? (Jk, just watched recent video)


Y'all just get fucked at every turn. Sucks! I'll follow you wherever. Don't give them this money.


Channel 5 is the only patreon account I’m subscribed to, for me that’s a big deal. Hate to see you guys get fucked around, I agree with others posting that I’ll follow y’all to wherever you’re going to be able to keep creating.


What has your lawyer said?

Katie Kelley

500+ people bailed? People need to chill and wait a couple days before going nuclear. They always assume the worst. Shame. Anyway don't pay the ransom.


Stand behind Channel 5 🤘🤘


fuck those fools don’t give em a dime 😹💯


Sounds like extortion ? I’d be completely unbothered by any minor inconveniences it may create to patrons for y’all to host elsewhere. You deserve better. Fucked up. Love you guys


That blows. Lawyer up and know your supporters will follow you wherever you go.


I support you guys always and just hope you get this sorted out. I pay for the Patreon not for the content (although that is nice and always a highlight of my day when it's posted) but to support you guys as creators. I really think you're fresh and genuine and the work you're doing is meaningful and important. Nothing but love!!!

Andrew Dumitru

Re upload, don't give them a dime. Fuck them. We're here for YOU, Andrew and team. Do what's best for you and the real supporters will follow.


wow. vimeo are dicks. just put it all on youtube. deleting emails for content i've already seen is no big deal. thanks for explaining the situation. it sounds really convoluted and stupid. there's gotta be a better way. good luck!


Man fuck Vimeo


Tim post this on Twitter and we’ll get it going if you want


We did unlisted YouTube videos for a while. Their militant age restriction policy is what caused us to switch to Patreon's built-in video uploader. The whole point of this Patreon is to provide uncensored, early content.


I don’t care about you reuploading stuff. Can you just link to a YouTube video or something? This is exploitative on their part.


How much would it cost to launch your own video host ala banned.video


Fuck Vimeo, man. You guys do whatever you think is right but we'd support you if you refuse to pay the ransom. Heck, spend half that money on a lawyer or make Patreon do their jobs.


You guys just keep getting fucked. Proper patrons are gonna stick by, don't sweat it. Fuck Vimeo, don't give in to their bullshit.


Why did they mention Fair Use? IS there a legitimate copyright concern??? Or are they just using that to hold you hostage for bandwidth $$???? Please respond to this, I may have a couple contacts that can help but need to know full story.

Em Stardust

Don't pay it !!!!!


Power to you on this journey - I'm not going anywhere!


I’m sorry you guys keep facing these hurdles. The way y’all bounced back after having all gas no brakes stolen gives me hope you’ll come out of by his even stronger too. Fuck Vimeo, I hope you don’t pay them. Fuck Patreon for make you guys deal with this. You can’t be the first ones on this platform this has happened to and you sadly won’t be the last. Fuck those patrons who canceled. If they can’t see the integrity and dedication in every video they’re morons. Good luck to you and your crew! I know you guys will do the right thing.


Yeah it does sound like Patreon is cashing checks while expecting Vimeo to cover bandwidth costs. Kinda rude


Don't pay vimeos ransom, hit up floatplane


This!! GB = gigabytes Gb = gigabits Their accusation isn't even factually correct by their own numbers. A gigabit is only about 1/8 a gigabyte.


Fuck vimeo

Jonathan J Rainone

I stand behind this channel and if you need to reupload to a different platform so be it!


hey man I support ya but if you're going to share these emails can you also share the discussions they mentioned you had in November and earlier in January where they supposedly warned you about this coming? Bandwidth is not the size of your videos stored on disk it's the internet traffic that delivers it to individuals.


I wonder if you could reupload somewhere else and then get Patreon to update the video links for your old posts? Then you wouldn’t lose any history or comments.


I know some folks just link Dropbox videos. Maybe that would work for y’all?

Linda Hoang

What the actual fuck!!! I'm so sorry to hear this. You all deserve better. My support ain't going nowhere.


Is there an alternate plan for after givimg them the ransom because you give them an inch theyll take a mile


Fuck Vimeo then. Consider some alternatives like: Floatplane (all-in-one Patreon and video host, run by Linus Media Group) LBRY/Odysee (decentralised video host) $16K is a lot of money, and with what amazing content you guys can produce out of a van, I can't imagine what you could've done with that money instead of giving it to Vimeo. Unironically, are they trying to be a shittier Youtube??


For sure. I didn’t have any discussions with them I’ve never spoken with anyone at Vimeo. Think Evan had a zoom call with one of them several months ago but it was regarding an exclusive content agreement, not bandwidth, storage plans, or anything or the like.


I'm also throwing my support in for reaching out to Floatplane


seems like false pretense/scare mongering to me. they say fair use, then focus exclusively on bandwidth — do they call their bandwidth terms "fair use"? lmao


That's fucked up. If patreon is providing the service and the back end is vimeo that deal is transparent to you as the end user. The vendor can't come around and ask you for more money. Patreon should have an agreement with vimeo that takes this stuff into account.


Audience members who have zero compassion for content creators (creators who never stop releasing extremely affordable and appealing content, and are unfortunately COMPLETELY and totally at the mercy of The Almighty Platform of choice,) are... gross and weird


vimeo has changed a lot over the past few years. it seems like they're trying to hard-sell their audience/move to a different audience, and i hate they're doing this to you directly. also kinda fucked up that patreon is leaving you out to hang on this! if their beta video uploader is using vimeo, and it's got vimeo pissed at YOU, isn't that their problem and not yours? like you said, you don't do direct business with vimeo—at least not like this!


I support Channel 5. Fuck Vimeo. We will follow your content regardless of what you may do, especially if you need to switch to a platform like onlyfans.


I guess patreon doesn't let you edit posts? Could you upload the catalog to YouTube and just replace the Vimeo/patreon embeds with YouTube ones to retain the comments?


Sorry to hear it and thanks for the transparency. This should be escalated within Patreon, as if as you say it's their embedded video upload, the contracts between them and Vimeo should be covering issues like bandwidth. It sounds like a shitty shakedown and people should be @ing both Patreon and Vimeo on Twitter to raise awareness. If I were you I'd be on the phone with Patreon, threatening legal action, until its escalated to someone who can help.


