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Wanted to show you guys some extended cuts of interviews and an additional interview with from the Recall Newsom rally earlier this month in Long Beach. Hopefully YouTube mods don't delete or age-restrict this one. 


- Andrew, Nic, and Evan 


Recall Newsom Rally (Part 2)

Some additional footage from the Recall Newsom Rally earlier this month in Long Beach, CA.



That one really hit me in the cringe.


"We need cameltoe OUT"


those girls definitely fart

Mr. Pie

Heads up YouTube announced today they're cracking down completely on anti vaccine stuff so you guys might get an unfair takedown


So much hate, so little brain cells


Imagine if Kelly put all his energy into something positive, like curing cancer or bringing back the grilled stuffed buritto


my boy dropped some funny ass video




these girls are obsessed with fesces


This is the best value in entertainment, hands down.


i didn’t watch this video yet but i just wanted to say hi


Man, those two at the beginning come so close to making cogent points (e.g., about trauma-informed care, early childhood education, the delicate balancing act that is mental health care) and they just completely drop the ball smh


Those girls did not say shit


Thank you for the zoom in on that cop, I laughed my ass off


Never seen a man look so excited while shouting “cameltoe” in public.


Andrew/Nic/Evan would you ever consider ditching YouTube? You deserve a better platform. I get that they have the largest audience but maybe a hybrid approach might work better. It would at least allow you to publish your content as you see fit instead of taming it to fit YouTube's content policy (which obviously can't understand the subtleties of your presentation). Anyway, love the channel and what you're doing. The long cut with the valley girl rambling had me cracking up 😅

Benjamin Jones

That interview that you conducted with those two conservative women is something that could never take place on any cable news channel, or any measure of overtly left-leaning media outlets. You giving them a platform to speak their ideas (some accurate, some decidedly not at all) and showing their humanity, all through asking the right questions in an unbiased way. Absolute 11/10 content


ok just watched yea that’s rich


I really thought Kelly was about to start freestyling around 5:30


You certainly know where to get the good PCP... and by good, I mean the stuff that really fucks your brain up.


Andrew just theroux-ed them into saying what a camel toe was.


It’s the hot takes on houselessness and the kops being defunded by the girl with the “daddy” necklace for me - not a single brain cell in sight… and if she’s got a problem with “angry women” she never wants to meet me 😘

Andy Guerrero

those girls are looking for socialism. thats their answer


Love the compassion. That one girl was pretty close to suggesting affordable housing for the homeless so that’s something

Prognostic Hannya

"[Homeless] people can't integrate into society... we need to build something a mental hospital, but a lot more humane. Something like apartment housing." So... you're in support of public housing? "NO THAT'S SOCIALISM"


I’m only a minute and a half in and I honestly don’t know if I can get through this

The Worst of all Possible Worlds

there’s no way out for people like the lady at the end. they’re too deep in it. it’s a fully distinct reality from the one we inhabit

Liam Borja

It's like fucking witchcraft that you can keep a straight face during this shit, and bravo to those camera shots, lol man I could almost see into that woman's cellular system

Simeon Ayton

That choice of music tho


Unfiltered raw penis at 1:59


He's correct that in CA many of us don't like Biden or Newsom, but Trump and Larry fucking Elder are NOT our preferred alternative


I run a free store in Upstate NY and most of the old timers in the town are like those girls. They recognize issues and have some plausible, on-the- right- track- to humane, and also generally socialist, suggestions...and it's freaking painful that they put their trust in politicians and systems of governance, that don't give a fuck about the poor, to fix these things. Most of the time if you offer these people the chance to help out and actually get their hands dirty and volunteer, they will. idk starting to rant a little.


anyways ya'll kill it


I’d still hit


I love the edits on these, the camera work is unmatched as well.


Can you guys do something with the Discord server already? I and many others are willing to do it for you even, but it's literally as barebones as it gets and you've been saying you'd do something with it for months and months. The room's got a community of several thousand people, and you're not taking advantage of that at all.


Honestly I don’t think those girls were completely off in what they said in the beginning minutes of the video. It’s just funny because what they suggested was not at all right-leaning policies.


😂😂😂😂😂 god I love channel 5 ACTION news with Andrew Callaghan


He’s gunning for bill joyner


I feel sad when i hear an elderly woman talk about adrenochrome :/


Lol so they are advocating for more public housing and greater welfare.... sounds like they aren't on the right


As a European I'm equal parts fascinated, horrified and bemused at how people get fixated on these ideas. People need to learn some basic critical thinking skills or social media misinformation is going to rot through all our societies.

Jonathan Norris

I totally agree! They were making sense when it came to the mental health issues. And it is true, many homeless want to stay out on the streets. I can't speak for them all though. But then they devolved into some immature girls and complained that dogs were eating chicken bones, like c'mon, pay attention when you're walking your dog and they'll be fine :)




California loves choice! (But not all choice, not women's choice to terminate a pregnancy, that's called protecting the babies.)


It's fun to see videos come out if your home town. LOL


If anyone wants children's blood, bang my line, Hollywood fresh 👀


Love the content (obviously) but i think it's a bit fucked up that Patreon links directly to YouTube which then continues to show ads. I thought i was paying for Patreon so i don't have to see ads?


Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina still answering those questions with complete thoughts and sentences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww


Those girls are so bad


Republicans: don’t tell me what to do Those girls: “force them against their will”


Channel 5: The Kelly News Network.


Ad-free viewing isn't one of the Patreon benefits. You have to pay YouTube for that separately


Yo Kelly almost started rapping this time. These character arcs are starting to get wild

Austin Flippin

More veneers than brain cells


Can you Please get in touch with Michelle and update her permissions in the Discord server??


God the Hunter Biden chick looks weirdly like a young Kristen Wiig am I the only one seeing that??


I love it when right-wingers suggest blatantly left-wing solutions and don't even notice the irony. Thanks Andrew and Channel 5. <3


Fuck Bill Joiner.


The last two minutes of this could serve as a PSA to use moisturizer in the sun.


did one of those girls turn into the lady at the end


First time I’ve heard tha term throw away kid 🤣🤣


I had drugs once. I’m homeless now. No more drugs though. Drug free baby. Should have stArted at school.


What is with people saying “I heard this was coming out...” like they’re somehow ahead of the curve.


''Where did you learn about hollywood stars drinking childrens blood?'' ''Reddit'' eyyy


I remember when I also chose to be homeless


Newsom is daddy


I really want to know what she thinks the “two things” that Alex Jones wasn’t right about. I hope at least one of them was that the Gov is adding chemicals into our water making frogs and people gay.

Lilith Levisis

while millions die from opiate epidemic they are worried about walking their dogs near used needles....


i was homeless on the streets from 17 to 19 and i didnt want to be there at all lol


id smoke crack with Alex Jones

Samuel Brenny

I went to Northern Cali in 2020 and they all had "Recall Newsom" signs


"clean up the homeless" are you jokinggggg girl be silent

dylan weiser

Is that kobe guy these girls sugar dad lmao she got the daddy chain