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Here's some boots-on-the-ground coverage with eyewitnesses who were present for the assassination attempt on Trump's life in Butler, PA.


Owen Degen

saw you in Toronto, check out Princess Ramona

Samuel King

Saw you in Denver. Life changing. Thank you. 🙏

Pablo Mcdaniel

Crazy you were able to do this in the middle of your tour. Respect


This is my First Patreon video. Been loving you since All Gas No Breaks. Saw you at the Crest in Sac and thought I’d pledge my Monthly support not only In spirit but in the form of actual monetary support. Love ya Mr. Callaghan! 🩷

Barry Evans

Wake up babe...


I was so hype for this video after I saw you on that road as I was passing by

Cory Chea

Is anyone else not getting Patreon notifications when C5 uploads? I only knew to check because of Andrew's insta story

carmina h

“Why do we need the department of education” I just let out the biggest sigh

adam goodman

Lookin thin Andrew. Can’t wait to see you guys in San Diego

Brianna Foreman

the edit/tone on "oh what??" @11:14 🔥


I'm from Butler / Saxonburg. Saw your Dear Kelly Pittsburgh show, thanks for everything. 🥃🫡

Elizabeth Rudy

I can’t wait to see the film!! Going to the LA show 🤞🤝

Frei Kjær

bro found the most chill republicans to talk to lmao


the last guy had more rizz than the guy you said had rizz


Incredible speed of high quality work right in the middle of tour pls make the film available for non us residents, happy to pay

Ryan V

Would be cool if you did a live broadcast showing of the documentary available for purchase to anyone who purchased a ticket to a canceled show. Really sucked to miss out on the opportunity because of the tours scheduling conflicts.


Do you understand what they do? Education in our country isn't run by a Federal organization, so they aren't like opening schools or making curriculums. He was just pointing out that he felt education was better prior to its establishment, it was created in the 80s. His position is consistent with Republican ideals, in that each state should manage its own education and the Federal govt should be as small as possible. Feel free to sigh but most conservatives will choose state managed over federal managed agencies.

Emilio Cepeda

I second this. I didn’t want a refund I wanted to see the darn film, guys!


They really have us at each others throats, all these die hard Trump people think he is the key to fixing the economy for their kids. Thats the exact same shit liberals want. We all just want to be able to buy homes and live our lives. They just have us tied up in a bunch of nonsense issues, every issue should be related back to the economy and increasing the value of our labor or it is bullshit.


not a trump supporter in the slighest, but it makes me sad seeing all these people call this staged. a innocent man, political views aside, died trying to protect his family. i hate politics

Adam Dev

dude the pacing in this is awesome, 4mins in i thought wait is this almost over and he's doing an intro?

Ethan Hogen

I find it interesting how I keep hearing people blaming rhetoric from the left, but no one is acknowledging that there’s the same rhetoric coming from the right. Obviously rhetoric matters when violence happens to someone you care about, but I’m concerned this will only continue to escalate with each side only seeing fault in the other

Tristan Hughes

Really glad to see y'all covering this. For as sick as I think the movie is gonna be, I think quality journalism around this election is really important.


This is amazing. Love this type of content.

Fisher Yancer

Shout out M&M Concrete

Mistah Cool Slug

Andrew you shoulda let that nice man in front of Sheetz fix everything “Mechanically”. I mean to get from Butler, Pa to the convention in Wisconsin on bike in a day is no easy trick.

Emma Kaplan

I agree, but I don't think that man has the slightest clue what the department does either. ..The issue is that he's of the belief that dropping out of high school is better than continuing on to receive a higher education. And while there are plenty of exceptions, this should not be the widely accepted or believed rule. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in support of banning books, topics of diversity, or other "controversial" topics that are extremely important for the younger generations to learn.


Is that guy a pencil salesman? He had me itching for a sharpened No. 2

Michael Ward

This dude did nothing but make rambling generalizations and confirm his own bias from all sorts of directions... then went on to brag about how smart he and his generation is.


Shout out parenting.