Did something change after you contacted them? I’m on mobile, but I can watch all the videos just fine.


Do. Not. Pay. This. - as an independent creator this isn't the first or last time a platform will try and profit from your content. They will always want to keep more and more of the pie - save that 20K and invest it into yourself and your loyal audience. Your audience pays YOU and YOUR team for the content they make, of which Vimeo has 0.0 role in. If I'm reading the first picture right, they're essentially punishing you for "high consumption rates" which is to imply "your content is popular, fuck you pay me." They cost you, at a minimum, 500 subscribers/$2.5K in a singular day - if they pulled this shit again in the future that number and the impact could be irrevocable.


Hmmm this is shit. Sounds like Patreon should step in and help you here because they must have an overarching agreement with Vimeo


Fuck vimeo keep it up boiz


Imma double my patreon contributions to you... still isn't much but I hope it helps a little bit. Keep up the great work fellas

Noms Chompski

We got your back in any scenario. Don't worry about legacy videos. Do you bois. I've seen a lot of content move to Rumble.


This would be like if I hosted a website on wordpress.com and their CDN hit me up directly for their own bill.. Bitch no, my agreement is with wordpress, not you.

Tendaji X

Totally agreed. Replying in case that boost this comment somehow.


We support you📺not going anywhere5️⃣


Really sucks because you had no idea about the back end "agreement" with vimeo. The reason why youre seeing that much data being used is because its CDN (Content Delivery Network). Meaning they are charging for every gigabyte delivered over their network to end users. So if your video was 15 minutes I assume it was a gigabyte or more so everyone who watched it consumed ~1GB of data. Essentially total view x size of video which is why its so large. Amazed they get away with that business model since bandwith is nearly free these days. Back in 2005 this would make sense. Today, not really.


Really appreciate the transparency and all the stellar content the Channel 5 team puts out. Wouldn't dream of dropping my favorite Patreon subscription

Andy B

That's such a shitty situation to be in. It sounds like Vimeo is holding you hostage with the videos as collateral. My advice would be to refuse to pay, the videos are all up on YouTube which most of your patreons follow. Maybe screenshot the comments on the old videos and re-upload the patreon exclusive videos through another platforms. Sorry to hear you're having to deal with this bs


Everyone tweet at vimeo and patreon to make this right.


That is sooooo fucked. I know you wanna save the comments and I'm wondering if deleting the videos would completely delete the posts or just break the links. Either way their business practice is predatory for non-corporate entities like yourself. Don't pay the ransom. Fuck Vimeo.

Cairo Thorn

Vimeo can eat a dick


Fuck Vimeo


could you upload an archival google drive folder of the vimeo videos and like a doc archive of the comments for each video?


I don't think you should pay these fucks. I'll be happy to move with you to a different platform.


fuck the corporate overlords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This just seems like a shakedown by vimeo. I'd continue to support y'all here without patreon exclusives cause y'all are doing cool stuff no one else has the balls or talent to do. I'd understand if y'all pay up, but it'd be very satisfying to hear you either negotiated down or told them to fuck off.


This is really Patreon's fault. They are offering the built in video feature. They should have worked this out with Vimeo. Patreon sucks. Someone needs to offer an alternative platform for creators.


Fuck the patrons who bailed — y’all did nothing wrong


The Immediate issue is making sure you have a local copy of all videos you uploaded to Vimeo saved locally. If you don't have that local library already, go get a copy immediately. Look up their process for downloading a full data copy of your account archive (like images, posts, videos). Use it immediately as in start the process now. Then write me back, and I can help more.


Read Vimeo reviews, you are not the first. That company deserves to go out of business. I hope you can move everything to a platform with better support and that is more honest. I wouldnt pay the ransom. Just reupload i dont care about the notifications. Fuck those assholes.


Yeah I’m alright with the loss of the comments. I’d move platforms no problem. This sucks yall, I’m sorry.

Josh Fried

Looks like a sleazy sales guy trying to fuck you


Vimeo user experience is bad. Also fuck Pinterest. Save your money and build your own website


Vimeo sucks anyways, fuck them.


Dude, fuck this (Patreon/Vimeo). They can pass the cost through their anus. I'll follow you guys on to the next platform. And please, continue with profanity. Doesn't Tim put all of his Office Hours podcasts on Patreon? Could you ask him if he experienced something similar?


Cocksuckers! but like they give bad head you know


Actually, that is a shit ton of data and they aren't monetizing with ads so it makes sense for them to bill you, the customer. Business deals are much better when the terms are communicated clearly up front instead of ransoming client's business. They should go out of business for running a shit show


Yo that's fucked up, other creators i sub to here would be very interested in this story, like Matt Orfalea and Jimmy Dore if you want this to be reported on by independents. I'll stay a Patron and hope the others come back


Fuck Vimeo. How’s that for profanity?

Jack Griffin

This is a shitty situation. Fuck Vimeo, and it's inexcusable that Patreon isn't stepping up to help you all out given that it's their platform interfacing with Vimeo.


they should bill patreon who are already making revenue off channel 5


Fuck these guys, don't pay that shit!!




What a pain in the ass. Just do a paid sub on YouTube.


Fuck vimeo, fuck patreon, you guys rule


aint fair how you guys keep getting fucked over, hope this works out for you guys without damaging you all too much


Find a new site. Fuck Vimeo


Vimeo is technically a good thing, it's understandable why you want to stick with it. But there are also other good alternatives to host your content. Personally I would not care about reuploads.


The true fans won't cancel! We love you guys.


Fuck Vimeo we should all go spam their social media


Make sure you have copy's of all the videos and then upload them unlisted to youtube and tell vimeo to fuck right off.


Do not pay, move to youtube paid or something.


Wtf is Patreons response to this?? What a joke Patreon should protect it's customers. I'd switch platforms no problem


Fuck Vimeo, and shame on Patreon for creating the situation with their own uploader but not taking responsibility for the result. Just my opinion, but re-upload away.

