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Hey guys - 

Hope you've been enjoying the series. in this episode, we'll have an extended sit-down with Robert Banghart, an awesome dude who lived in the tunnels for two and a half years until finding sobriety in the aftermath of a murder attempt that left him with severe injuries. He's now the Outreach Director for the Shine a Light Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 2009 by researcher Matt O' Brien, author of 'Beneath the Neon.' 

Robert and I discuss recovery options, sobriety, addiction, homelessness, and the psychological barriers that trap many tunnel dwellers in a cycle of shame and dissociation that causes them to be resistant to the help offered by his foundation. 

We're currently in the process of putting together a YouTube video from this five-part series. Altogether, the total runtime is over an hour and forty minutes, and we'd like to shave some time off for the final YouTube cut ... so I was curious about what your guys' favorite parts of this series were, so I know what to ABSOLUTELY include when we go live.

Let me know.



SHINE A LIGHT donation link: https://www.shinealightlv.com/donate/


Luc Ribault

Really like the approach with thes 5 videos really personal and fuck yea glenn got an id

Thomas Zachar

Keep it all, can't go wrong with any cuts

Jackson Demorest

Any update on the documentary contest?

Braedan Hall

Such a good series. My vote is post it all LOL. Sorry that's not helpful.........

Elisha Braithwaite

Definitely include all of this interview. People need to hear this.


What a series 🤙


All of the last two episodes are great. I would probably cut out some of the editorializing in earlier chapters and let the dialogue and footage do the talking.


Shouldn't shave anything, make it a two part series maybe

Adrian Thorburn

What a fuckin crazy juxtaposition to finish this 5 part series, so sad to hear it from this other perspective that help is there an waiting but they are just not ready to take it.


make sure to keep that dude playing guitar (add full video of song if possible) glen smiling was also nice

Alex George

The interview with the "Shine A Light" guy should stay for sure. Amazing, loved this series.


Thank you for being objective on this issue and showing the different sides.


No specific ones. Don't get me wrong, I liked them all, I just think it's a place you could trim things down.

Victor G

Haven’t ever felt compelled to comment until now: *Thank you* for ending with this and thank you for chronicling your journey of understanding of this complex issue I became a patron because of the SF series and as a Bay Area native, I’ll be researching organizations similar to Shine a Light there are, if any, so I can support them. Something about how they operate resonates to the point where I would want to donate/volunteer whereas other kinds of organizations just haven’t resonated for me to that degree Perhaps it’s just me, but I feel like there’s a big appetite for supporting organizations like Shine A Light in people’s respective cities, so perhaps there’s an opportunity to get a list going and/or give more of these the spotlight like you’ve done in Vegas


Fantastic series. I wouldn't want to cut any of it but that's coming from a guy who watches 100 minute youtube videos hah Super impressed with all your recent work! Some of the best journalism out there rn

Sarah Green

I think the point of this type of investigative journalism is to not put the reporter on a pedestal. I think Andrew informs us of his personal experiences just so he’s transparent about his biases. Our take away should avoid idealizing Andrew, he’s the first to admit he’s not perfect. None of this is suppose to be about Andrew. Glad you liked the work though ! I did too

cassiah givens

Wow what an inspiring man. What he said about everyone experiencing those feelings just not usually all at once definitely hit me. This was a great series!


I honestly think this is one of your best works yet. I feel like I went on the same journey as you (Or at least the way it was edited). Like normal, you interview outsiders first. Then you get into the topic. You do your best to humanize and show the situation for what it really is. This time around you wanted to do something more than "exposing" the issue. So you organized care packages with food and supplies and went as far to help these people get IDs. The part that takes this to the next level was this episode here. It subverts what you've tried to accomplish/build up to in this series. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean that in the sense that even if you try your best to do what's right, it doesn't always work out the way you want. And Robert tells us exactly what we don't want to hear: that Glen and the others in that tunnel might never leave the tunnels. That IDs aren't (strictly) keeping people in the tunnels. That the stories of the people you interview might be real and honest, but might not reflect the truth. Or maybe they reflect only that one persons's truth. This subversion gives us the chance to see our nativeness when it comes to issues like homelessness and mental illess. I know it did for me. Robert's knowledge and down-to-earthness gives a stark grounding to the issue in Las Vegas. And gives a new perspective on your interviews with everyone in the tunnels. He's spitting truth because he's been through it. And he's doing his best to help others through it to. I have a lot of respect for how you portrayed this series. I have been heavily invested in this series and I think this episode has a lot to teach about handling issues such as homelessness and mental illnesses. Thank you for putting your journey on show for all of us to see.


This dude survived being axed in the head, what a living legend.


A side note I want to bring up is hitting a point where someone decides to try and turn their life around. I absolutely agree that an individual must make the decision for his/her self for any meaningful work to be done. What I don't want to hear is that they need to hit rock-bottom (I know this was not stated in the video). I would highly recommend watching Lewis Rossmann's video on this deeply person subject for him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnPCbDiiD8A TLDW: Rock-bottom means death. Theres's not any way to help someone after that. You can only help someone while they're still here. (Though Roberts story proves otherwise)

Nathan Smith

Best $5 I've spent Good job

Enrico Ros

The ending of this series is beyond great. After going for the ID mission and successfully completing it, we understand that's human nature at the driving seat. The ID was not the magic symbol I wanted it to be, but the plot was much deeper and makes you realize what are your "IDs" that lock you into a place in life. 10/10


Andrew and company, y’all are really amazing man

K Bail

Man, the whole thing was awesome. No doubt, hands down you have to keep all of part 5 in there.

