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Strangely a strong theme I tapped into for this comic was corded vs wireless electronics.  It is something that is a bane on our current technology.  By incorporating that bane, I create a strong emotional link.  With this woman‘s body, how far can the a.i. walk with that cord in her ear?  Does he plan to leave this place with her body?  How will he do it?  I have some ideas, vut these questions bounce around in our heads which leads to artistic interest.

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Female Possession - Cyber Hack 2


Intravenus Project

Skipping a cable connection completely is somehow not the same for me. You would loose the symbolism of restraining and penetration. There is always a way to explain a cable connection. Maybe the kind of signal you need just doesn't travel well over the air. The lag is too high, data loss could lead to brain damage or the bandwidth maynot be high enough to overload the fleshy bits. Maybe you could go for a mixed technology approach. The AI leaves an implant in the scientists brain which only has limited control over her but can stay in sync over a wireless LTE connection. She does not really notice that she is still under the control of her creation, she just suddenly "wants" to build a cable interface at home, too. The fibre connection is enough to make full contact again.


My idea is an remote receiver implant. Have to develop it further, like how it gets power. Maybe a bio power unit that tricks the uterus into thinking it is a fetus to give it energy.