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Hey guys - hope you're enjoying this series. I know it's a bit of a slower pace in comparison to our Philly and San Francisco videos, but the ultimate intention behind the editing style of this Vegas series is to be anti-clickbait and to mimic the actual energy of homeless encounters, which often consist of mundane small talk and bittersweet reflections, as opposed to the action-packed confrontations and grisly street scenes that often go viral online in videos depicting 'ZOMBIE' or 'MOLE' people.

'Content' culture as a whole and the way it's capitalized on the housing crisis by way of YouTube exploitation is horrific. It feels like the process of migrant and homeless dehumanization is almost complete with every passing shock-and-awe video. I've been reading a book called 'Society of the Spectacle' by Guy Debora, that unpacks our morbid fascination with the suffering and exile of others, and I truly believe that these documentaries are hypnotizing the middle class into hating and fearing the poor, and I fear that some of my previous coverage has done the same thing. This sort of content is programming the public with a false consciousness wherein consumers feel like they 'understand' all of these gnarly places just because they've been a digital voyeur to them from video-to-video, but nothing is actually changing for the better despite this heightened mass 'awareness.' 

This series is an attempt to break that mold, to get out of my comfort zone, and to do something proactive to help the people living in the tunnels. I want to encourage a new solution: one which encourages direct engagement and assistance with the homeless, but on their terms. Rather than donating to charities or handing out loose change, this model encourages developing interpersonal, actual friendships with the homeless and figure out how you can help in a way that's not self-serving, but will benefit them in a tangible and long-term way. 

In this episode, we'll learn a whole lot more about Boxer, Glen and Andy, as well as sample some of their tunnel cuisine.

Happy Sunday and I hope you guys enjoy. 

Remember -- "The more you consume, the less you live." 





Feelin like sandy cheeks

Matt Guastaferro

Keep doing you Andrew , have a blessed and healthy week


I only watch channel 5 for news, and my friends are starting to as well, only took a shitty rap beat I made to get them to listen 🤷‍♂️

Matt Guastaferro

I feel like you need cheese tho for the tunnel tacos


I can't believe you actually ate the taco


We need a separate episode on Andrew's shoes.


Lfg glen, can’t wait to see the end of the glen arc


Great approach 5

Khalil Shy

when she walked through the tunnel water in flip flops and put those same feet on her "bed"... that was my AYOOO moment


Rooting for Glenn

demlet (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 19:44:35 I'm rooting for Glen.
2024-03-11 02:17:56 I'm rooting for Glenn.

I'm rooting for Glenn.


You're doing good, important work. Thanks fellas.

Aaron Butler

It's refreshing to see journalism with principles, intention, and a big picture understanding. You'll encounter resistance for this approach - we've become accustomed to instant gratification and sensationalism. But stay the course, it's important work.

Matt Gray

Dude I LOVE this. Thank you for humanizing these people.

Taylor Hamilton

Let’s goooo glen, let’s gooo glen Woop Woop


I have been following you and your team's correspondence for a few years now, and the corner you have turned towards stories with (what I would consider) an altruistic intention is really coming through. I'll continue watching and appreciate what y'all are doing....those tacos tho....

Zack Dowdy

It’s illegal to be homeless in Vegas but they take tax dollars to supposedly help homeless, I imagine corporations that own the casinos paid politicians to pass law/legislation seems like monopoly. I wish there was more investigation from someone like Andrew into how this happened.


Great stuff.


“No warrants… in Las Vegas” lmfao Andrew!


really well done !!


Everything you've done since your hiatus has been absolute gold. You're all incredible.

Adam Dev

doing gods work

Elyse Monroy

Watching Andrew walk these tunnels in open toe shoes 😳😳😳

Sky Mercure

The lady recounting the origin of her daughter's name. Heartbreaking.


Glen gang


Loving this series. Also loving the output of content and how the quality never suffers. Thanks for blessing us dude.


There was a metal detector guy just across the street from my house yesterday, but I do live next to an old New England mill.

Gabe Martinico

This is what the world needs. Fuckin inspirational


Eating those Taco Tunnels was an act of valor. Amazing Reporting as always C5❤️


So legit that you are making the effort to create change for the better in these peoples lives!

Mr. Buttermaker

Having to wait 3 months for an appointment at the DMV is ridiculous.

Mr. Buttermaker

Las Vegas is a HORRIBLE place that systematically extorts humans in all ways imaginable.


All news no bullshit

ayden fallen

man i’m really rooting for glen to get his life together. makes me want to help the homeless get ID’s


Knowing how important an ID is, having to wait 3 months for a new one is ridiculous

Nicholas Zimmerman

The work your doing is world-class, thank you.