Lauren Chan

"The part that takes this to the next level was this episode here. It subverts what you've tried to accomplish/build up to in this series. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean that in the sense that even if you try your best to do what's right, it doesn't always work out the way you want. And Robert tells us exactly what we don't want to hear: that Glen and the others in that tunnel might never leave the tunnels. That IDs aren't (strictly) keeping people in the tunnels. That the stories of the people you interview might be real and honest, but might not reflect the truth. Or maybe they reflect only that one persons's truth. This subversion gives us the chance to see our nativeness when it comes to issues like homelessness and mental illess. I know it did for me. " This part is so key.


yo andrew or susan my favorite part was emphasizing how glen sold water and got arrested but he just went back out there and had to keep doing it and doesn't seem to be scared or anything. just shows how desperate he was for a couple bucks and he had nothing to lose.

Lauren Chan

Part 5 is essential! I didn't expect to hear Robert say these things because we have been hearing from Glenn how the ID is the only thing keeping him from reintergrating into society!! I feel like all the parts are essential. If you really need to cut something, I guess maybe the metal scrapping part could be taken out? But it all just helps build the story and our understanding of these individual personalities. I really liked the secondary storyline with Boxer and his partner and the follow up of how they were stuck in the flooding tunnels.

Joe Anderson

Really touching Andrew. You and your team are doing important work. I think structurally, you could maybe abbreviate ep 3 the most if you need to shrink the running time. The scrap yard trip makes for a good non-emotional breather, so maybe Boxer’s (great) story could be consolidated from eps 2 and 3. Maybe ep 4’s DMV trip could be shorter as well.

Logan Clements

Let me preface by saying I wouldn't cut anything but if you must this is my opinion. Jay is important but given the length could probably be trimmed for time. Trim some of mamabear, no disrespect but it's about Vegas tunnels. Speed up the cooking sequence. Trim some of the scene with Glenn when you come to give him the ID. Keep everything from the last installment. Just my two cents. Thanks for the great work!

Alfie C

I love how you approached the juxtaposition for this series. From indulging in the daily life, hearing their struggle stories, to helping out, and finally interviewing a fellow ex-tunnel dweller. I feel naive to be surprised that Robert knew Glenn. It’s very sad to hear the lack of acceptance from the tunnel communities side. You can’t blame them tho. As you mentioned in earlier parts, confidence is such a massive role played in staying in the tunnels and shame is the destroyer of a self-built confidence. I don’t want to wish for those you interviewed to watch the videos of themselves and feel any sort of extra shame, but rather read the comments and be inspired by the amount of people who love the characters we’ve been introduced to. To feel empowered by the community to do better and realize life can be comfortable even with real world stressors. In a lot of ways it’s those every day stressors that make life worth living. Good or bad, feeling is so important. If we get stuck in a lax state of minimal existence, what kind of life are we living?


Release it all as one episode. People will watch. I'll watch it all again bundled up for sure. Great work!


Donating 🙌🏽

Alfie C

Also: I don’t think the series needs to be trimmed. As an avid C5 watcher, it does everything it needs to. People who are interested won’t pay mind to an extra 20 minutes here or there. Imo it’s hard to trim things like the scrap yard or dmv without taking away from the journalistic side of “I only made half the money I thought I would” or “we waited in various line over the course of 8 hours before achieving what we needed to”.


I was really afraid that this is where the video would end. It's all sunshine and lollipops one day but the reality is that they're in those tunnels by choice. I'm REALLY rooting for Glenn, but, when he came back and was like "Well, I've tried a little Meth. Just a little" it really brought me back to reality. Thanks for hitting this particular topic from so many angles. Well done fellas.

morgan k

the second and third video were for sure my favorite. the fourth episode was good, but i don't know if it is all necessary if you wanted to shorten the video.


Robert is the anti-thesis of all the homeless people you interviewed. Robert claiming responsibility for almost getting murdered caught me off guard! You mentioned earlier in the series that many of the homeless folks you interviewed blamed a single situation for 7 years of bad luck. Robert's unwillingness to accept a shitty situation as his fault is the complete opposite from what we've been hearing. It's so incredibly sad to hear that Robert's tried and failed thus far to help Jay and Glenn. I was totally convinced that the sob stories that Jay and Glenn were complete, and that there is no future without an ID. Hearing Robert explain that they don't need an ID to join his program and get better made me realize that instead of feeling only pity I should want the best for these folks.


I hope to someday understand life the way Robert Banghart does. If I'm lucky, I won't have to go through hell to do so.

