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ALRIGHT so here's a heads up on a few changes that will take effect as of 8am (PDT), November 1st.

- $65 Sundae Deluxe Tier goes live: This tier has 2 slots and comes with a single-character, flat colour commission every month

- Tie breakers for polls will be exclusive to $10+ patrons

- With crossing over into $500/mo looking like a very real possibility, when we reach that milestone $10+ patrons will get a new benefit: suggesting and voting on a sketch from the Super Sundae Sketch tier to upgrade to a full colour illustration every month

- I'm also considering opening 5 more slots for the Super Sundae tier, thought that might not happen until the new year

- Probably going to open commissions again in november/decemeber, dont know when yet. Will keep yall posted.


Spectral Spider

I cannot wait air for next month! I’m sure the new tier will fill up fast!! I’m excited to see what’s to come of November :D !