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Rise and shine! Today I'd like to show you something we've been working on for about two weeks. It's a main location in a style that.. well, that will be our visual style! As you can see, only two first layers are drawn properly. That's because this picture is huge and it needs some decent time to be finished. Anyway, right now we are making assets out of it.

Since this visual style is not matching the style of characters, I’ve asked another artist to draw them in a different style. We will try something more simple and with less details. Oh, and yes, we have already finished four enemies for now. It's time to develop the right style and redraw them quickly. Yes, no one is doing that this way. But this is my first 2D project and I learn by making mistakes.

A programmer has finished UI (start menu, pause, and disclaimer) and is working on automatic generation of locations now. We will use it a lot in the future. Consider it a main feature of the game.

Well, I hope the visual style will be finished quite soon. It is a milestone I'd love to left behind and not just because it's a lot of work. It also allows me to hire more artists and let them work simultaneously. Anyway, see you soon, people!


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