Paul Persaud

theres a low, sub bass hum in the interview, not sure if its music or just some ambient noise


This series was unique for channel 5 in that we went on this journey through Andrew's perspective, who represented the introspective, thoughtful, well intentioned person who looks at these situations and genuinely wants to help. Everyone of us falls for the fatal error of trying to find answers that are singular. Once we find it, we think "that's the answer", and we stop looking. Many of us hold the view that the economy and opioid crisis is so bad that anyone could end up homeless. Andrew, like many of us would have in his position, clung to the idea that if they could just get an ID, then they could change their life around. When that failed, he clung to the idea that these people don't want help, that they are in denial, can't accept responsibility, so personal responsibility must be the answer. To then finish that line of thinking off with an expert that also has a lived experience is so powerful. To see that yes, those things can be true, but they are likely all true simultaneously. There are likely thousands of reasons a person is in that tunnel. People are complex, change takes time and patience, and solutions are hard fought for. Robert has lived in those tunnels, and now he is prepared to sit in there with them for as long as it takes, doing whatever he can with what he has. That's making a difference. We need to stop trying to take shortcuts to understanding.

B. Getz

5 is the best number

Wylcey Keep

No way we need a full expose on the failure of the NV DMV! 3 month wait and so many people camped out side is absurd

Eric Danner

I like this content more than the shock and awe stuff I see on YouTube. Pretty pumped for you to be in journalism for the election this year.


It will be a hard task reducing the run time and still taking the viewer on that full journey. I think a lot of people need to get hit with that reality dose we got at the end here, and it doesn't hit as hard without the full journey. I just hope people don't see the take-away as "well, guess these people don't want help", those stats were amazing with how many people Robert and his team has helped get off the streets.

Flawda Man

You’re the man man don’t stop


Definitely keep the tunnel cooking tutorial with Boxer

Daniel Hastings

Fuck yeah man! This is the best part of the video by far. I'm not sure if there's a way to cut it in throughout but this guy is fucking rad. So much good stuff here.

Wylcey Keep

Gotta keep it all, sorry not sorry


The parts about putting roadblocks in front of your own success and how people just do "what they know" really resonates. I know so many people that struggle with this, myself included. Very interesting how plugged into this life the people at these foundations are (-8 PS- I also really appreciate how these videos show a journey where the situation is portrayed with a more naive perspective and then a more informed perspective which can be almost opposite of the naive perspective. So many things in life are sort of counter-intuitive in this way!

William Jackman

Damn Andrew it was all epic. Really resonated with my partners sis went through a hellish time with meth, violence and gangs that came to head when she was mauled by a dog. She’s gotten clean and is doing way better, woulda been real cool to chat with this bro though. I can hear echos of late night convos with her on finding a way out, but being bound by external forces that her holding her back. Extended edition all the way.

Luke Reese

Favorite channel 5 series yet. Hard to pick out parts to shave off- this series was deeply moving and did such a good job of humanizing the issued of homelessness and addiction. The twist of the IDs being the easy part was powerful. Thank you team!

Josie Jos

I think that the mini reflection that you showed through last episodes shown in this part is a great thing to focus on. Not in a negative way, but in a positive way. I myself have been very fortunate to not end up on the streets, but I have experienced life very close to that. I think what saved me from my almost “dictated future” was that I had and took action upon necessary resources that were essential to me (therapy that addressed trauma, addiction, mental health concerns) that did me more justice in the end because they did address the baseline causes. I also say this without placing blame to these people that have experienced some of the worst shit in modern life to experience. I have so much empathy for them, and I really appreciate the work that you’re doing for this area. I think this issue is complex as others have said and to be honest, it’s not gonna be able to be summed up in one video, no matter how long that video is. We are all human and that means so many things. Tbh I’m only 6 mins into this part but Robert’s pov / explanations evoked this. Thanks for reading

Josie Jos

To answer your question, shave enough time off the interviews that doesn’t shave off who they are as people but include this end part and also a conclusion voiceover from what you gathered as an observer. You were very real with this people and you also have a connection to your audience so I think a balance makes sense. If you don’t know what to say, look at your descriptions or summaries of each video. Say what is real and I know you will. I think including certain news clips will help convey what you’re trying to convey to an extinct because that is what people “know” but just clip what is necessary.

Josie Jos

I say all that and I am also thinking of those who won’t experience this entire series. The first part introduced this as a film and that is truly what this is in a way

Lorenzo Gentile

Great finale to a great series. Just donated!

Austin Ceglecki

Yeah man, really sorry, but I think every part was integral for delivering the whole picture. I wouldn't cut anything. Well done. Keep it up Channel 5.

Marina N

So sad this is the last episode. Can’t wait to see your next project 😊

Music Colin

I really enjoyed their series... but here's a side thought , what if Glenn murdered someone... how many of these people are criminals on the run ?

Craig Barker

100% great series, 100%.

Will Hair

Wow this was a fantastic series. I think it all needs to stay


its really meaningful how this channel has turned the corner from filming the spectacle of other peoples' suffering to investing yourself personally, to put yourself in their shoes and learn how to actually offer practical useful help

Francisco Araneta

Vegas local here, I have seen Glenn a bunch selling his waters. Admittedly I’ve never supported the hustle though. I am really rooting for him! Also thank y’all for this incredible series. My partner and I will be donating any excess supplies we have to Shine A Light, and if we can find the time, volunteer. We’ll tell our neighbors too. Thanks Channel 5 🫡

Francisco Araneta

The trick for those who can, is to just keep checking for cancellations at all their locations, night before and day of. Then you just gotta be ready to go. But I’m privileged to have a flexible work schedule. 100% agree NV DMV is a joke

Francisco Araneta

Also it’s a tough call on what to cut. Ideally you keep all of it but maybe you could cut some of the tunnel taco stuff? Maybe some of Mr.Daddy/show girls in the beginning? But it’s all a good watch, the 5 parts fly by. And whatever you do, leave this full interview imo

Justin Jones

Tunnel tacos need to stay!!!