Josh Weyland

Reads like a scam email


Spam us

four frogs

Do not pay this Andrew. They are taking advantage of you. Real ones will continue to support you no matter what.

Josh Weyland



Don’t pay. We can wait. Fuck this shit


Shame on the patrons who left. Jesus


Why would anyone cancel over this


They don't deserve your money - wish I could offer alternatives but I'd continue supporting on another platform if you guys found one


Ride or die here fellas. Fuck Vimeo. Definitely taking advantage of the situation.


I get unlimited storage on Flickr for about $60 per year. WTF Vimeo?


fatal farm (creators of lasagna cat, among other things) had an almost identical situation happen https://twitter.com/fatalfarm/status/1416117865594249216 you might want to get in contact with them since they've dealt with this before


Fuck Vimeo

joshua barach

Don't give them a penny!




I mean, I work in post production, so I totally understand why you wouldn't want to go back through every previous video and reupload them - it's a huge pain, and my first instinct would probably be to pay the cost too.. BUT at the same time, fuck them for holding you accountable for the way Patreon hosts videos. This was NOT your doing, and Patreon has a hell of a lot more money than any individual creator to actually be held responsible for how they coded their video hosting. I'm with you whatever you decide to do. Sorry you've got to deal with this shit. Keep up the profanity.


Fuck those guys. I’ll follow y’all anywhere. This content is the best. Sorry you’re having to go through this.

Benjamin Jones

Wow, what a shit show. Fuck Vimeo for doing this, and thank you for the update


Is Patreon not responsible for this? How can Vimeo charge you when you pay for a plan already?


Fuck Vimeo. Stay strong. The real ones will still be here.


if you dont wanna reupload onto another hosting platform, why not offer your vimeo catalogue as a torrent, through sth like a patron word of mouth? if there are enough seeders (people having their file copy available to be shared) you wouldnt need to host on your end for longer than a few weeks (a few days, lets b real).


Don't pay em


Make the call you think is right but I think most people will support you if you tell Vimeo to get fucked.




Sketch business on their part. I hope you repost on patreon but host on another site or your own servers. Holler at me & I'll help get your own CDN set up.


Fuck em! I never commented before so I can’t speak for everyone that has but I’d like to think we can say goodbye to some comments so we can stick to Viemo and not let another big business walk over everyone.


that’s absolute horse shit dog. sick Tim’s MF lawyers on they asses. TOS are bullshit.


I agree with the few comments suggesting that Patreon should be footing this bill as it is their platform that you are uploading to. I also think that worst comes to worst that if you have the original videos that you'd be better off finding a new hosting provider for video so that you don't have to deal with this again, and out of principal, as this was pretty scummy and has already cost you money in Patreon subscribers. I am surprised that people cancelled their subscriptions over this, though I suppose I shouldn't be. People get an error message and instantly backlashing like that is crazy FYI I find Gumroad do a good job of hosting their own videos via cloudfront using JW Player, though they are a lot smaller. Wish you the best.


Fuck vimeo and fuck patreon for letting you sort out their shitty agreements with their streaming partner yourself. Just find some stupid paywall to hide private youtube vids behind and I'll pay for access, and fuck their ransom. We've jumped before with the whole dong things affair, we'll jump again if need be. Channel 5 is what we want, wherever we can get it!


This fucking blows fuck Vimeo for this one, y'all are the shit though we appreciate your hard work and transparency

Sayne Lately


Sayne Lately



Vimeo hitting you with that GREEN GREEN WHIP


Bro this is some deep level connection. No fucking Vimeo video gets taken down, or put on "hold" for profanity, I watched Shia LaBeouf fuck a girl on Vimeo. Please stay safe, someone higher up is looking into you.


Is there anything we can do? Preferably to avoid paying extortionists?


Fuck Vimeo. All my homies hate Vimeo.


But how will you say no to that generous 10% discount

jay alan

uhh wtf, damn yall. sorry to hear that. it's wack as hell especially since you weren't even using vimeo directly.


Ant alt-right propaganda site? No fuckin thanks.


For all of you saying fuck Vimeo you should realize that Vimeo gave Channel 5 $100,000 so for them to travel around the country and make these videos. They have enough capital to pay this off


What the literal fuck


i get vimeo has to make money but its fucked up they locked C5 out. Could have resolved it better.


Can you back up this claim with some sort of explanation or evidence?


what can we do to help?


Well, if you don't, I'll still be here and subscribed. I actually try to watch most of your stuff on YouTube anyways, just for additional support. This setback sucks, but it is minor and I'm sure a lot of those will come back after hearing what happened on Reddit or elsewhere. I'm upping my sub to the $10 one in the meantime.


Any chance you could get Patreon to somehow preserve the videos w the original comment boxes + threads with an alternative video player or smth?


Then you could just tell vimeo to get fucked essentially


Y’all need a lawyer when signing these contracts. Didn’t this happen with Doing Things?


What a bunch of clowns! Lawyer for contract review. May seem like an expense but it's one less blindsided expense. What's their bandwidth limitation? What's their backend hosting policy? Ie limitation wise, why did you hit their limit? There has to be done numbered amounts in there somewhere. That's what I'm interigued about

Garrett Barton

I say give them the middle finger. Don't pay their ransom. It's ridiculous for them to blindside you like this. As unfortunate as it would be to have to reupload everything, I say it's better than having to bend to the whims of a shady company.

Jonathan J Rainone

More i think about it sounds like vimeo is targeting you since you have the followers and the money. Don't pay them find another way to host your content.


