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Here is the third and final installment of our Davis Clarke saga 🎉

In this episode, Davis sits down with his longtime musical idol, Yung Gravy. The two of them have a free flowing conversation about the trials and tribulations of internet recognition, Gravy's early entrepreneurship bug, and the core lessons that inspire them both.

We hope the Davis Clarke series has inspired you, to stay locked in and keep a positive outlook on life, even when things get mundane and challenging.




My stoke had absolutely skyrocketed after dialing into this series.


Having two different characters from completely different walks of life talk like this is rlly cool, I’d love to see more of this

John Rivers

What’s the point if you release the whole thing to YouTube the same day? Sorry Andrew. I’m out.


brother he is making a movie and trying to reach a deadline lol

Wylcey Keep

I never heard of Yung Gravy but he seems pretty down to earth in conversation. It's an interesting contrast with the blingy style and decor he's got going. And Clarke's energy is just on another level.


the entire youtube video is just under 24 minutes. this interview alone is 34 minutes. not sure why you are butthurt.

Wylcey Keep

Well this discussion itself is 34 mins, youtube's entire runtime is 23 mins, for starters...


1. Help others 2. Do the right thing 3. Enjoy life everyday I really love this outlook, you can't change what happens, only how you react to situations

Wylcey Keep

The cut from 24:47-25:16 has a bit of audio desync

Austin Paine

I really want to dislike him from like, a corporate-optimism-return-to-office perspective, but I absolutely cant argue with his outlook on life. Trying to be better, lift up those around you, and feel like you're really contributing something. We can all aspire to live to that more.

Bradley Johnson

I like his attitude but his motivation is inherently flawed. Corporations are run to generate profit, not to better the living standard of everyday people. You can put your heart and soul into working for a business, but they will never see or treat you the same way if dropping you increases their profit. I don’t like the idea of encouraging and promoting young capitalist shills.


I like Young Gravy!


Andrew back in the office going hard. COVID vacation is really over

Jack Stein

Are we due for a re scheduled Boulder movie tour stop? If so can y’all please announce it on patreon. 🙏


Give us a Davis Clarke segment!! Imagine if he interviewed the kia boys or someone adjacent

Lil jonj

With all 3 parts we got 50 mins of content ,YouTube got 22 so we got more then twice as much content. And 2 parts first . Quit complaining no one asked you to pay 4 this broke boy u probably trppin on the gas prices 2 drop ur cashapp maby someone will help you out u bum

James Cobb

I love him so much

Channing C.

The best part is, hating on a dude as harmless and well-intentioned as Davis just makes you look like a massive salty loser. “Capitalism bad because this guy isn’t as miserable as me.” Lmao


Anyone else not getting email notifications about new videos?


it can be challenging to stay engaged with this Patreon but you gotta to get locked in

Sol Zero

Gravy man nearly sounded negative, can't have that, it's not about balance it's about relentless positivity


I like his outlook but the corporate glazing is for the boomers.


Originally I was thinking dude was kinda a cornball but I'm unironically inspired to be a little more positive to my coworkers and genuinely try to make other's days better with an attitude like this. Solid documentary 10/10


Typically when I meet someone this positive and motivated there is some religious angle and/or motive. Refreshingly this is not the case with Davis.


I feel my already limited IQ points dropping by the second listening to these two holy hell

Chris D'Antonio

I feel like Gravy was trying to say this at points without being too judgmental - like when he said Davis should do stuff on the side, look into charities to work with, and even do motivational speaking, which yeah CAN be corporate, but still maybe a bit more fulfilling than spreadsheets at a bank...


I think this series is a new fascinating take on how to see the world and might be two steps ahead of the audience/fans like me who tends to find 1.5 steps ahead groovy. Makes me think a lot and I like to see more in this line of series to “proper” get it.

Torin D

yeah i saw he uploaded on youtube and guessed he probably did here too

Bawb Como

Yea first third I also wanted to punch his face, but yea dudes super positive and living his version of a fulfilled life, gotta respect it.

John M

....this wasn't great.


Corporate Christianism 🙏


I loved this because it reminded me of the conversation Andrew had with the coyotes who were going to ferry him across the border. Those two kids were as entrepreneurially-minded or maybe more than Davis, were equally driven and proudly religious- I don’t think Davis mentioned whether he is religious. Very interesting angle Andrew is pursuing here and I hope he can get Davis to talk to the coyotes.

Jake Lee

That was my initial knee jerk reaction when I watched the first video in the series. I don’t think I’m being edgy when I say I have a bad taste in my mouth when thinking about corporate America. I’m a very independent person and I started my own company because I don’t want to be apart of that scene. However, these corporations are not going to change themselves. If there were more people like Davis trying to instill positive changes in the inside, would the state of things be better?


Bro, you don't need a search for a reporter you have one right here.



