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Here is the first installment of our new documentary about office-centric social media influencer and LinkedIn boss, Davis Clarke, hosted by Sidam.




Joel Margolis

i fuckin love this guy


I'm not a fan of corpo, I kinda hate that evil shit but that doesn't matter tho. This guy is cool af. He positive, he has good values, he loves life, more power to him, I hope he is real

Richard Bateman

The guy is awkward and "nice" on a surface level, which makes people sympathise with him. However, what he is spouting is pure rise and grind, hustle culture, manosphere, hyper-capitalist, individualist, positivity bullshit. He is a capitalist wet dream, someone who has fully replaced any critical thinking faculties with a love of bootlicking. A horrible, craven creature, to be pitied and despised.


Dude isn’t just the face of capitalism, dude IS capitalism