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Due to me having to focus on my last few exams, I have pushed the release of the first version untill 12th of June. A teaser video of the first scene will however be posted on 2nd of June, so look forward to that. I understand if any of you cancel your support during this time, everyone will still get the first version the second its out, so dont worry about it :)

Thanks for understanding


Paco Gonzalez

Anymore news? We are two weeks past the date....


Yes, I have been keeping people updated on discord. We had some issues with a corrupt file which meant me having to remake a bunch of the scenes. I'm almost finished with the final scene now, being in spain I have terrible internet. I expect to finish the final scene some time today or early tomorrow, then begins the process of uploading it, which might take many hours. When I get access to my computer today I will pause patreon support for July cause of the delays. Sorry for the wait, we are almost at the finishing line

Paco Gonzalez

Did you manage to pause the patreon billing? According to Patreon' support pages, we should get a notification about it: We’ll display a yellow banner on your account settings page, letting you know that we have paused your billing. A similar message will let patrons know that they won’t get billed. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/214013323-How-do-I-pause-billing-my-patrons-