I'd say the conversation with robert is crucial for understanding the situation and how to help. So keep as much as you can in the final cut.

Alexander Abbas

I think all the parts are pretty important, it just paints a really nice picture that lets you see the humanity behind the faces. Imo try to leave as much in as possible! If something needs to be cut, id try to cut from the tunnel tacos

jamie medley

Another great series, thanks Andrew. Think you have totally hit your aim to bring these stories forward without sensationalism or any form or mockery. This final interview was incredible too.

Dave Rotblatt

Part 5 is essential, really contextualizes the situation

Jake Lee

I really enjoyed this interview! Thank you channel 5

Noel Luzader

agreed! I honestly think your youtube viewers would benefit from seeing most of this series it's very hard to say what to cut out


I think the scrap part wasn't essential to the story, It was an insightful part of their life, but they probably have lot's of other income sources. It was more a part they used to justify the need for an ID. But this last interview with Robert was essential, and it really give perspective on what goes on in their mind and how addiction works.


This conversation could probably be cut the most, and many of the other rambling conversations. All of them are good but all of it could be trimmed down.


That guy sure does know his sht, & it's clear he's being 💯 about everything he'd discussed w/Andrew...

Rocky Lowtemp

subtitles said "social security guard" LOL


How can you be so ignorant after making it to a fifth episode?


Amazing work Andrew and crew. This interview definitely needs to stay obv it puts the entire situation into context. You do what you do best but I did like you going on on your own with Glenn and learning with the viewer on how the process works there particularly. Hard to say what's not necessary for the cut because it's all leading up to the interview here ultimately I think.


I can see Mr. daddy being cut, and maybe having his own separate video lmao but I understand the women and most of the street interviews were asking peoples thoughts and opinions on the "Mole People" and it conveys the general publics idea on it but I don't think it needs to be that long if the focus is on the residents of the tunnels, who they are, and how to help


Definitely keep the tunnel tacos and as much humanity as u can

André Borges

There are some parts on the previous videos that can be cut without the loss of relevant information, but all of this one has to stay.


Robert Banghart & Andrew Callaghan absolute GOAT's <3

Marc Curran

I live in Belfast in the north of Ireland and have been exposed to addiction most of my life. Its hard not to be angry at those we love who are in the thralls of addiction but hearing Robert's sensitivity towards the subject is really inspiring. Thanks Andrew.


Andrew bro we gotta get u some drip

Fred Oliveira

This interview has to stay. It's also important when watched *after* some of the other clips. It is important to contextualize how the people we've been hearing about often refuse help – not because they're weird about it, but because this reality is all they know. I could see some editing on Mr Daddy's segment, the scrap segment and maybe the food segment. But it's a great series. Thank you, as always, for making these.


Wow. Robert is articulate and wise. Love his straightforward no BS talk with Andrew.... and of course, the service he is providing.


This was fucking nuts. I watched it twice in a row to really let it resonate to my core. As a guy who has made excuses due to trauma, I have recently found myself at what I consider my edge of oblivion. This was exactly the conversation I needed to hear. Knowing that I possess some of the same “woe is me” thought processes as the folks in the tunnels has really let me see what the future potentially holds if I keep feeding that monster of a mindset. Feeling insanely grateful for what I got. Keep it pushing.

Mark Melchior

Wtf???? Don’t cut a minute of this series. You’re a master at editing and this series shines. I personally have struggled with addiction and homelessness in DTLA and if musicares hadn’t taken me in(2 times ) over the 10 years I went back and forth I wouldn’t have made it. This week I will have 6 solid years of total sobriety, to give context here. The social pressures, family and friends is a factor that should be included. The sense of abandonment and the real lack of help that family and close friends exhibit in the process is heart wrenching. I’ve cut loose everyone who betrayed my trust in order to survive. Some of my closest friends and basically my entire family I’ve had to avoid completely. Often I wonder how it all came to this. I’m currently playing and producing music again and I have a cd for you waiting Andrew. Your work here has become very important to me, and I thank you.

T Fitz

Good job covering the topic, but I feel like there’s more to this issue than, “help is there for the homeless, they just don’t want it” when minimum wage doesn’t cover the basics and low wage workers are treated like shit almost across the board. Get em clean, get em a job, and watch them still unable to get by. Man, I can barely afford life and I have a decent career going.


I would have liked to hear his opinion on drug help / clean needles etc. like it is done in other cities. Good series!!

Chris Bay

Not sure what this guy is talking about. Maybe it is different in Vegas but I have worked in many entry level jobs in my life and without fail I have been required to have 2 forms of ID for every single one of them. Unless you are working illegally, off the books, the employer needs copies of those for their Federal labor & income tax paperwork.

Brett Moore

I saw the Indecline stencil in an earlier ep and some Bumfights footage (Bling Bling lighting his hair on fire) in this one. Did you guys interact with them at all? I wonder if the Bumfights/Indecline crew are doing anything positive for the homeless in LV to maybe offset some of the things they did in younger days...

