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It was too early to decide on this matter.
I have not decided this yet.
If you have any opinion, please let me know.


I delete content that is past one month or post partly locked.

I am trying to be a month since Patreon started.
I am pleased that my Patreon has gradually increased.
I would like to express my gratitude to support strongly.
Unfortunately, unauthorized reprint has occurred ... ...

I recently understood Patreon's system and the situation of Patreon.
I am responsible for distinguishing between supporters and fakes.
I want to protect the profit on payment.

Therefore, I decided to delete the article past the month of posting or lock it so that I can not do DL.
Although I may re-post, I recommend that images and videos be placed locally.
I want to make a better community of me and Patreon.
Thank you.








What exactly was reposted, and where? If it was on e621, you can contact them and let them know the content is from Patreon, they already do not permit paid content. Also, I don't think deleting older content is a good solution. Yes, it prevents people from making a false pledge just to grab everything and go, but it also hurts anyone who wants to support you in the future, who isn't here now. It could result in LESS people supporting you.


Here it is. Https://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/a/topic/1105611 In the past, my Patreon informed me. Your opinion is important. "Yes, it prevents people from making a false pledge just to grab everything and go, but it also hurts anyone who wants to support you in the future, who isn't here now. It could result in LESS people supporting you." I am unfamiliar abroad. I think that it is more nice to know more about my work even a little, and to have more people to watch. I would like to consider this.


Have to be careful. I know some people yoi can have it after pledge payment you send them a link personally or via a request for link to prevent leaks like such.


I am also concerned. I got an opinion, but it is not good for you to delete the contents of the past easily. I am at a loss what to do. I think.


とは言え支払う新人が過去ログ見られないと云うのもこれまた問題。 タダでさえケモナーはマイノリティなので窓口が狭くなるのも本末転倒。 これ難しい問題ですね。 暫定ならばその仕様+メルマガにする事で金銭発生者に過去ログは送付出来るとは思います。 但し金銭発生者も一ヶ月で全ログ送付のような事も往々あるかと。 パトロンは基本的に『応援する』が前提ですから、余り過敏になっても宜しくないのではないかと。 販売形式なら徹底的にやらないとなりませんけどね。


パスワード掛けはどうでしょうか? 別のアーティストでは「支払ったことを確認できたユーザーのみにDMでURLを送る」ことにしている人もいますので 似たような感じで支払ったユーザーのみパスワードなりDL先なりをDMで送るとか 応援してます!


難しいです…。ただEntyとは違う場所にしたいですね。あっちは完全に購読という形なので、正直こうしたコミュニケーションも産まないところだと思います。 今の所、最初の考えていた一ヶ月前の過去ログを消すという手法はやめました。それなら残しておいたほうが、魅力のある場所になりそうな気がします。


『「支払ったことを確認できたユーザーのみにDMでURLを送る」ことにしている人もいますので』 これ、いいアイディアですね。 支援頂いた人に対して配るのに有効だと思いました。 特に最新作に対しては。 最新作を誰でも見れてしまう状況には抵抗があったんです。 それを配る為に、一度でも支払いが確認出来た方に対してパスワードを事前に配布して、それで落として貰うというやり方が良さそうです。 けもケの作品に対してやってみようかな、と考えています。


Been a fan for a long time. I have physical copies of most of your books and a few of your CDs. Some were pretty hard to find! Glad I can finally support your directly.


What a nice story. I would like to focus on digital content in the future. So distribution of the work should be easy for overseas people. I will do my best for your activities as well.


たしか加入時に即課金されるようにする設定があったはずです。※要申請だった気がする。 ただし月末に入会すると翌月初でも課金が発生し2重課金になる可能性が出るんですよね・・・


I just read this and that's bad about what happened to you. Be careful of firefox and google chrome! They have tools that let people download videos even if there are no dl links! Also someone posted your CDD DLC on Pornhub. You should report to Pornhub about this. They will take it down if you the creator tell them too. There is a way to stop firefox and google chrome illegal downloads but I am not sure. I know some sites are able to do it like Naughymachinima.com. If you type club dance dragon on pornhub you will see the person posting them. They need to stop! You deserve support for your hard work.


I grasped. If you do not mind, please tell me the link. Perhaps I think that such things can not be prevented entirely.... But I can not decide not to do anything.


ああ~、それはダメなシステムですね。 故にPatreonはこういう状況なんだなあと。