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.psd file:


I wanted to have motion blur here but Gimp doesn't have a tool for tentacles that are wiggling two ways at once. These tentacles with two bends in them cannot be easily motion blurred because Gimp's tools would only work for a tentacle with one bend. Neither does it have a motion blur tool I can use for the area between her hands and mouth where there are two fixed points but wiggling inbetween.

At this point in the comic the creature has gone in enough that it can stop restraining her and it's too deep to pull out.

It's hard to draw the hair from different perspectives. You'll see in the timelapse how I confront that problem by referencing my previous pages and drawing a basic shape of the hair in a new perspective.

-i v




Awesome is 8 going to be coming this week too or next week


For this week <=D


AWESOME I'll be rooting for you^^ I hope it can be up soon


They made me work an extra day so we'l see if I can finish it tonight. It's funny, they used to ask me if I'm free on Saturdays and I always said, "No." Now they just add it to my schedule without my permission D:


That's bogus I'm sorry to hear that can you straighten it out with them?


And... (please be good news)


Awesome you think I'll be up tonight?


It's ok I'll be waiting ; )


I had to do some chores today so I'm gonna need a few more days for polishing.


Like how many T-T