Vimeo has done this before, they did it to the "Our Robocop Remake" team (fatalfarm) and they didnt have the money or didnt want to pay up, and instead vimeo recinded the initial ransom, surprisingly. https://twitter.com/fatalfarm/status/1416117865594249216 sounds like the same situation https://twitter.com/fatalfarm/status/1416855496208764928


Chin up, big bro. Your genuine dedication is evident in everything you guys produce. Especially in an age when real journalism is dying. You are quite literally one of the only outlets that shows us who we really are. How dumb, creative, outlandish, wholesome and goofy we all can be. EVERYTHING GON C ALRITE ANDREW


Do y’all have a lawyer? Feels like you need a lawyer.


fuck vimeo, don't give them a dime, and cancel your other subscription. leave the note here explaining how vimeo tried to extort you and that's why you reuploaded the videos


vimeo is giving me zero reason to ever use their products, especially when youtube has no such ‘bandwidth limit’. this literally punishes the few people who find success on their platform


Will follow wherever you decide to go. Just do whatever feels like best for you and your people

Jeremy Williams

Ugh. This is why these platforms suck. Ever thought about Peertube? You guys could form your own Fediverse server and have a community on Mastodon, and upload shit onto your own Peertube instance. I feel like creators need to start jumping ship from the big platforms but idk what the definitive answer is to solving these issues.


Wow, that’s messed up. Hope you don’t go through with paying them. Deleting and reuploading old videos sounds like the best option for sure.


Lemme guess…they said you have to join their Vimeo OTT platform right? Buncha garbage…lawyer up and get a stop order issued. Pretty sure you would need to directly agree to their T&Cs to have your vids enforced. Good luck…happy to send a one off donation for some attorney support.

strange vision

Don't give them a goddamn thing. This is at the very least extortion. Do not give them any gas. It will only encourage this deceitful and malicious and malignant behavior towards creators and let alone anyone else. You have to stand up and Fight for what's right Andrew, fuck them and fuck their extortionist bullshit


Bruh moment


This is strange as.... I use Vistia at work and we pay quite a lot for it but daaaamn 18k for Vimeo? ALSO, Patreon easily washed their hands and told you it's only your problem. That's also fucked up


I would vote for re-uploading and have the comments reset, over having to keep using vimeo (which is laggy and doesn't have casting support) to watch your patreon videos Bonus is you save thousands of dollars

Crispin Alexander Stichart

Yeah, don't pay, just reupload them. It's a shame, because Vimeo *is* higher quality than YouTube, but I'd rather y'all have eight grand to put towards awesome new videos, than have slightly less compressed video files.


you guys need to pay the fee & should not have put this off. streaming nearly 48 TB (just for 11/21) to folks around the globe is expensive - even for a company like vimeo. bottom line you guys need to stop acting like victims, pay the fee & move on with life. You guys make good content so keep it up & get the enterprise plan if you need it. Else, find another platform where you can host your videos for cheaper fees.


fuck those guys, spam our inboxes


This is beyond "shady" both on the Vimeo and Patreon side, honestly. Even though you're right about big companies usually being able to cover their assess, personally I'd at least consult with a specialized lawyer about this prior to paying anything. It might be just me but I hate feeling like I've been wronged or taken advantage of by a big corporation. Besides, maybe their fine print makes them right about the actually incurred cost, but maybe the lawyer will find some sort of angle on the way they dealt with the matter and the damages that they caused to your brand and business. In any case, I'm sure you have the full support of most of the people on here and sometimes this stuff ends up being a blessing in disguise. You'll have a better idea of who your loyal supporters are now at last. Keep up the good work!

Nicole Schwartz

I cannot believe there are fans of yours that would just up & cancel within days of some problems and not give you even the briefest of chances to remedy the situation. What a clusterfuck. So sorry guys, we all love you and are glad you’re here! I hope moving forward is a lot less stressful.


Pretty spot on. Channel 5 patreon vids seem to be way up in the top 1% of bandwidth used mentioned in Vimeo's fair use policy. For the non technical people: going by the monthly average bandwidth of 14.795 Gb it would cost somewhere between $1.000 to $1.400 each month to host the video directly with the big CDN companies. This would mean a yearly average of $12.000 to $16.000


I wouldn't mind if you reupload everything. I mean the comments would be a loss but don't give Vimeo the money :D


if you decide to boss up, im with you man. spam my feed with all the old videos and ill watch every one all the way through once again just to support! its all love.


If you're moving somewhere, we'll follow you! Your content is legendary and even tho changing platform or reuploading would be a setback we will still stay here and you'll get back at it again, just a matter of time! But again, if paying is considered the path of least resistance for you then you go!


Pay them, don’t pay them, just don’t stop bringing the fire bars

Jeremy Schott

That’s your problem not ours.


Patreon are the cunts here. What the fuck are they doing for their cut? literally just a payment gateway. fuck Patreon. at least Vimeo are providing a service and hosting your videos. Of course they wont do this for free. if you can lose 500 patreons in 2 days then you must be absolutely rinsing the hosting on Vimeo fuck Patreon in my opinion


this Patreon should be managing this. they take a fat cut and do fuck all


This is a Patreon problem not Vimeo. why the fuck is a premium platform like Patreon just leeching off free hosting on Vimeo. Patreon takes the cash they should host the fucking content


Patreon offers quite a few different video hosting options already: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046704651-Video-hosting-options


I say don’t capitulate and just reupload. Word will get around about the circumstance and patrons will re-sub. Aside from the massive ransom, this will make smaller creators even more vulnerable to predatory practices like this if those who can just ball up and pay do so. Having said that I won’t hold it against you whatever you decide to do. I just hate seeing this shit and seeing shady businesses get their way. Much love, I’ll still be here regardless.


Reupload your vids! Don't fucking waste your money on this racket! I know it'll suck that you're losing all those comments, but it's a small price to pay, as opposed to this bullshit shadow cost of $16,000


I’m kinda feeling like Patreon fucked up here too tho.


Jeeze. fuuuck this whole thing. take whatever route works best for you on your terms... reupload, idk if you spam my shit. i payed for a year in advance i'm not gonna bounce on ch5 after like 2 days of fuckery which is totally beyond the creators control, wtf.


Y’all need a good ass lawyer on standby lol, it seems like anyone you partner with ends up trying to pull a fast one


Nah man, fuck that. I feel like this behaviour should hurt Vimeo, not aid them.


But I do understand the sentimental value of getting the comments back. Just know that whatever you chose this is just a bump in the road.


yea reupload somewhere else, definitely a patreon fuck up, don't pay for their mistake.


Yeah that's on vimeo and patreon, not on you. I'd reach out to other creators to see if they have dealt with anything like this. Just switch to unlisted YouTube vids in the future, and re-upload things there.


