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I’m constantly juggling how realistic or unrealisticly pervy a character should dress to get the most out of a hentai situation. At some point for most artwork you gotta stop the planning phase and go into the production phase even if the planning isn’t perfect. That’s one of the most important lessons I learned in my decades of artwork. I have many areas I want to improve and that causes me much stress, which I try not to get to me.

If I had my way I would live 1,000 years so I’d feel secure in the time available for art refinement. In the end I guess my best effort is the best I can do. They say the Mona Lisa was never finished even though it was worked on for much of Leonardo Da Vinci’s life. I still put in this effort because I see and feel that people notice art when not much time has been put into it and they prefer a dense art piece.

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