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Hey yall! I'm still around, i just got hit with a bit mental downswing and now we're in the middle of an extreme heat wave where I live, so work has been a bit... sporadic. In particular my office is an oven unless i leave the door open 24/7, which means ive had little privacy to actually work on my work...

Unfortunately I've had to put my commission load on hold until next month, so there likely wont be an intake in July

To those I still owe sketch requests know that I'll have them to you Soon I promise, and I'll have something for the the June Illustration shortly~

Suffice to say, I'm still here and hopefully July will be an easier month "-__-



Heat waves are awful, and not being able to get the privacy to work is too. Hang in there and take care of yourself!


That’s a bummer but your health should always come first. Can’t do your best work if things are bothering you anyways. Hope things get better soon.