Patreon should be paying that fee, and they owe you a HUGE fucking apology.


You built back the following from All Gas No Breaks, if you need to rehost somewhere else the community will follow. Best of luck boys keep on the grind!


There's no reason to pay a bullshit ransom. Just re-upload with YouTube unlisted. Sure, comments would be gone, but unethical business practices shouldn't be rewarded

aida beats

I love you


Sounds like a difficult situation, but you shouldn't pay them imo. It should be either Patreon's or Vimeo's responsibility to clean that up. At least before you pay, maybe ask some kind of lawyer if this shit is even legal?


This sounds like bullshit from vimeo good to know I'll never use their service.


Agree. Patreon should not expect creators to solve this own thier own. They should have a team to assure this type of issue is identified way in advance (ie 1-2 months) so a resolution can be found before videos are removed. Does seem like Patreon is shirking it’s responsibility and my guess is someone from Patreon is reading these comments and should take this back to their executive team to fix at the root of the issue. If this becomes a recurring issue across the platform, I suspect a new platform will get created that addresses this and develops a process that works for all parties. My suggestion is to read the contracts signed to see if this is scope of your agreement. get a lawyer to assist and patreon should pay in the short term and work with you directly for a permanent fix.


Much love to the whole Channel 5 crew. Y'all have given me joy in dark times and I'm super grateful for your hard work. Five bucks a month for one of the best antidepressants ever is a steal. Thanks for getting the bs figured out for us.


Fuck vimeo.


good luck y'all


you're getting fucked - do not pay them shit

Sönke Goppelt

Yea as someone who works in IT this is patreons problem. they offer a service for users to share pictures, videos and text and they get a percentage. If they include vimeo as a provider for video they have to work out something with them and include that in their fee. Honestly this cant be your problem.


Damn, that sucks! Hope you guys will figure it out!


This is absolutely absurd. I second what everyone else is saying. Screw patreon and vimeo. We're here for you guys and will follow to whatever platform <3

josh ludlow

It seems it should of been explained more clearly, but also seems fair. Video hosting is expensive. On the bright side, it’s Tax deductible


I've worked in manufacturing and if we ran out of material and just stopped making a customer's parts without any warning or notice, and then when they complained we just told them "go buy some material not our problem," we would no longer have that customer, likely get fined for causing a line-down, and maybe even get sued depending in the financial impact. And that's without even including the fact that the "material" in this analogy, vimeo, has suddenly increased in price by 36 times as well! No chance in hell any customer would put up with that shit, they would call their lawyers and immediately move production to a competitor.


What’s the guarantee they won’t ransom you again in the future? I’m totally guessing, but it would probably be the same cost or at least more worthwhile to refund all the lifetime patrons and then use YouTube’s new membership service to provide the Patreon type experience for fans.

a k tomasi

If you pay them now, then where does it end? Sounds like legal extortion to me.


We're too used to getting it for free while ads subsidize the costs. I'm glad vimeo exists as an alternative. However, you might want to think about how to make their plan work. The top custom gives you 150/year which is 12.5/month. I don't know if August/September were outliers but you're exceeding 12.5 most months.


It's okay if you don't pay the money and find another way of uploading the videos. Don't want you to waste your money on some bullshit like this if you don't have to and I would hope that others agree with me. Praying for you and Channel 5.


I like how Patreon doesn’t know how Vimeo’s service plans work and Vimeo didn’t clearly explain in advance how its CDN charges for usage and both parties decided it’s somehow Channel 5’s problem. If you guys have to move your stuff, I’m on board wherever you go.

Michelle Sleeper

Don't pay them, this is absurd. This is a problem between Patreon and Vimeo. Patreon needs to solve this, not you. If the worst thing that happens is you re-upload videos and spam patrons, that's way better than paying $16k in extortion.


I think the long term gain of moving away from Vimeo will outweigh the short term harm caused by confused patrons. If this is what they’re doing now and they charge by bandwidth, it just seems not scalable as you to continue to grow. Maybe it does mean Patreon is at fault but even so I don’t see Vimeo changing their stance on it. I’d say just go through all the Patreon posts and archive the comments, save any other stuff from your Vimeo and let them close it. What struck me about your departure from AGNB and that other predatory company was the unapologetic and decisive way you did it, even though that may have similarly scared many people who were previously subbed to AGNB Patreon. Switching away from Vimeo just seems like the way to go, if only to figuratively flip them the bird another time (seems like you already cussed them out lol), but also to stay miles away from any similarly sharklike partner


I don’t think anyone would ever think you and the Channel 5 crew pulled a fast one and ditched your audience and fans. I’m with everyone else who says that Patreon should solve this problem - only the reality is they don’t have to (and apparently aren’t) and Vimeo in the mean time has an ass backwards way of going about things. I bet other creators on Patreon have run into the same wall already, so it’s extra shitty nothing is being done to at least make things more transparent or straight up better for the people who bring the eyeballs! Anyway, keep up the great work. It’s brilliant, and my heart flutters whenever I see you posted a new video. Thank you.


When I load new comments, they’re already “liked”. Is anybody else getting that? Not a huge deal until it looks like I liked something crazy.


Dude FUCK THEM, dont pay the ransom. Yall have been marching to your own drum this long dont stop now. These limpdick techno fascists can GET FUcked


Fuck Vimeo, use them alot as my client's video host, will not be using them anymore!


we support you brother


Just upload them in batch, like all the old vids in a folder. Maybe put a text document of the original post content for context. Hell you could probably run a scraper on the comments. This shit is genuinely ridiculous, find a better platform and upload there. They could just as easy take advantage of you again in the future and then where are you?


Fuck these corpo pigs extorting you like this. No matter what choice you make we’ll support you. I’m sorry you have to deal with this bs.


I would love for you guys to say fuck you tooi them and not pay it but realistically maybe paying it/moving on and finding another option before you pay them again is better. Either way, we support you guys.