Liam Robert Marchant

I lost one of my best friends to drug abuse and mental health crisis during my freshman year of university. He had a few stints of homelessness before he relapsed and passed– seeing the stories brought to light reminded me of him. Especially Glenn's spirit, rooting for you Glenn– it's never too late. Appreciate the work that Shine a Light is doing.


insightful and compassionate. thank you

Cameron Gannon

The ID takes a month he said and they spent their first 3 months in rehab so he is saying as soon as your fit to be able to work you will have the ID and a job lined up.

Owen Degen

Very conflicted on absolute abstinence being required for the program, I personally benefited greatly from incremental progress, but the ultimate goal should be near absolute. I just think it scares away too many people. The real problem is that their options are often worse than their current life, we need to make sobriety and normal living more appealing, sometimes I feel like joining em.

Fletcher Mills

This interview has a really beautiful message I think - especially with the narrative of trying to create change but also being realistic about the expectations people can have - of course it is a fine line but in my opinion I feel like there is such a beautiful opportunity here with what you are doing to create hope and educate people, but simultaneously changing the narrative of how we consume this sort of content. We are used to watching these videos and seeing people like Glenn get sober at the end and live happily ever after, but I think with this interview it really helps us understand that the journey is long and complicated and not the same for everybody, but our attitude towards helping and understanding how to create change can actually be quite simple - give as much as you can with open ears while recognising the limits of your wants. It is not even about lacking the experience these people have gone through because this interview shows that Robert was in the same position and even HE recognises his own story is still unique. I don't know how you are doing it but this really feels like the content that literally everybody should watch, it doesn't feel like we are being attacked and this allows us to open ourselves to a deeper understanding, so thank you Andrew !!


Amazing and powerful end to this series. The world needs more services like his. And men like him.

Kelli Russell

God is definitely using this man! He’s an angel on earth.

Ian Curriden

I wouldn’t cut a second of this.

Haunted Vault

Absolutely beautiful series. Truly amazing. I was very moved with Boxer's answer when you asked him the best way to help and he talked about a smile and a handshake and hello first. I broke down.

Craig Lambdin11

A great man can’t always become a good man but a good man can become great- Mike Tyson

Annelies Rom

This part is amazing. Keep all of this in ♥

Gary Bowers

Thank you Andrew and team for your compassionate coverage of important issues. There is no easy way to address these issues (especially in a neo-liberal capitalist system that requires and relies on maintaining inequality), but providing humanizing, compassionate, and nuanced care is key.


Wow this feels like such a twist. Everything I thought I knew about their situation just reversed in that last vid


I think it’s necessary. Impossible to dig out of a hole if you are digging while climbing


I really liked the overall narrative ending with this since Robert gives such a good perspective on how the ID is just one part of a long road to recovery and is such great contrast to how it was referenced to in the other segments. The topics in the order you covered them felt like we were discovering, learning about, and getting a re-frame of perspective as you did in the videos. Thanks for all your work on this and good luck on the Youtube cut!


Let's be honest this was inspirational


Touching episode. Astounded he held on to his misses for 30 hours 🥺


I think parts 1, 2 and 4 are essential for context and part 5 was a great ending to wrap it all together. I would only perhaps leave out part 3 if I had to cut something for youtube.

tanguy de courson

we all know how big andrews balls are from the shit he does, but when giving interviews someone has to tell him to stop manspreading so much


Wow im glad people like Robert exist. As a healthcare worker myself working with people suffering addiction and related issues i know its exhausting.

Ian Horner

This totally changed the way I think about homelessness. Thank you for doing the work you do.

Eric Burbeck

Robert seems like such an exceptional listener and a really amazing guy. Such a great reminder what a difference compassion can make.

jo al

Also you have your social security card which is free i think.


The DMV section was wild! I didn't know people waited that long just to get an ID! Boxer and his wife definitely should stay.

Dutch Oven

Excellent overall! Part 3, 4, and 5 were very revealing. My favorite parts of the series: Glenn confronting surface-dwellers; Mama bear is there; scraping with Boxer and going to the scrapyard with Glenn; Tunnel Tacos!; AC's beef with the DMV; Fuck that Lawyer dude; Shine a light / Robert interview illuminates so much (trying to help Glenn, Jay and crew) and I think his commentary about the term "mole people" is spot on about disrespect and punching down.


Robert's perspective and organization need to be shared with the world. Great job Andrew.

Sean O’Donnell

The day to day stuff, like what they look for when scrapping and what type of food they cook in the tunnels. Really highlights their lives in a memorable way without asking them to go out of their comfort zone!


Very nice series overall, nice build up to this finale. Ending with Robert, someone committed and passionate to help people avoid the path he once walked is very inspiring. I really hope and wish homeless people living in those tunnels leave drugs and shit behind, do show up and accept the help he is offering.


incredible. Shine a Light wins today

Justin Hatcher

Loved it all for sure have to include the tunnel tacos puts you on the same level and seems like a genuine connection with them

Evan Larkin

This is super impactful. As someone who moved to Las Vegas in the last decade, I’ve always wondered how I could help those who experience these issues. Thank you for sharing this organization.


It's always interesting how so many people would choose to be homeless in our country but other developed countries can have near-zero homeless populations. In case you can't tell I'm being sarcastic, a significant portion of homelessness will always be a largely due to policy failure. A quick google tells me the average house price in Vegas was up 10.8% last year. That's gonna push people over the edge if they were already on it.