Glad I finally hit up the patreon. This is the kind of content I've always wanted to support. Hopefully we can turn our society around. It starts with relating to those who feel unrelatable. Good work channel 5! Your content is a beacon of light and an inspiration to those who've been mislead. Poor and rich alike.


Amazing episode


Hey AC, your old style was mainly fun, but your new way has meaning (well and still more than funny enough). Keep it up, love the spirit you're making these with.

Jason Matthew

“It is impossible for man to change without pain, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.” Since you’ve returned you’ve taken to reporting with a wiser, more empathetic, more introspective, and even kinder approach. Keep growing my dude. The world needs to hear these stories.


fuck yeah andrew


I'm digging the evolution of your thinking towards these videos and your role as a journalist. I've always been drawn to your interview style and willingness to throw yourselves into the story, but there were times when I felt like things were a bit too much about the shock/spectacle/whackiness as well. Definitely prefer this approach and think you've kept enough humour and I appreciate the mix up with lighter videos too. Also I'm just generally down to chill and listen to a dude talk about scrap. Don't always need that technicolour scream.


First of all, I just want to say that I really appreciate the work you do to help the homeless in Las Vegas. Your videos are informative, respectful, and give a unique insight into the lives of those living on the streets. I think it's especially great that you choose to show the "boring" side of homelessness - the part that is often ignored by the media. Small talk, everyday worries and small glimpses of joy are just as important as the more dramatic moments. Comparison with Norway: As you know, the situation for the homeless in Norway is quite different than in the USA. We have a strong social safety net that includes access to affordable housing, healthcare, and education. This means that the number of homeless people is significantly lower in Norway compared to the USA. Rights for the homeless: In Norway, homeless people have a number of rights that ensure they get the help they need. These rights include: Right to a warm and safe place to sleep Right to food and drink Right to healthcare Right to social services Right to work and education Of course, there is always room for improvement, but in Norway we have taken a step in the right direction to combat homelessness. Thanks to Andrew: I think the work you do is incredibly important. You raise awareness about homelessness and help break down prejudices. Thank you for using your platform to help those who need it most!


Glenn is all of us

Grandma knarf

Andrew I think you might be my favorite person


You break down cultural barriers when you have a meal with strangers that become your friends. The slower pace of this journalism is wonderful. You’re allowing time for the conversation and images to take effect.


I like the slower pace and the motivation to have a positive impact through your journalism. This is your best work yet imo


@ 18:18 you can hear the ending of any colour you like by pink floyd.


Dude! I’m a metal detector guy, we live!

bob spruce

Keep up the good work Andrew.


Impeccable reporting


Really love all of your self-reflection and introspection lately explaining how your thought process has changed with the videos you're making. Great stuff. Keep it up!

Bin Ury

imagine finishing elementary school and your parent giving you away- not wanting you anymore…

Ty B

thx AC I appreciate the great in depth content! keep it up good sir!

Hunter Meloche

If there is a god, you guys are doing his work.

Cosmic Dawg

Great video. Excited about the next one!


i can't wait for the next one!


Huge respect for your approach to reporting and your content, and I love to hear/read your reflections on your work and the issues you cover. I'm happy to financially support work like this.


You’re like the actual down to earth Mr Beast with real risk involved. Love it.


This is much more meaningful and important than the old stuff (Daytona, etc) which I love in its own way. All that is to say keep making good stuff of whatever variety feels most important to you and we'll be here for it.

Zane Wright

Question - for those of us interested in making friends and helping out our homeless neighbors, what are some good practical first steps beyond conversations and smiles?


amazing videos, big ups to andrew and larry susan!


Keep ‘em coming

cullen g

Enjoying your evolution dude


whew i'm very glad you cleared up my sanitary concerns! Either way, that food looks delicious D:


Wow. Caption almost made me cry. Keep it up mi amigo, you’re inspiring!


Wonderful stuff

Patrick Melillo

love the direction you're taking your content in. Real human connection!! also the insert shot of indecline was dope easter egg for those who know ;)


Bruh. Getting hit with the feels on this one


Let's go Glen!


This series has been great. Thank you for showing that they are real people.


Go Glen!!