Fuck Vimeo what a bunch of thugs! Don't pay the ransom! Your true fans will follow you wherever you go. Boss up boiiiii!!!! But seriously, Vimeo is schistey af. Whatever you do we trust you and will be here to watch your content. Channel 5 bay-beeeee


I'd email their CEO with the Senior Account Executive CC'd. Ask the AE to escalate this internally to their manager / VP as well https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjalisud Worst case, and I think Channel 5 should head to Vimeo HQ for some answers.


Are you telling us that you don't have local backups of videos you've posted on the internet? How are they "holding them hostage"? The text from their screenshots explicitly say that they're just going to remove your hosting. That's not a hostage situation. I don't think I can continue supporting a creator who consistently platforms white nationalists and who editorializes takedown notices to inflame their audience. This is Alex Jones shit. I expected better from y'all.


Whaaaaaaat... You guys just can't catch a break! Really feel for you. Never really used Vimeo and never will after reading this. Scumbags. Hope they choke on that $16,500. We're with you wherever you go, lads!


Shame on those Patreon users that assumed you were bamboozling them. You've never handled yourself in such a manner, so to ASSUME without all the details you were doing such a thing is a personal issue on their end that unfortunately you have to pay for. Keep up the good work and hopefully Vimeo comes to realize the full circumstance and grants you grace!


This only makes me love you more! You can sincerely charge me double. I’ve been paying for the Vimeo pro for years (no one watches them - so no ban with issues). I just love that Vimeo decided to be pricks rather than be media allies . As always - you rule . Jj

Cheekz Clapperton

Waiting on the “fuck Vimeo” shirts patiently

Cheekz Clapperton

Let’s go raise hell at the headquarters lol protest time baby ,


Sorry to hear about this guys. If you ended up opening a GoFundMe or something to support these costs I'd donate in a heartbeat


Anyone who un-subbed because of this is brain-dead.


If you guys give permission i'd be down to take some time out of my day to extract the vimeo vids and upload them unlisted to yt


This is always going to be an issue with platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. We're all just handing over content for them to profit from and then banking on their good will to allow us continued access. As a paying subscriber - I'd really love the ability to download each video for my own offline consumption. Maybe you could share the originals in an archive for your patrons to download :D


F**K Vimeo!?

Matty Groves

ALL my homies HATE vimeo


Screw the banksters


Damn bros! Really 500+ people dipped because of that? I feel like Patreon is exactly the platform to hold on to while an artist is blindsided like this. Got you guys, never losing a subscription here. Sucks to see you guys dicked around again. I'm sure we could raise some coin somehow to get that ransom paid. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


fr fuck em on 55


What the fuck is vimeo full of assholes what a goddamn rip off. Sounds like you should get a lawyer involved of your own.


nah don't pay that for some comments do something good w the cash and put em up somewhere else ain't nobody gonna catch feelings that their bad jokes are gonna get ethered, you're prob doin em a favor sendin em to the essence


Vimeo can lick my balls. Seriously, you need to keep your independance against those shady practices. Vimeo always sucked and ever will. Use the money for something else, not paying them. What the fuck is this shit ?


Don’t pay


Don’t pay them bro fuck vimeo I didn’t even notice and the people who cancelled aren’t real fans


I still support you guys through thick and thin. I love what you guys do. I decide to pay for this subscription because I want to do my part to keep this channel going. Fuck the haters. Lmk if you guys need help with logistics, costs, and etc. I’m not a marketing major but I am economics!!!


You’ve got this. Involve Patreon, make it a thing.. It seems they should support you fixing it with Vimeo.. Sucks you have to spend energy on this instead of making content and doing what you’re here for.


Don’t pay, they will use this as grounds to demand more money in the future. Once that precidente is set they can take you to court and the fact that you paid once before is an arguement that you “know deep down that you were supposed to pay” it’s a commen exploitative tactic I’ve seen YouTubers get hit with. Get a lawyer ASAP


Straight up contact a lawyer


Fuck Vimeo. What’s the best way contact them and tell em how shitty they are being? Twitter?


I love email two “if you continue using profanity…” man fuck Vimeo.


Don't pay them, back yourselves and move forward!!


Worst case reupload, really don't think you should accept extortion like that.


$9k would be MUCH better suited in your legal budget to fight back against these pricks.


Fuck Vimeo. Don’t pay them shit!


I feel like patreon is equally responsible ?




bruh this is why vimeo never had a shot against youtube. Fuck Vimeo. Also, why isn't patreon paying this fee. They are the ones who didn't bother building a video hosting service. I assume they take a cut of your subscriptions and I'm sure they've made more than 16k off your channel.

Heath Gardner

Agree with other commenters, patreon got you in this mess and should get you out. This is bullshit, don't pay Vimeo the ransom.


Yuck, hope this works out without you getting screwed


Those who left are not real fans


imagine being offended by "profanity" in 2022. fuck those asshats. dont give them any more money.


Lawyer up and Fuck em


Uhhhhh - how is this not a Patreon problem? If they direct you to embed videos on their site and do not provide a meaningful explanation as to how this works, why the fuck are they not fighting to support their creators. Seriously, I appreciate the explanation in your update, but where is the discussion on Patreon's role?


Yo this is bogus as shit. I got a projector and a bed sheet you can host your vids in my back yard. Only thing is the domain is @hellokittyonline.net 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck the bullshit! Completely predatory practices. Typical big shot assholes crying over their bottom line and being completely tone deaf to their consumers. Lawyer up!!! In any case you have plenty of supporters who will not jump ship over a technical issue, those subs you lost are reactionary neck beards, they will be back!! Best of luck to you guys. So stoked for you to release your movie with Abso!!! <3<3<3

Buz Lee

I'll be supporting whatever y'all do as long as I'm able. Insane to me the bad luck y'all have had but I hope with our support y'all can plot a course to the future that avoids messes like these.