Incredible part to tie everything together and find the best next steps for everybody. Thanks for sharing. That dude is doing the lords work, love that guy. So much empathy and real experience to know how to actually help. That link is useful, I'm gonna go donate - - this is the kinda thing we can get behind. It's hard to vet most Non profits and know what they're doing, so this is awesome.

Renato Jones

The steps, the meetings, and a few guys like Robert saved my life, but like Robert, the ingredients that it took for me to finally be willing to change were beyond my control, and excessively painful. What he's doing is so wonderful. Thanks for interviewing him, Andrew. I don't know how you're gonna edit this series down. I thought each part flowed so well into the next


This series hits hard, man.

David Andrist

Man you‘re not just helping those guys you‘re helping your audience too. Me atleast. Been dealing with my addictions and the past few weeks has been me steadily having shorter and less frequent relapse periods. I‘ll try my best to keep this documentary and the lessons it teaches in mind going forward. Hopefully it can help me, with the hard part, of actually finding the motivation within myself to stay sober for good. Thanks Andrew. For all you do.

Dubstep Hippo

I really wish he talked about housing first policy in this one

mike altier

Glenn’s phone call with his sister. Really hits hard and brings depth to his situation. Great job guys. Keep making this shit.

Steven Broll

This was SUCH a good series, like damn. Thank you for not taking advantage of these people and not just shoving a camera in their face for clicks, but actually helping them. This series has such good info and insight on their situation.

Soren Aabye Shade

Andrew, if you have time, I highly recommend reading “Love and Addiction” by Stanton Peele and Archie Brodsky. It very much aligns with some of your ideas conceptualizing addiction. Keep up the good work!

James Robertson

Keep it all and put it up as a 2 parter on YouTube.

Raé Montalvo

This interview is likely the most important/impactful part of the series, but it might be good to interweave it with the rest of the parts to compensate for people's attention span.


I wonder how many guns are buried in the desert

Kyle Visser

This is the most important part of the whole video. Specifically where Robert talks about how he knows all the people Andrew met and has talked to and offered them the way for so many years. The cycle of shame is a recurring theme in all these homelessness videos. The incredible offers of Shine A Light are a perfect look into the iron grip that the cycle of shame has on people.

Chandler Stump

I like this Robert guy. He keeps it 100%


Agreed! The playback of the footage from earlier in the series changed my perspective completely from when we first met some of those people. It’s so interesting the roadblocks that can be created by shame and guilt.


Wow. Felt like this episode encompassed the main facets of Channel 5 and the direction you guys are heading. I’m grateful to be able to support ya’ll.


I agree it's the best part of the series, and many parts of it absolutely have to be kept in, but it's still a lot of rambling and parts of it that aren't contributing much. For instance we don't need to hear Andrew trying to relate his time with AGNB with the feeling of being chronically homeless, nor do we need to hear Robert's story. If stuff *has* to be cut, then it should be that stuff, and a lot of Glenn's rambling conversations as well. Editing unfortunately means that a lot of good stuff has to be cut to keep the pacing and runtime right.

Patrick Melillo

gotta keep all of this interview, its absolute gold. you could prop shave some of the scrap economy stuff, or release that as a separate shorter video

The Gump

Interview at the end really tied everything together so nicely, Amazing stuff, thank you for sharing this.

Austin Paine

By far the most important video of the series. just touching on the scrap economy, skip tacos, trim the glen id process a bit for youtube, gonna nail it. Incredible content overall


Just moved to Vegas a couple months ago and this series really shifted my perception in a positive light for community healing. Thank you Andrew and crew.

Elliott L

I think it's interesting to use that term to describe the people outside the tunnels, as opposed to the other way around. Homeless people are commonly likened to being the human version of trash, but he flips that on it's head and says that it is in fact the people keeping them down there and their ridiculous ideas and opinions about them that are the real trash.

Elliott L

I think programs that require people to immediately cut their addictions cold turkey are a double edged sword. On one hand, it creates a bigger barrier for entry, causing those who are addicted to feel more left out and like there is no help for them. But I think it also ensures a higher success rate because those who end up joining are more likely to be committed to their long term well being if they are able to be abstinent and cut out drugs. As mentioned in the video, it can often take an event like a near death experience (or several) to be the thing that finally snaps these people out of their self destructive cycles. So if this has already happened and the individuals joining have had such an experience that makes them want to finally get their lives together, I think they are much more likely to fully commit themselves to the program.

Elliott L

It is incredibly ironic how the cognitive processes that are meant to protect us, often just end up doing more damage at the end of the day. Stay strong brother.

Fractal Toad

Great series! I really dig this end part about Shine a Light, it is. great end to show how people can help other people and that theres organiztions out there for people. I think the scarp trip could be shorten down a bit for youtube but other then that everything just seems very informitive. Big ups to the channel 5 crew for making real docs and showing real life!

J G Wentworth

Pretty sudden ending, I think you should add a part 6 reflecting on how this project made you feel/ what you learned. Even if it's only like 5 min long🔥

Reed Stiles

Damn dude, part 5 was the best one. This guy was legit. I can tell he illuminated some things for you, too.


I agree with the sudden ending, it was a great series but it feels like it ended abruptly. Having a part 6 to wrap it up would help for the final YouTube cut.

Justin Smith

One of the best Docs I’ve ever seen covering homelessness!

