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He went too far, falling out the other end of her a bit. He sucks himself back in completely which expands her belly.

- i v




Oh, I thought that her belly wouldn't be bloated :0


I was thinking a long time about if her belly should be bloated in page 2 or not. I decided yes, but page 2 was already done. However, I can explain in page 2 the parasite goes too far through her and almost completely exits her, but her long skirt covers this up. We don’t see that until this page when he uses her body to lift up her skirt to look at himself hanging out between her legs.


I think the parasite can fit inside her entire body instead of just her stomach🤔


Invo, a puppet idea would be great - i.e. a girl is speaking to her friend, behind the door or so - with it half closed. She is in her dressing gown - the door closes. Turns out - it was a parasite controlling her like a puppet or so - a plant. It invites people over using it's new body ...


Good idea. Not sure if I've done it before but I imagined that with a tentacle instead of a parasite. And the tentacle is like the control cord while a parasite is "cordless."