This also sounds like a Patreon problem for using vimeo's infrastructure, they should probably be their own hosting service. Vimeo seems like a decent company, but I'm sure this costs a lot of money for them to host and deliver your videos without anyone actually going to their site. Why not host your videos via YouTube unpublished instead? Since Google is a massive corpo your amount of video watching traffic wouldn't be nearly as impactful or costly as it is to Vimeo.


fuck vimeo


man this makes no fucking sense it sounds like vimeo didnt even explain to you guys how you exceeded the bandwidth esp if you have a pro account. also how tf does patreon not take more ownership of this situation? An alternative solution for you guys to cut ties with vimeo would be to just post private videos to youtube, and somehow get patrons emails to give them viewing permissions but this would be really messy, and require you to be responsible for personal data so not a great solution. it sounds like you are almost being targeted as a popular creator for money. sorry your guys' journey has been so eye-catchingly successful its led to corporate malpractice against you guys so many times in a row.


You guys should ask Ethan Klein to connect you with Emily D. Baker she is a lawyer on youtube they are friendly with and maybe her covering this bs on her channel would push the needle on Patreon and vimeo's practices. this is very anti-creator terms of service. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheEmilyDBaker


Don't let them do this to you! I'd be happy to see a bunch of re uploads over knowing that you guys are getting fucked over by vimeo. Take this to twitter and the public will support you. People are tired of this kind of shit and I bet the bad press against vimeo will get them to bend. You'll be praised for making a stand. Maybe in the meantime reupload some of the more recent content to youtube as unlisted videos and post them to patreon?


Fuck that. Just reupload the videos.


reupload we dont mind

Grant McKinney

max and chad of Cold Ones had the same problem


fuck vimeo and lets go to another service or thingy


I don't know much about patron or vimeo from a user standpoint, but that aside, you really need to explore all of your options before you shell out $16K. Obviously you will, and hopefully you'll find a solution. Why don't you just create your own website and build from within? Read up - https://theabundantartist.com/use-patreon-take-payments-site/. Found this too: https://ghost.org/resources/patreon-vs-your-own-site/. Second time you've been blindsided and time to build that island (boy)! I'M NOT FUCKING LEAVING!


Fuck them don’t pay!! ❤️


boycott vimeo

Michelle Sleeper

Commenting again... If Patreon uses Vimeo for video uploads, then I'm just not sure how this is ANY individual creator on Patreon's problem. Patreon should be paying Vimeo for hosting/bandwidth wholesale. It shouldn't be the responsibility of any individual creator.

Ossian Mills

I feel like this is something that a plan on patreon should include - like patreon should be paying for this data usage as they are the group making this upload happen in this way.


Andrew, Nic and Evan, sorry that you're having to go through this nonsense. Thank you for the explanation. Hoping you can find a solution that doesn't involve paying this BS ransom. Best of luck Channel 5


insane shit- you'll push thru tho- everyone LOVES yr content


start your own website dude


This is what I was thinking, the only issue I could really see is if the video is unlisted it can still be shared... not sure if that goes for being unpublished though as well.


Im so sorry to hear this. Absolute bullshit they're putting you through


Check out floatplane. They're creator friendly.


Wtf don't pay those scam artists. So shitty to see yet another big company trying to fleece money out of a small operation. Much love to the news team and all the work you guys put in


Don't pay


Try out LBRY


I think the guys over at Cold Ones have had to deal with the same thing....they just had to pay it. Sucks, man.


Don't pay. Spam me with old videos please.


No lawyer the fuck up and see whats really happening


more fucking bullshit you guys don't deserve. I think the vast majority of us know you're not trying to scam us or anything, I just wanna support you guys I don't even care about exclusivity personally


If there's any way we can help at all, please let us know! Anybody who cancelled memberships or left, instantly, over this problem... clearly wasn't a true supporter to begin. Y'all have always been headed places and you're still on your way. Vimeo can't stop you.


How could this be an issue that YOU need to resolve with Vimeo, instead of Patreon with them ?! Do you not have a contract with Patreon, with them agreeing to host your videos, in exchange for the commissipn they take? Must be. I'd propose looking into your Patreon contract. Why not spend a few hundred $ on a proper lawyer for the chance of finding a handle here.


that fucking sucks dude hope you get it resolved!


Fuck em don’t pay


Fuck Vimeo!


You could legit just use pornhub. They won’t censor you and have said before they’re cool with people posting not porn


On the plus side you're popular enough to start getting shakedowns from tech companies. Sure your lawyer will get this sorted. Good luck on the movie! Insane how many great vids you're making on top of that


Cold Ones had a similar issue with their patreon account for $10,000 if I remember


Appreciate the transparency. I sincerely hope you find away to avoid paying extortion to Vimeo.


Oh, so THIS is why Vimeo is never going to beat YouTube. They charge their fucking content creators instead of paying them. Absolutely the dumbest shit I've ever heard. It's worse than OnlyFans banning porn. How monumentally stupid for a video company to do.


Man y’all would never scam. Sad to hear so many Patreon fam are out but hoping they come back! I’m sticking around. Good luck guys, this is some major bullshit with Vimeo. I support y’all on Patreon but wish Patreon could somehow use a different streaming platform so that their creators don’t get fucked over like y’all did.


Also stoked to hear there’s a movie in the works!!!!

Sabel Flynn

is this post a psy op we’re meant to see through to understand that patreon is screwing u? blink twice


Wait seeing all videos are up, I guess this was cleared up?

Taylor anderson

dang it man, I just joined haha


Thanks for the explanation, I hope yall get through this without all the BS. This is fucked up.


Fuck vimeo


So lame, especially after what happened with all gas. Best of luck to y’all hope you get her sorted.


There are other content creators who proved that they didn't exceed the data limits of what Vimeo is claiming and this is basically a huge shakedown because their stock has plummeted. This is insanely fucked up and sorry it's happening, people need to spread the word about these assholes.


Ay yo Andrew any update on the situation dude.


Fuck vimeo All my homies hate vimeo


Nobody uses that website bro just leave you got the patrons vimeo will burn


Don't pay them man, fuck that.


Wow thats some bullshit. You guys cant catch a break. First, you get your name taken, and now a totally different company is holding your art for ransom.


Don't pay then! We will stick with you as you transition to something like unlisted youtube videos. Check and see if patreon can apply pressure on vimeo, as you can credibly threaten to make life miserable for patreon by pointing out to other people on patreon that patreon doesn't have their backs.


Don't pay for that bs! People will totally understand and accept when you switch to another platform.


dön't pay!