Daniel Frederick

I wonder if shine a light was cool with cannabis as a part of recovery how many more people they could help. Abstinence only doesn’t work for everyone and often people are turned away by these programs that could have been saved


shame is one way to frame it. I see a few factors at play also. including the desire to defect from society and its "norms" and an ability to live off the fringe economy's that are created by the social norms previously mentioned. humans simply taking advantage of an opportunity to freedom of some sort.

Brandon Banaszek

Andrew, I love how open you are with not only your own struggles, but the thoughts and realizations you come to thru doing these series. You are such a kind soul, please continue to do this amazing work


so good. love this for you, andrew! i love your awareness...you're really doing good things.

Alexander Contreras

Yeah ive been following your YouTube stuff for years but this is honestly the best stuff. The final interview was intense


Shine a light seems like genuinely good organization. The only critique I have is that their twelve steps include turning to christian faith. Social aid should absolutely not be gatekept by religion.

Charles Frum

12 step programs are not religious, but they do require you to believe in something other than yourself

Stella Wizard

Completely agree and I loved it. Having all perspectives is really key to a greater understanding of the situation.


Strong finish! Not much you can cut from this episode. Maybe consider editing down parts 1 - 4 and post this as a separate epilogue.

Matt P

Robert is a hero. Totally the type of dude that Jesus would’ve kicked it with. Thanks for sharing this brother!


Andrew I'm glad you felt comfortable opening up in this conversation. When you first came back from hiatus I was hoping for an introspective piece discussing your struggles and recovery process. Now realizing that is a personal story that you may not be comfortable sharing in full. I suspect that your experiences have a lot to do with you shift from objective documentation to a more active, solution oriented style of journalism. Keep up the great work!

Matt P

The contrasts between how California and Vegas handle this situation should be the subject of discussion everywhere. We gotta find a way to help these people man, and you’re leading the charge Andrew! Keep up the good work.


That's my understanding as well. The way it was explained to me is that the notion of a higher power allows to addict to relinquish/transfer control. The addiction itself is also a "higher power" as it led to various bad decisions that led the person to utlimatley seek recovery.

Stella Wizard

I’d really love to see you look at the process of “coming out of the tunnels” I think looking at what the support actually looks like would be really interesting


Yeah, this episode is pretty much good as is. Maybe the scrap yard and the Vegas strip part can be strip down and just once be referenced here.


What kind of clogs are you wearing?


including the girls on the strip talking about the rumors of the "mole people" and then showing Boxer speaking genuinely about wanting a handshake and a kind greeting. Him talking about being able to say "hi" to strangers without being looked at funny was compelling. And I think everyone can relate to it nowadays. I'm lucky enough to have a place to live and clean clothes (normal looking 39 year old dude) and many people still look at me weird when I just say "good morning" to them if I don't know them. It's a bummer.


Thank you for this empathy inspiring work.

Ford Frigeri

The Beatles wrote a song about that feeling of freedom that you describe when living in your RV. It's called You Never Give Me Your Money... check it out

Zane Wright

This put the whole series in a different perspective for me. Andrew's interviews made it seem like these people were far removed from help. Right here we have a dude who is relentlessly pursuing a relationship with these guys and has faced denial and refusal time after time. What does it mean?


Loved to hear Robert's perspective on the the "self placed roadblocks" like the pursuit of an ID that keeps people away from pursing sobriety with Shine A Light. I think the best part of your interview that you shared was when you discussed with him the process he implements to those seeking help. As an outsider, I don't know what these programs actually do for those they seek to help so getting his description of how they operate as an organization was really informative. Appreciate the work that you & your team do Andrew 🙏


Wow, solid reporting again Andrew! You guys have truly outdone yourself with this one. I honestly gained a broader perspective on homelessness. Thank you for being a thoughtful and inquisitive journalist!


Can you keep us posted on Glenn please?

Owen Altheide

such comprehensive coverage on this issue, thank you so much andrew. you really know where to find the truth

S.C. Bellenchia

Current flow is really good, just follow your intuition and don't rush But opening up on a toilet flush was not the wave

Kevin Ashford

Incredible piece Andrew. Thanks for sharing. Robert is an incredible inspiring figure.

Ben Be

This was a really good way to wrap up the series and casts the first 4 parts in a totally different light.


I was slightly cringing when Andrew started including his own point of view in the conversation but little to my knowledge, he was just trying to get the interviewee to open up, and that he did. Good work, interesting ending to the saga.

Seth vrba

it flipped my entire perspective that I had built from watching so far

Seth vrba

This is true but I think it impacts more deeply at the end, I think it could come off as immediately invalidating in a way.

Alex Bielovich

Fantastic way to round off this series

Samson Large

Robert is the fucking man. I love this piece so much. What an emotional roller coaster watching these parts back to back. Keep it up Channel 5!

Harry Aiken

Well done pacing on all these and this was a great way to end things.

Chris Pyle

Best series yet! I think you should give Glenn a prepaid cell so you can get updates on him. Part 3 ended on a sad note but with the silver lining of him getting in touch with his sister. I do wonder if some of these people who live in the tunnels were lying when they said there isn't a way to get an ID. Or if addiction has completely overruled these kinds of options in their thinking.

