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The winner of November's community voted illustration is:

"Fat Byleth eating a bunch of delicious food, causing fireworks to go off in her mind"

Byleth wins, pulling ahead by the skin of her teeth!! this was such a close vote omg

But in other news: WE HIT $500/mo!!!!!! YES!!!! TY ALL SO MUCH!

With $500/mo under the belt, that means a new reward is unlocked:

Every month, $10+ Patrons get to suggest a sketch from a previous Super Sundae Sketch round, and all $5+ Patrons get to vote on one to be upgraded into a full illustration~

So! My dear $10 patrons: look forward to the post collecting your submissions, I'll be sending it out in just a little bit~



Congrats on reaching your goals! I already got the perfect sketch in mind that wasn’t mine lol 😏
