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Enjoy the conclusion to our Miami Beach Spring Break video. What did you guys think? Dropping YouTube video tomorrow. 


Miami Beach Spring Break (Part 3)


Joe King



Keep 'em coming!


Best one yet andrew, can’t wait to see what’s next 🔥🔥🔥


Awesome! Audio seems a little blown out though


That guy in the polo was definitely doing it for the thrill



Benjamin Glover

Your endeavors to document all of north america's indie rap scene is impressive


Shout out to Jack and Coke

Danny Buchanan

Really good, I can't wait to see how it all turns out


Shoutout to the world's #1 journalist 🔥


Great you're back in style! My only request is more Donkey Kong Country music


Really enjoying the new content Andrew, keep it up! Shoutout to Vans


These are the perfect length in my opinion. Just when I want to turn it off it's over. That is good editing.


This seriously might be the best video you've done yet man! This is genuinely incredible journalism.


the guy with the ice cube t shirt had me like "go off!,,, wait,,, yeah tell them!!,,,wait..."


Holy shit, to laugh or to cry at these fools. But seriously, Vans do make you dance.

jon washington

Any side by side of what the media is saying vs what is really happening hits hard.


“I haven’t been taking the flu shots for years. Just because like, they give you part of that shit, you feel me” lol


Disappointed that PCP guy didn’t come through much more 😂


White boy summer 🔥🔥🔥🔥


can we get a white boy summer counter on the screen to tally every time someone brings it up


Return of the king of folk journalism. The final video is gonna be great


there's some good stuff in here but I feel like y'all can cut down this section to under a minute. like 15-20 sec from the ice cube shirt guy. vaccinations. covids the flu. cuevo dude getting $100 a picture lol


Yo straight up any legal work you need you can send it to me pro bono ( free) mloob90414@gmail.com


few goodies in here but overall weakest of the three for sure. Ice cube shirt dude can stay in, maybe vans shirt man too


Hwhite boi summa


Quavo makes the cut fo sure lmaooooo


I feel like the comedic shit and the more serious shit should stay separate. It’s a little disorienting. that’s my only critique here, I would like more separation


Definitely leave the dude with the dreads in who was talking about medicine and the black community. He was a bit confusing and all that but he made some great points about the acceptance of vaccines et cetera among the black community. I really think you should keep at least parts of that in the YT cut, its an aspect of medicine in the US that not a lot of people understand so his vision of that would certainly add a nice perspective to the video


I went to law school on a full scholarship bro, I'm not worried about making money. I believe in your project a lot and when the time comes we can sort that shit out.


But I dunno these interviews speak to me and I feel like it's important to the world




Loving these so far. You're not just here to be funny court jester. so personally I really like the mixture of comedy with a more serious journalistic notes.


The woman terrified over covid and then uncomfortable with the vaccine was a nice touch. Jack and Coke guy was pretty funny.


we’re all going to die lol


I'll hop in an rv to advise or do whatever man. My wife might not be too happy but the way you do things and conduct yourself around people, this needs to go to the masses


Fantastic but definitely needs some work on the audio mixing, the first bit was physically painful on the earbuds


Yeah while I disagree with the antivax shit, the stuff he was bringing up regarding lack of trust because of shit like the Tuskegee experiments is very valid


It's wild that all you have to do is put a mic and a camera in someone's face and there's a decent chance that they will start rapping. It's happened in nearly every video. Love your content




If there isn’t a rapper in your next video I do not want it.


good stuff


It was really good but it ended a little abruptly




Keep homeboys part of the interview talking about POC and police, that’s great content/good conversation. but the antivax stuff is misinformation. Don’t wanna spread that. Take that part of interview out.


This is the best set of the three. And my "favorite" here is the guy expressing the very reasonable distrust of authorities but sliding right into full-on anti-vax insanity. The previous two videos had way too much of frat guys just being gross and boring frat guys, for my taste. I don't need to see much more documentation of boys behaving like entitled brats. :)


dont agree. i dont want to not see stuff because it's "misinformation". whole point of these interviews is to see people in all their ridiculous crazy glory.


