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I'm so terribly sorry, rewards are going to be late again. August was another rotten month for me and I allowed myself to become distracted by other things instead of working on art here.

To those I owe art: I do not plan to let these things to go undone. Please continue reaching out and pestering me until you have this art in your hands.

To my continued patrons: Your continued support means the world to me, I cannot overstate this. I will continue to try my best and get back on the horse and making art for you. I'm putting together some systems to get my ass in gear and back into a regular schedule.

Once again I apologize, and thank you for understanding <3



Wish you the best of luck piffle. Hope things improve for you soon!


Aw, it's absolutely fine! I imagine you've been through a lot and I hope things can get better for you. At the very least you officially retiring the Sketch Comms means you won't have to deal with this for much longer, whatever happens!