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    I pull him close, our eyes meeting each other, and our faces only inches apart now. My eyes locked with his, as I pant and moan, slowly, my eyes close. As they reopen, a faint blue light engulfs my vision.

    I open my maw, giving my fox food a full view, before I clutch onto his shoulders, and begin slowly pulling him in. His muzzle is the first to enter my mouth, and he does so without putting up a fight. My jaw loosens up a bit more, pulling him deeper, and deeper, in goes his face. With one more pull, my throat begins to swell. I let out a muffled moan as he fills my mouth. He's delicious so far, tasting like vanilla creamer flavoring that I love so much. I pull more of him in, and the entirety of the fox's head is in my throat. As my maw approaches his shoulders, I loosen my jaw a bit more, and begin pulling him in. Before long, my chest also begins to swell, expanding to fit my meal coming in. His shoulders are in now, the rest should be easy. In the same position that we were fucking in, the fox boy is now raised in the air slightly, with me holding his vulpine cheeks in my hands, as I sustain him. Gulp, after swallow, he disappears further into my body.

     A couple minutes pass, or at least I think. What's left of my meal hanging outside my maw is nothing but his feet. I use my tongue to guide him down, and close shut his outside world forever. I let this bulbous bulge in my throat sit for a while, my chest still engorged from his legs and hips sliding down my esophagus, my belly bloated with part of him filling it. This feels euphoric. My stomach wobbles, and swells, uttering guttural churning and crackling, indicating that it's eager to start working my food down. I give it a few more, rubbing my throat, and feelng his feet dangle haplessly inside my maw, I take one final large swallow. The fox's paws slide down, moving the rest of his slender figure down my windpipe. My stomach engorged even more as I let out a pleasure sigh of relief mixed with an aroused moan. With that, my food has been fully ingested.

   I lay back and reach for the shorts I flung aside, underneath, is my phone. I flick on the screen, showing the time. "11:24..." I mutter. Usually the other ladies don't show up in the gym until around 1PM or so. Meaning I've got the lockeroom all to myself to enjoy my time with..."Shit." I mutter. As I regain lucidity, what I've just done begins to set in. I really just made a meal of some kid cause he called me 'Missus.' My palm meets my face in annoyance. "Fuck me..." I grumble. I pat my stomach, already feeling my acids slowly churn away at my likely still entranced meal, but then I suddenly get a muffled groan from within. "You coming to in there?" I frustratedly ask, knowing the answer is no. In my time doing this, my entranced food normally doesn't come to until its far too late to do anything about it. By the time they've realized their predicament, my acids will have already mostly done them in.

    I decide against staying in the lockerooms to digest my meal. I'd rather do so from the comfort of my home, and at least hope that Colin is asleep, or 'busy' to leave me be. Peering out the lockerooms to survey the area, the previous two guys that were at the machines, are no longer there, and the gym is vacant. Seems this guy really was on his own. I open the door to the men's lockers, and fling his clothing and shoes inside. Better for them to discover strewn pieces of clothing from him there than in the girls room. After a change of clothes back into my regular attire, I take notice that my bra feels a little tighter than before. "Oh for fucks'..." I groan, and give my full belly a thud where my meal's head would be. "You better not make just my tits bigger, ya hear?" So much for wanting to go on a diet...



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