Kaylee Rose

At the toronto screening you said that this election year will be boring and then trump gets shot, you definitely jixed it lol


Hope ya’ll get through this suit as smoothly as possible. Can’t imagine it’s been easy

o fat obas

I grew up a few minutes away from where the shooting happened. All the people you interviewed are perfect representations of what the average Butler resident is like, especially the M&M concrete guy. It always felt like the kind of place where some national-level clusterfuck was bound to happen.


As someone who was bullied, had shit parents, and a California education system that barely prepared me for the real world; this Channel rules!! Thanks for letting it be told like it is.


Not downplaying people's sadness, it's real and it's heavy and they feel it in Western PA. But, the reality is, there is an largely undereducated population in Butler, without interaction to the "outside" world and a true disconnection from "modern" world. The poor lady speaking about bringing back the Reagan values just doesnt understand that this country is far too advanced and too many GIANT wheels in motion. Trump will not return you to glory. Biden won't either. It hurts me that where I grew up is so lost.

Christopher Cruz

I really don't think this was a stunt. The kid really seems like a lone wolf, looking for his own fame. Had he succeeded nobody would of forgotten his name. But I can't help but feel like the incompetence from the secret service wasn't so accidental. In any case, I think the attempt was so positive for Trumps publicity he wins this election by a land slide. It's embarrassing to endorse Biden at this point.

Andrew Hastings

As someone who also grew up in Western PA, I agree. Pennsylvania has been hit in several ways over the years: economic downturn, a hollowing of education, and a rise in drug abuse & gun violence. In addition, more people are moving away from Pennsylvania, not moving to it, especially the rural areas. As a result, the residents' feeling of being left behind acts as a reflection of their social experience in rural Pennsylvania. These residents have likely seen many of their neighbors choose to leave Pennsylvania, and from what I've seen, this experience creates a mix of stubborness, pride, and bitterness. For example, the lady in the blue hat said, "I want my justice. I want my freedoms. I want my liberties. I want everything that is supposed to be granted to us."


Can we get the dates when these interviews were shot? Sounds like they have some details that came out a day or two after the shooting


“An largely undereducated population”…pause…

Andrew Vukich

It’s Sheetz over Wawa all day every day.

Chad Vantine

Reagan destroyed the economy, mental health treatments, and started the mass incarcerations. "Antifa" "Antifa"

Wyatt Gaines

Where did the bullet go after it went by his head?

stephen m

Corey Comperatore didnt deserve to get shot and good for him for protecting his family but he is a cunt. you can read his tweets still

Cory Chea

I think he said it was the next day. Watch the first few minutes again

Steve Hayward

It's so sad that this woman believes trump is the one to deliver what she wants. The things she's talking about... Voting for trump is voting against these interests.


There's a decent chance it was glass ricochet from a teleprompter being hit. It's ALL speculation right now, so don't go driving yourself crazy.

Zachary Michalka

Why does that 5 year old have a pacifier?

Zachary Michalka

They want to justify what they want to do, which is what that older gentleman said: all his buddies are armed at home and wanting to shoot people they perceive as their enemies and they will believe whatever narrative they can come up with to get to that point.


it's wild how fuckin' dumb these people are

Wylcey Keep

powerful stuff c5 on top


I'm just bummed out nobody was caught rapping some bars. Apart from the concrete guy.

Samu Hintsa

Murica is the best tv show ever. I love this season 😅


I’ve had 2 people close to me openly say the bullet wasn’t close enough, wild times to wish death upon anyone. Definitely in a simulation.

Jackson Beer

If u were at sheetz and didn’t get a waffle sammich ur missing out brother


come to think of it, i've had some concrete trubbs lately. better reach out 𝖒 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒


The lady interviewed first is so bizarre. Why do Americans think like this? “I want our military back” it literally has not been taken away. “I want my justice, my freedoms, my liberty.” Literally none of those things are being taken from her.


Because that's what they've been told for the past 10 years and now they believe it. Funny thing is, things that are being taken away, like abortion, ultimately would benefit the poor the most. (Not to speak down, but Butler area isn't Fox Chapel.


You show your ass getting hung up on an adjective.