Andrew is a legend for this

Josh Greer

these people are great, I hope Glen is doing awesome


"Fuck Vegas" - Rufus


damn boxer really lived that streetwise life, great reference


Arrived in Vegas 2 days ago for a trade show. Didn’t even make the connection until this episode came out that I’ve most likely been walking right over these people. It’s surreal to watch, but it’s hard to comprehend when you’re actually there

Alfy Penny

Andrew's a champ for eating that taco!! Hahaha


allowing the maple syrup molecules to percolate into every last cell of beef🥽

bat kyak

What is that spray in the recycling yard? Just a nice mist to keep cool? Or something devious...

bat kyak

So cool of you to help out Glenn like this!


good work like always cant wait for next episode

Jake Lee

Hey AC, have you heard about the homeless issue at camp resolution, in Sacramento? I think it could use some investigation.


Great work, really appreciating the new perspectives you’re showing, and you’re a champ for housing those tacos, hopefully they don’t run through you while you’re down under. Little typo with Guy Debord but great book with lots of good quotes. Keep it up!

Daniel A.

Holy batman, Andrew really put himself into the mix for this series.

Owen Altheide

anyone else think Boxer sounds exactly like Carl (Bill Murray’s Character) from caddyshack? i can’t get the resemblance out of my head now 😂

Owen Altheide

u literally got me crying bro. truly making an impact in someone’s life.


brother u are fearless 😭 i had it pretty rough growing up but idk if i could eat that taco .. reminded me of those bloggers who go to crazy parts of the world and eat like the locals .. thanks for everything you do dude seriously


What movie are those clips from at 1:25?

Tzadik-Isaiah Dymnd

Selling possibly stolen items for this dude is wild, standing in line with him is saint work


bruh the beat from hustlin <3


Love the duo, it's rad to see Susan chiming in and setting up scenes as well.

J Bone McPuffin

Im Johnny Knoxville, and this is Tunnel Tacos


Something about Boxer's behavior and the narration during the taco cooking scene feels wrong lol

Felix Toth

this was dope

Ben Reichstein

Andrew, I'm so glad you're taking that route. I really enjoy the non-clickbate-y style and your way of approaching this. I've always been interested to learn about the people living in the tunnels but have shut off those videos after a few minutes because I felt like it was entertainment. This feels genuine and caring. Thank you!


this guy, not sure his name but the older one at the beginning: he's a leader. He is taking care of these people and making life better for them/ helping them get by. What an absolutely amazing dude. And what a genius idea for the solar panels. This is a whole ass tribe of people down here if only they could find a way to get somewhere remote and lush with nature. I bet they would survive and be able to build their own little village where they just hang out unbothered and hunt for their meals but hey as long as they're happy


Andrew, I'm begging you, please consider your footwear more carefully when you're going to some of these places. Wearing slides into the tunnels can't be the best idea.


Glen and Boxer go so hard

Suitable Alias

how was your stomach after the taco? a solid roll of the dice


YOOOO! AC, so great to hear you're reading Situationist stuff ie Guy Debord! Not sure if you'll ever see this, but I'd like to offer my expertise should you ever need it. I am a formerly unhoused person who has worked in Harm Reduction for years (founded TCHRC, an SSP in Winston Salem, NC years ago) and now works with an amazing research team at UNC Chapel Hill whose goal it is to liberate the tools of academia for the benefit of and use by the people. We run a drug checking program that currently serves 160+ orgs in 35 states and have had a mess of amazing coverage and such. I say all this to say that based on some of the stuff in your Kensington coverage, you could probably use some people to run shit by to make sure it's legit. I love what you do and think it's incredibly important, and would be happy to help you vet info or delve deeper into what is actually needed to combat record high OD deaths based on evidence and research. Get at me.


there's lots of metal detector guys in colorado


Doing the work


Dude had a few rips off his skull bong while Andrew went to the grocery store

David Evans

So..... Being homeless is dope


Damn dude you really ate that tho. Go to south India next

Jacob Dickey

you think so? I thought the video was more about humanization than glorification. Nothing they were doing seemed like an advertisement for homelessness to me.


this is great but why is bro wearing sandals


3:20 That “Indecline” tag is the shit!!!! In the gutters


Worse food practices than those tunnels. Indian street food makes that tunnel taco look legit af

Monkeh Gaming

I don't see the connection to how you end up in the tunnels from simply getting a divorce. That's like giving up. She needs to reflect on the fact that she said she REFUSED to get a job until her kid was old enough to go to school. There are other options. I'm sure drugs didn't help her situation. Some people need to learn how to fight when their backs are up against the wall, ESPECIALLY if you have a kid in the picture. Take accountability for your actions. Do whatever necessary to survive. (Not in the tunnels)


wheeerefore art thou part 2?

Jonah Conley

Down bad for part 2

Uncle Rico Gaming

County bullet for trespassing. That's rough


please repost part 2, or the whole version without the yt censorship

Rolando Mota

The background music reminds me of La Rosa De Guadalupe 😂


Where is part two