Don't pay them. Just reupload everything!


that stinks. good luck channel 5


Really sorry this happened to ya'll. I know one of my other patreon crrators had an issue with vimeo too, and it was a hassle. However, since you must use them in order to post videos on Patreon, its odd they don't have their own language around that. If there is a way to do it fully on your own , we will follow.




Honestly bruh dont pay fuck it, if u gota run it to only fans Foos swear like its a big deal. You and the boys one of the most open comment creators fuck those lames for even thinkin yall scammin Straight up BOLEN PARQUE REPRESENT




Don’t pay that shit


Don’t pay—the comments will be gone, but not forgotten. Don’t give into their corporate strong-arming—take your business elsewhere. Tell ‘em to kick rocks as you ride off into the sunset with your goldmine of content.


Just reupload it all 1 shot

Lilith Levisis

nooo wtf how can they do this


Don't negotiate with terrorists. Re-upload. My inbox won't mind.


fuck vimeo, complete bullshit


demetrius summerville


Just subbed to you and see this message. Sounds shady as fuck on their behalf. I ain’t cancelling whatever happens!


Vimeo needs a bitch to sit on their face, actual ass lickers. ill sub if u move platforms


Just reupload, we don’t mind


I've been a patron since the early all gas and will never cease supporting y'all. If you have to reupload to avoid paying, we will understand.


Im also a patron of Tim Heideckers Office Hours and they use unlisted YouTube links. Compression be damned it's free


Reupload, don't negotiate. I'm fine w/ unlisted youtube links for early access; if some custers share the links before the videos are 'public' that's on them.


fuck em keep your money fellas


Reupload. Fuck em. Just title all the videos “REUPLOAD (fuck vimeo) : ___________”


That should be fucking illegal


Pretty lame of Patreon to just throw up their hands and leave you to deal with Vimeo on your own due to what's essentially a fuckup on their part. They didn't tell you they were using Vimeo nor inform you that there are limits to what you upload, then you get screwed and they dip? Fuck that. FWIW I'd support you moving to a different platform that takes better care of its creators, but I can see how doing that would just make all the unsubbed dummies think they were right all along. In any case, don't waste $16k or even $8k on that POS company. Just reupload.


Don’t pay


y’all need a better lawyer. isn’t this the 2nd time your content has been held hostage?


Yo you guys don’t pay man.


nationalise the internet


Vimeo is a joke service


Only a custer would pay the ransom. Never give up


you could upload the videos to AWS S3 or GCP, would be cheaper for sure. let me know if you need a software engineer ;)


this seems like 100% Patreons responsibility to fix. I would press them to resolve this as its their companies decision to engage in a business relationship with Vimeo, who is now shaking down their customers. Definitely don't pay. If they actually delete your files and you arent exceeding their storage capacity then I don't see how their TOS was approved by their corporate attorney to have language that would protect them retroactively engaging in a hostage like scenario with paid users who have followed the assumed deal you engaged in(1tb max=$250). Weird troll if this is some inside joke


tickle your nose tickle tony

Michael Blackwood

It's really staggering how much your content has been held hostage since you've started. Really sorry you're having to deal with this, instead of just focusing in on your incredible talents. Honestly, this just seems like an incredibly shady move from Vimeo to squeeze more money from you, and Patreon really should step in here and take responsibility. I'll continue supporting you regardless - it might be worth looking at setting up a cloud-storage type account or something, I know you can do some pay-as-you-go storage options that might protect you from this kind of corporate fuckery. Keep doing what you're good at, people are desperate to support you. Literally just had a chat with a friend last night who was asking "What happened to All Gas No Brakes?" and happily pointed them towards your new stuff. Seriously love everything you're putting out, nothing but huge respect for you here.


damn sorry to hear that, i love your content, just bought some merch!


Wtf dumb pricks we love you guys


Wow pay them off and don’t use them (if you can help it) in the future. Keep hammering


Fuck Vimeo! Been with you guys since the beginning and supporting you now all the way from Germany. Keep it up. Your follower are staying with you, even if you have to upload everything again. Dont let them milk you like a cow. All the love from Germany. We all love you and your work guys ✋


Can tell from these comments a lot of you are incredibly naive. Companies do stuff like this all the time. Vimeo is within their rights to charge. They clearly outlined their expenses and rationale for the extra cost. And channel 5 can either accept this or not. Lmao this is how business works. It’s like you all are just realizing we live in a capitalist nightmare.


wow that fucking sucks what scumbags


Use drop box I subscribe to another creator Jon Denton and they did almost the exact same shit to him. He switched to drop box and as far as I can tell it’s a good platform


i will dead vimeo


Do you guys not have a lawyer???


Bruhhhh fuck patreon. Why can’t these guys just fucking film. It’s really good fucking content damm


Any update on this? What ended up happening?


Just re upload, who cares, don’t bend your knee to these bottomfeeders


show us the profanity lol


Don't pay them shit, none of us care about our comments. Screen cap all of them for the archives, re-upload and move on.


I would vote to not pay them, but fine with either decision. Unfair situation to be put in.


Just signed up to donate after reading this post. Such a fucked up situation. Don't give those scumbags any money, unless you guys do a Kickstarter/GoFundMe or something and we could all throw in like a few bucks? Idk. Sorry to hear this is happening guys.


It's a bad situation but data and servers aren't free. They were doing 1000s of gigs of data per month. $250/month ain't gona cover it .


This doesn’t sound like your problem. It really sounds like a Patreon and video issue. Fucking ridiculous


Why would you not have back up copies of your videos on a hard drive somewhere 🤦

Alexander Sharp

In the words of Wendy Williams, "Death. To all of them."


Go tot only fans fuckem


Fuck em love you guys


I don't get how this isn't Patreon's problem


Fuck Vimeo, just subbed to Patreon and love your content guys, I hope you get a legal attorney or something and fuck over Vimeo for this


Extremely well written guys. I just subscribed - this is literally the first thing I saw after paying - and this gives me all the more reason to support you guys.


Nah don't pay it. The comments ain't worth $16,500, and they'll just keep doing this to other creators.