Sadly that dude with dreads seems really intelligent but just misinformed on the anti fax stuff. Totally understand why a POC would be wary though given the Tuskegee experiments. Think he just needs to be presented with new information. Love the part of him talking about police response based on racial bias. Maybe leave the anti vax part out so misinformation isn’t spread


Never stop the freestyles. They need to remain a staple in your videos. The shittier the freestyle the better


Random drunk party clip are always funny as fuck, but that transition from the black guys talking about how they had no faith in the system to the drunk white boys screaming white boy summer straight up ART


‘I know.’ -pcp guy


Disappointed to hear so many fans wanting the guy out whos taking about a legitimate societal problem. I love that you are trying to give perspectives to real issues. I also understand that you have to keep it "all gas, no breaks" type of digestible in order to keep views up, but please if you cut the important shit please make separate vids with the boring socioeconomic things... hopefully i won't be the only one who watches it.


Growing up poor means, growing up in diverse communities. The benifit is you have the unique opportunity to witness the effect of socioecomics on different cultures. Unfortunately, unless everyone has an opportunity to see the perspective of people who are not like them, we will not be able to find common ground. I like your show because you go every and are able to hear everyones perspective with out judgment. I hope more people will watch and learn something. Thanks for making the world better


It's wild! Wherever... Whenever you stick a mic in a persons face, they rap.


Omg i was like wtf why do they always rap lol... i was begging for it to end lol and the comedic cut off mid verse lol... then i begged for there to be more lol genius.


Ditto on the frat and booty boys amd also the gran ass was like straight disrespectful in my opinion but if i was there i woulda just clowned em lol.... but i am glad to see it just to have that raw perspective. I honestly wanted to ask the gran ass game guys, the thick latino booty guy and the ass eater, how much porn they watch & also if they have had a low dopamine deficiency. And if so did they have that all their life? Im weird... i wanna understamd how societal factors effect brain chemistry and DNA... the history of our society can def be seen mental health issues. And your income and race certainly factor in... okay im starting to sound like the guy lol ill stop lol


Great video but shocked no Pooh Shiesty in “Laudy”


I think it’s perfect in every way


I reckon ignore the feedback and do you bro. We were all attracted to that in the first place. You gotta trust an artist with their art, sometimes you paint a shitty picture but if 90% is firing off then you're a great artist!


fuck that bro, its a great example of what poc are worried about with the vaccine, people aren’t getting their facts from random people in channel 5/all gas no brakes videos it’s not spreading misinformation


“Shout out jack and coke” 🪦 The conversations about vaccine was important to show, I don’t blame Black folks for distrusting the government.. however with that, as a cancer patient with no immune system, please get the vaccine.. I’ve had my first dose.. I’m fine...it’s helps folks like me hopefully be able to leave the house again one day.. They say good things come in threes however I don’t won’t covid a THIRD time 🙃 Anyway, coverage was excellent.. enjoying it all 🌹💕


rather enjoyed but I found the ending abrupt. I was hoping we would check back in to see how the lady's mask burning went


sounds like classic bait and switch propaganda from sickos using population control tactics on the most vulnerable via manipulation and misinformation.


wait. that last bit was fire.


amazing as always but why so short this time?


last guy snapped


can't get enough of this


I like how the black guy seems reasonable in the beginning, but then looses all credibility when he started to talk about the vaccines :D


Lets send you to ibiza this summer


Post Concrete Pumpin


Good work. I liked the vaccine convo with that dude who was interviewed the longest. I don't agree with him on this particular vaccine but I don't blame him for distrusting the government, especially as an African American


How you feel about vans?


