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Hi everyone! Been a bit, but I figure I owe you all a bit of an update.

What's Been Happening

I've been slow on both posting, as well as working on Exclusive Patreon related content, and that's mostly due to one biiiiiig factor. The Commission Queue.

Some part of my mind always yells at me for not working on commissions and instead working on my own stuff. And as such, it's been difficult to setup a schedule for working on these things when there's so much to work on, and I don't want to keep people waiting forever for their commissions, some which were paid for over half a year ago :/

I've been making efforts to streamline my workflow and bounce around the commission list, tackling commissions that should be easier to handle and finish quickly instead of ones where several factors come into play that make it take longer.
But at the end of the day, I'm not being as efficient as I could be, and I still tend to get distracted easily. Initially I had a deadline for finishing the entirety of the queue by early May, well...clearly that's not happening ^^'

Course of Action

The biggest thing that will change with this page specifically, is the following:

This patreon page will no longer serve as an exclusivity hub where art is posted 5 days, early, you get WIPS, votes, etc. At least not for the time being. Instead, this page will be re-converted into a simple Donation hub, where you can pledge as a form of monthly tips, to support my work.

The Goal for the time being is to clear up my long Commission queue. There's lots I want to do as far as personal work goes, and unfortunately, it's taken lots of trial and error, but I don't think stacking more work on top of it is the best idea. ​For the time being, any personal work will take a backseat, and allow for more commissions to be worked on throughout the week. For any Patrons to whom I still owe LONG overdue rewards, those will be thrown into the commission queue into the front end of the queue, to get those done and out of the way finally.  Once the commission queue has been taken care of, I will move back to producing personal art, and take on more ambitious projects that will be first shown off on this Patreon Page. From Comics, to animations, to sequences and stories.

But until then, going forward, here's what I want to be able to do:

To start, I'd like to be able to make it a goal/requirement, to get a minimum of 5 commissions done per week. Obviously more is better, but I don't want to:

A: Overwork myself and go into Burnout where I get nothing done
B: Cause myself more wrist Strain

With a minimum of 5 comms being completed per week. This gives me a bit more leniency on setting up a schedule, and allows me to have more than a single break day, which is good, since this give me some time to just relax and asses how I'm proceeding through each week's workload.

A secondary thing I would like to start going forward, and this is something that I've been very on and off about doing, more art streams.

The reason I sometimes stop for a long while and don't come back, is due to several things, the main one being because I don't enjoy sharing my potentially boring process of getting a commission drafted out using the means I have at my disposal. The one which concerns me the most, is using 3D models to get the poses/anatomy down right for the characters I'm drawing. I've generally always felt very self conscious using 3D models to draft out some of my pics since I feel that some will see it as "WOW, you're getting paid all this money to just trace over 3D models and add Sonic heads to them! So untalented!" Obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but I've always felt very self aware about this sort of thing. It's something however that I'm going to have to move past if I want to get a good flow of working on commissions effectively, and efficiently.

A secondary reason though, is generally motivation. It's takes a bit to setup all the things necessary to start streaming, from getting the right music, some of which I don't actually verify fully, so you'll sometimes get some real tone shifters while I'm working on a Commission of lewd nature... I'm very picky with music, and I don't really have any curated playlists setup, so that is likely something I'll have to do to avoid the fatigue I get with streaming.

So! Starting in June, I will make it a conscious effort to stream at a minimum, 3 to 4 times a week with whatever commissions I'm working on, regardless of what stage they're in, be it just getting started on one, or just finishing one up.

And finally, to close off this long winded explanation of what will be changing, and the steps I'll be taking to correct these issues, is a big thank you. It's difficult getting used to having art as a full time job, and I have absolutely bitten off WAY more than I could ever reasonably chew. But this is a decision I made, and it's one that makes me really grateful to know how many people have stuck with me despite my slow production output. I'll do my best to stick to a schedule, and get as much as I can done without overworking myself ^^

Thank you all for your continued support <3


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