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[F4A] [Script Fill] [Slice of Life] [Plane Travel] [Consensual Hypnosis] [Mischievous] [Teasing] [Strangers to Friends] [SFX go brrrrr] [lil gamer references] [sleep aid?]

This script was written by u/Dibokucres!

"The listener is traveling by plane, and the passenger next to them strikes up a conversation. It turns out she’s a hypnotist, and she offers a free session, to show what being hypnotized is like.

It's wholesome, but the speaking character does have a bit of a mischievous streak."

I was thinking of extending the plane noises and making this a full-on sleep aid ambience, but I wasn't quite sure whether that was the route to go 🤔 Would y'all be interested in me trying that kind of audio out?


xoxo Gigi




Yes please to full on sleep aid ambiance


Dibokucres' scripts always nail the gradual push & pull of hypnosis in these RP situations, and your tonal shifts suit them perfectly. The induction is so well woven into the dialogue. It's all very convincing in both script and performance. Does this one have a sequel, or is it an open-ended standalone?