Michael John

SMART recovery is secular, i was introduced to this at my local program i completed years ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_Recovery

Shayne Howard

I would love to see Andrew and the gang go to Seattle to speak with the homeless in the area, especially in the underground where people look for shelter from the weather

Virginia Hanna

It is a difficult cycle to break. It is a simple life to live, to just follow and fullfil whatever is my next most immediate need.


Excellent content

Eli Gaultney

I think you should focus on the content from this video most, as I think this guy has the most informed view of what's going on, having been on both sides. Having his takes cut amongst those who are still in the tunnel would be pretty enlightening methinks.


Great final video, and I think this is the better form to posit your earlier opinions on what causes the cycle of homelessness. Let a professional discuss it and the reality of his relationships with them. I think that unfolding is profound.


I've worked with homeless in Houston and SF, and there's always a - ton - to the story and complexity. I think bad policy is voted in due to the public's naivety to that complexity. That's the salient message here - that both society and the homeless must support one another to lower the barriers to assistance. Dismissing the complexity (even with an earnest sense of compassion) doesn't resolve matters as you saw.


This was an exceptional series. Bro Andrew, please do a collab with Joe Rogan. Would love to see the 4 hour interview and you have such insight into how this society works and their views.

Zachary Kinney

Unbelievable series. The Last Gonzo Journalist has done it again.

Rob Banghart

Thank you for taking the time to sit with me at the office and do this piece. I appreciate you


Thank you for your work. Keep fighting the good fight!


I'd rather see a Howard Stern interview. All your Channel5 personas remind me of the Wack Pack


Really enjoyed this series, but especially this segment. Fantastic interview. Robert was a really compelling interview subject, having lived that experience previously, but having a really honest assessment of the problem and the challenges with solution, yet resolving to help how he can regardless. Really well done series!

C Dog



I can totally see how people are drawn to the freedom of living the vagabond lifestyle. And I think specifically those of us who have lived through a lot of shit or gotten sober like you - we hold a better understanding and compassion because we know how close we were to being in that situation and we feel a sense of responsibility to help since we were lucky enough to not end up there... Anyways, I love ur evolution as a journalist and you and the crew are doing great shit :) proud to support Channel 5 here on patreon :,)

Michael Justice

Your doing gods working giving a platform to these kind of people.


If Theon Von had never become famous I feel like Andrew would have crossed paths with him on at least one of his journalistic adventures.

Aaron Rodriguez

Just started watching while reading the comments. So happy to see you are here. How can we help?

Rob Banghart

Thank you everyone for the kind words. We’re a non profit so the obvious answer for us is donations, supplies and checking out our socials to spread the message. If you’re in Vegas we’d love to take you out with us underground

Aaron Rodriguez

Sending you 500 dollars worth of your Amazon wish list. I'll try to help with my time to. Do you know if there are organizations like yours in D.C. or Northern Virginia you can get me in contact with?

Mr. Magoo

Where's part 2 of the vegas tunnels series? I subbed just to watch it...

Oscar Leitner

How we, as a society around the globe, treat substances and addiction is driving literally half of all civil problems. Just imagine how police would be treated if their only job was to go after ACTUAL criminals, ACTUAL violence and ACTUAL mistreatment instead of giving people a hard time for having a problem or being curious to try out a substance. This shit has to stop worldwide.


Would love to get an update on bro and his sister in a few months, really pulling for him


When does the public get to vote on laws? The legislators vote. Blame them.


i think the dude is spot on on how and why they stay in that lifestyle.


We did exactly that in San Francisco. Literally let people shoot heroin on the sidewalk with needles that the city provided. Did not interfere in any manner except to provide medical care. It did not work out well at all. The city is a mess and there are more addicts than ever.


If you have ever lived with or been around an addict you pretty quickly learn that you cant trust them at all. You cant trust what they say, you cant trust them with your possessions and you cant trust them to be reliable in any way. Any kind of public policy that relies on trusting addicts to take care of themselves and to be respectful of the people around them is nuts. There has to be a middle ground between throwing them in jail and letting them have free reign.


is that casey neistats long lost brother?


Truly one of your most compelling interviews, and such an incredible finish to the documentary. Your shift from 'check out how I can help these people' to a deep dive with someone who's deeply committed to helping & understands the complexity of the issue... really humble and effective storytelling. So much respect for this documentary and everyone in it. IMO you're starting to hit the same sweet spot as Brandon Stanton (my all-time favorite storyteller) - truly humanizing people & creating real empathy. Much love dude, keep it up!


Robert bringing up Hawaii is so specific. HA drug laws are crazy

mike dirickson

As a recovering addict myself, I can wholeheartedly say that guy is 💯 qualified and as intelligent as it takes to run a successful recovery program. God bless that dude


Robert made me cry, so proud of Channel 5 for giving Shine a Light coverage. Love all the self reflection in this series, you’re bringing your viewers on a journey and even if it only impacts 1 person’s life it’s 100% worth it.


bro has some wild body language.. shakin his head no when Andrew asks if they guarantee work employment, etc.


Stop watching "body language breakdown" videos on youtube. It's all BS

Enrico Ros

I probably rewatched this part, here or in YT for half a dozen times. It's like splashing reality on your face. Insightful and moving. 10/10

Jacob Alhilali

Amazing. as someone who is in recovery and appreciates all the fucked up nuances of what keeps you in that state I found this conversation so honest and refreshing. Brilliant journalism