I second this. not sure how to feel as a white boy about white boy summer lol


Anybody else catch the AGNB shoutout


Please do not share the vaccine hesitancy discussion. It’s riddled with dangerously disinformation!


although i disagree with the anti vax stuff i think it’s brutally important to showcase perspectives from the black community about the fear and distrust they understandably have towards vaccines and the american healthcare system. Black americans have historically been fucked over by the medical community and i think it’s an important discussion to have with a larger audience who may be unaware of where they are coming from. great video as always, i’m so happy y’all are back :)


a whole ass mess

Alex Ducosin

These were interesting interviews but I did not find any of them particularly funny. If that's the direction you're moving toward, then it makes sense.


I don’t exactly see benefit from disseminating uninformed views on vaccines and medical science without counter argument with the facts


the anarchist at beginning was more serious, but i thought it was a good point to have someone explain why some are risking going out. The people at the club looked so 80s which was cool, it also highlighted that some are risking it to keep business going. The woman trying to burn the mask was also super impactful imagery.


Highlights: First interview with the anarchist. The guy that the beginning. All the rapping white guys at the end. Also the women burning the mask.


Highlights: First interview with the anarchist. The guy that the beginning. All the rapping white guys at the end. Also the women burning the mask.


Wonder if the antivax misinformation might need the red subtitle treatment like the Jewish money moment


She was complaining about Covid, yet grabbing all on the mic and putting it right in her grill lol


I think it should stay in, but maybe shortened for the general public. Here's why - anti-vax disinfo is big in the Black community and I feel like a lot of people don't understand why. Watching dude (who is a friend of mine from Portland and a public figure in the protest community) follow a logical train of thought about white supremacy, media misrepresentation and police brutality into antivax territory is an interesting digression and one that should be shown


Out of all three spring break installments, this one is truly unsettling even despite the fun bits (off-brand Quavo and people rapping). I think it's important to show how uninformed people are about masks and vaccines. But it'd be better to juxtapose these segments with facts. Not all people would understand the irony of the vid without some counterarguments. Sad how unserious people are about the pandemic still...


PCP and Quavo 😆


The impostor Quavo hustle is real


Definitely add a disclaimer about the vaccine stuff... people believe stupid shit and toss out antivax disinfo just in small talk... even from drunkards in a channel 5 vid...


different angles in all theese videos, nice to see a mixture of different thjngs going on in the 3 part series


Polo guy lame asf


Yo man love the content, glad to see you're on some new shit. Just be careful out there, brudda. Patreon money drains fast if your ass on hospital beds with covid. Much love from NC


Every on this fucking vaccine mis info shit... bitch y'all should do your own info.. if you just believing every thing on the internet you are a fool. Yall are missing the real point of that thread of info.... uggghhh


Welcome back guys,nice to see you again 😀 Greetings from Croatia


I liked the woke anarchist lol


Did something happen to the youtube version? I tried to share it and it's gone :(


Should see more violent shit in Broward man, smh HMU if you down here again and I’ll show you some shit


What happened to YouTube version? It’s gone now


Those creepy ass frat dudes probably reporting tf out of the YouTube video lmao


Good shit bro


the goat


Removed for "medical misinformation".... YouTube clearly can't tell satire

Richard Springfield

Why did the main video on Yousnoob get removed?


The fuck all thesr guys sayin white boy summer for? Lmao mad stupid

Richard Springfield

Tom Hank's dumbass kid started some thing called whiteboy summer, like hot girl summer, but for people like him: caucasian people who emulate a hood accent and mannerisms even though they are born and bred in the suburbs.


The amount of pure creeps has surprised me


Those foos at the end, TRASH!


Are you heading to MN?


It's white boy summer.


idk how to feel here?


I understand the distrust in the medical field. Especially from the black community. Tuskeegee was real and was not that long ago.


That last dude at the end is fire


Ya they trying but I don’t think they should be out in public with that ish quite yet lol. Gotta get betta


involuntary deep breath after each vid ends, whew


Didn't know Timothée Chalamet dabbled in rap.


real news


yea him mentioning the Tuskegee Study is exactly what I was thinking of when you said how the black community distrusts our gov. That guys POV is a great representation for why certain communities don't trust the WHO and FDA


poppin percocet like i got hip pains