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This is inspired by a few things. I'm not sure what the first one was called but this guy had a parasite burrow into his belly and it started to transform him. It controlled his arm and made him try to grab another guy's face, and a mouth with sharp teeth formed in the palm of his hand. I'll try to find it but after years of looking I still haven't found it. I think they were in a deep sea laboratory.

The second thing would be the famous Evil Dead scene with the chainsaw of the hero wrestling with and cutting off his own arm. But wouldn't it be wonderful if a girl's arm got a will of its own, a mouth hand, and gave her oral? Or would this be a considered a hand job? A hand-mouth job?

The first panel shows tension in her right arm with the tendons popping out near the wrist, and the muscles of her palm tensing up. In the third frame tentacles come out of the hand-mouth.

I'm not sure why I never forgot about that movie I mentioned for over a decade, but I'm glad I remembered it for this concept. For a comic, I want to include a few panels explaining the origin of this assimilation. Maybe she grabbed a worm that jumped at her, and then it fused with her hand. There will be more detail in the parasite's mouth once in the final comic with color and shading like veins and moisture, but for now there is spit and grain on the teeth, as well as gums. It needed features we are familiar with to be more quickly and easily recognized as a mouth. I also made the teeth slightly dull because that's how many predator teeth are and them being too sharp would cause lacerations, and I don't find that to be much of a turn on :9

I'm not sure why but this girl with this hairstyle is becoming a mascot of sorts. It was the first thing I uploaded I think.

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Sounds like a manga (now anime) called Parasyte actually?


Actually I found what inspired me and it was this 1989 movie called Leviathan <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LuTKG-PYfDw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LuTKG-PYfDw</a>


Maybe like hypno-tan you should make a parasite fetish mascot ^^