If you ask some former military men about the situation, they will tell you that they have allowed the military to weaken. Recruitment numbers have been declining for a while now. They've also watered it all down with lowering standards to allow more women into more areas of it, as well as pushing the ridiculous trans agenda in the military. No actual real men want to join a bunch of women and wanna-be women. The other stuff is like, how the left want to take away gun rights etc. Abortion was never a right, no one has a right to murder. But yeah its all with a reason.


yeah you do realize how stupid you look when you call others stupid and use bad spelling and grammar though right


the education system in the US has become a giant trash can and its mostly a day care for minorities


Ok, well I do hope things improve for these folks economically.


Your military is one of the most highly advanced forces in the world. In terms of scale, armaments, strategy, technology, etc. no? From what I understand, many states are burdened by neglected and hungry children; if anything abortion should be encouraged.


Why did that 5 year old at 3:00 have a pacifier???


Where’s hey Kelly

Richard Carroll

I'm speaking from the UK so very much an outsider looking in but the conservatives going on about how "there's no place for violence in america" and "people should not be shot at" blow my mind! As far as the rest of the world is concerned, America IS violence! highest gun crime in the world, highest incarceration, biggest military, been at war since WW2, multiple baseless invasions and occupations and that's before we get to how America was started! It’s like they don’t have an understanding that moves beyond what’s happening to them.

Vincent Croes

How did the bullets not hurt anyone behind Mr T


Shrug.. If he was 15yo wearing bra and diaper you'd befriend or at least say accept it.. shame on u


You have to admit, their government and media giants have performed some sort of miracle in convincing them that they aren't the problem. This is likely why every interview with an american comes across as so utterly deranged to us. Even those that we can judge as relatively level headed, the alarm bells are blaring.


This election is a mockery of the people.


no, it's what my normal functioning brain told me when I heard these people talk


@trythinking it's weird that all the "real men" that were making our military so strong can't handle being around women and trans people & have to quit... are they babies? or do they just not care about their country?

Marshall Bender

That last guy at Sheetz was so hilarious. Great interview

Richard Smith

It’s a legit question. That kid is too old for a pacifier, not just because he isn’t breast/bottle feeding anymore (we hope), but because using a pacifier for that long will damage the alignment of his teeth. No one is here making fun of the kid, by the way. This is on his parents.

Richard Smith

“Hey, dad. You know how the President is in town? Can I borrow the AR to go to the… uh… range with it?” The answer is, “Yes, it was too easy for the shooter to access a weapon.”

Jose Aceves

do you know who huell howser is?


@trythinking critical thinking is obviously not a skill you have


@DonettaTrump why would you even make up some crazy shit like a 15 year old in a bra and diaper. You are straight delusional, my friend. I hope you get well soon, this is truly pathetic of you.


@trythinking of course you’re one of those brainwashed “blame everything on DEI” people. Yikes.


These ppl r sooo weird!!!!

Just Art

Yo dude, any idea when the rest of the world can see Dear Kelly? I saw it in Denver and it was honestly life changing. I need to show this to my friends and family immediately. Thanks for all of your hard work man.


Why am I paying $5/mo when you barely post ? And new posts go right to YT?

Kavon Zamanian

that's a question for yourself. i'm just doing it to support them. idrc about what the exact upload frequency is. you can always stop your subscription and start it again when they meet your requirements lol

Brian Herlth

Thanks for this, that poor woman is so close to the truth. Right on the cusp of it, I think everyone needs to realize no politician serves the people anymore, they only serve capital.

Cole Whitley

Well considering he’s been in a middle of a tour for his movie it’s acceptable to have the lack of posts


that lady would have a horrible day learning about reaganomics and its impact on the middle class


The Trump assassination is too big a story to just leave on Patreon. That's something you wana get out while it's topical.

Ty B


Isaac Murillo

Y’all should hit up a Kamala rally


Is there just no longer an *official* Discord? I haven't seen a link to one since I started being a Patreon supporter... happy to keep supporting but y'all should remove that from the list of benefits IMO.

Owen Degen

The discord they used to link apparently isn't officially affiliated with Channel 5 anymore, the admins there are Andrew haters lol.

Robert Bäckström

Whats upp with armband-thingy? I live on another continent.

Robert Bäckström

These dudes actually do tell tales of whats going on.. let's call it news. 75sek to get a good voew/take on things, now and then, ain't that bad. The take on what's going on in the British Isles.. crazy. The official media ain't even talking about it, here in skandinavia.