Douglas macleod

Davis speaks in such general terms sometimes I feel like it carries an insincere tone. He seems like a nice guy, Yung Gravy is clearly just trying to ground the conversation and talk like regular humans but Davis makes it hard. I love the vibe of both people, I just don't know how valuable this conversation is. I would say; not very.


I understand what you mean but for me it’s more about the energy that he has and the positivity on life and the people around him. That has real value too. Often not recognised but one of the most important soft skills there is.


Seeing Gravy warm up to the dude, despite his bizarre interpersonal skills, corroborates the infectious positivity that Davis evidently possesses.


Ngl whenever I saw Davis prior to these videos I thought he was pretty cringe, but now I can’t help but fuck w bro. Just a quirky beacon of positivity.

John R

I totally forgot Yung Gravy used to not show his face, i remember when he did his face reveal 😂


The dragon in the middle is hilarious to me for some reason

Casey Parker

I cancelled my patreon subscription maybe a month ago how the fuck did I get charged again??? This video especially not worth money

Andrew Kee

This guy created pizza delivery


Ooof I <3 Cinco but agreeing with my aforebrotheren and the contiunously shortening video length here - lots that can be edited out.


Bro I get 9-5 corpspeak, this Davis guy gonna make me have a stroke


Man that's awesome because it really is like youre going after it and making it happen. Starting out with your own ideas or joining others in a team and just living your dream man every day out there. Lmao.


Bro patreon is about more than content it’s about your support

Gabe Martinico

Wow, the Gravy & Clark podcast segment was fucking good stuff. That completely changed my perception on this guy. How amazing. Channel 5 is quality.

Andrew Kee

This almost feels to me like when you were busted crossing the Border some 3 letter agency forced you to make a video highlighting going back to work and corporations are good. I don't feel your heart in this one.

Juan Montoya


Calum Larkin

I like the awareness that Davis has knowing he is being catalytic. It's a simple participation in society; he's committed to the bit. If people are spending their time saying horrible shit to and about him and he doesn't care - then they aren't spending their time writing hateful and horrible shit to people who do care.


Are there any codes for the shows? LiveNation is dropping crazy fees on them; will buy either way but always worth checking


Im dialed in automating some spreadsheets for finance right now!!!!

Lydia Boucher

Gosh i just love this stuff

Wyatt Gaines

Davis, i think what you provide is more than an automated spreadsheet-- you provide guidance and enlightenment.


What a great combo of people

Danny James

Why? Why why why why…. Didn’t Callaghan say content isn’t art? I feel like this cat just invested in Andrew’s shit and he owed him a favor. I’m probably wrong, but this was fuuuuuuucked


I know this is dumb to even say, but... un-subbed. Good luck in life considering your fans are about how you aren't controlled by money... and yet you take the first tiny payment.


We GET to go to work! Let's get paid


We are all the same, but view and experience life differently. If we keep an open mind, we can view life from the perspective of others. I think that leads to a society that is closer, calmer, understanding of one other, and able to work together in harmony.


everyone in the comments canceling their sub or crying about how andrew isnt showing magatrons saying dumb things is confirmed not locked in and definitely isnt automating spreadsheets. godspeed davis thats a true dude right there. im writing my patreon support for c5 in my will

travis henson

What?! No one popping from Minneapolis? Some of the greats are.......

Kevin Cameron

Davis' dad is a real estate developer. We can all say mindless bullshit like him, he has an incentive beyond that. Especially with the whole 9-5 office vibes (support commercial real estate bs). Davis has nothing interesting to say, and often nowadays people who aren't complicated decide to default to "positivity" that is really empty, since they are really empty.

Bradley Maynor

Episode 1 “Haha this guy is such a corporate loser!” Episode 3 “Wow, Davis’ undying positive attitude and work ethic is very inspiring! Despite the challenges of my everyday life, and the negativity of the world that surrounds, I am capable of setting & achieving my goals! By embracing my situation, and seeking to help others around me life is easier.”


couldnt have put my thoughts better into words than this ! you hit it right on the nose he just seems brainwashed by corporate bs but I genuinely believe he is trying to do good in this world. His ways are just ..... interesting to say the least


literally one of the worst ideas I heard in a long time ... sorry but he isnt a great reporter , he just repeats 9-5 corpo lingo 24/7


its just (mostly) completely meaningless, shallow and non sincire sounding corpo lingo from him tbh


this. couldnt have expressed how i feel about this any better

Kevin Cameron

Yeah I went too far with that. Hes kind enough, and genuine about weird things lol. He has taylor swift fan energy. Do with that what you will.

Austin Miles

Obviously the feds have abducted our boy Andrew and replaced him with a fake body-double. Or perhaps he was brainwashed!

Austin Miles

I wouldn’t say that. Yung Gravy said that he was a marketing consultant for startup companies before he started rapping. They probably have pretty similar backgrounds. I’ve listened to some of his stuff and he’s never claimed to have ever been a gangster. I personally consider most of his music to be more satirical than anything.