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So here is a preview for a joint writing collab I'm doing with HarmonyProhibit featuring some skin rip into Asher and the slime girl Juno from the game Omega Strikers.

Two friends scurried through the thick brush towards a smoldering crash site casting a warm, orange glow onto a remote field. The crackling of fresh flames filled the air as they got closer, a scene of utter chaos unfolding around a large, oval shaped craft. The person in front pulling the arm of the other was Waver, a lean, slightly androgynous individual whose blue eyes sparkled at the sight of the scene fast approaching. They'd always been fascinated by the unknown, and to have a honest to goodness spaceship crash in their backyard there was no way they were going to pass on getting a close up look at it. The one reluctantly following behind them was Matt, their lifelong friend. He was taller, with black hair and brown eyes ripe with worry. It was dangerous to be getting too close to this thing, especially with all the flames dancing around it.

"W-Waver, please! I don't think we should be here. We have no idea what this is or if it is dangerous!" Matt yelled, frightened over the sudden turn the simple night hanging out at his friend's cabin had taken.

The male bodied, genderqueer Waver spun around to give Matt a look of absolute delight, clearly ignoring whatever worries he had just presented. The gusts from the billowing wreckage caused their mid-length hair on the right side of their otherwise buzzcut head to flutter away from their eye usually covered, showcasing just how lovestruck they were over what was a dream come true. Matt knew them well and that there would be know talking them down from such a state. So he figured the best he could do was humor them for now.

Sensing their friend's approval, Waver yanked excitedly at Matt's arm again, nearly tripping them in the process, and lead him into an open side of the alien spaceship that had been blown out. It was nearly pitch black at first, but eventually things opened up into a large, circular space with loads of gadgets and tabletops full of trinkets and tubes. In the middle of the room sat a large, sleek seat with various buttons on the arm rests. Waver quickly figured it to be some sort of control room.

Matt felt at an absolute unease within the ship, every single thing felt simply... Off. As opposed to Waver, his fear of the unknown was completely counteracting his curiosity. Sure enough it looked alien in nature, but... He simply didn't want to be here should its owners step back in!

"W-Waver, do you mind if I just... S-Stay outside for now...? What if the fuel's on fire or something...!"

Compared to his shorter friend, every single moment passed in the cockpit was unnerving to an absolute degree. His mind kept on rushing to unfortunate scenarios one after the other, as he hesitated towards the same exit they had just crossed...

"Are you kidding?! Come on, grow a pair already and look around with me!"

In stark contrast, Waver had already rushed to the different counters available near the pilot seats. Considering all of the buttons and levers available, they decided to at least stay away from the command console just in case the thing was still working. What would they do if they launched not only themselves but their scaredy cat of a friend in space? For now, counters it was!

And just above the bigger seat of the two... They found an odd drawer. This one was much smaller than the other ones around, and when pressing a small button next to it, it opened.

Inside of it was... A bit of an odd eyepatch? They could only guess that it was indeed that accessory based on the size of the band accompanying it, considering the "patch" part was made of a piece of armor compromised of steel and a glowing ore of some kind. It looked cool though, definitely memento worthy!

"Matt! Come check out what I found here!"

Matt nervously shuffled over, looking voer his shoulders every which way as he did. Upon arrival he found his friend cheerfully dangling the strange eyepatch in front of him. He didn't have much to say to Waver, mostly a nod and faint reply. He simply wanted to be done with all this. Carrying on, Waver wrapped the leather straps of the eyepatch around his head and fastened it across his right eye under his long bangs.

Striking a haughty pose, they asked, "How do I look hun? Heh heh."

"Good I guess? I don't think you should be touching the stuff in--."

"Oh calm down. What is the worse that could happen? You need to get out of your comfort zone more, explore a bit! Like, how can you not be in awe of what we are seeing here... huh?"

Matt noticed his friend's sudden silence and asked them what was wrong. Waver merely puzzled over a strange gear turning noise they had heard. A few moments later and Matt heard it as well. The both quickly determined it was coming from the metal plate on the eyepatch mechanically shifting around.

"You should really take that off." Matt said with a noticeable shake to his voice.

Waver agreed, but as they began reaching for the patch, the plate pressed downward and stamped them in the eyeball. Various prickles ran across its surface and they immediately teared up as if they had been injected with something.

"Guh, what the fuck was that!?"

"Just take it off!"

"I will! I will! Let me--gah!"

Waver stumbled forward a bit, feeling several intense throbs coursing throughout their body.

"Are you okay!?" Matt shouted.

"I-I don't know what is going on? Huh!?"

A large thump within their body caught them off guard, as if something sturdy and heavy had been dumped beneath the skin. There was a strange, hollowness acting like a barrier between their own sense of self and whatever it was that entered them. Whatever it was, it was shifting, each movement registering differently from their visible outer body. The best they could describe it was their inner musculature and bones were now their own separate being from the nerves and shell of their skin. One mind, two bodies.

"Matt... I feel so weird. Guh--AAAHN!"

The body inside them gave a kick, coming to life and muddying their senses. It was a thick mass wriggling beneath the surface that was expanding with large breaths. It was growing quickly too, Waver's outer self rapidly tightening around it.

"Waver?! Waver, h-hold on!"

As much of a cowaed as he was, Matt wasn't about to give up on his good friend when he saw him in such... Pain? Could he even describe what he was seeing as a torturous treatment when their voice moaned out sensually and a tent began to show in their already tightened pants?! He could at least give it a try!

The man approached his more androgynous friend carefully, looking to get closer without getting hurt from their thrashing. One thing he instantly noticed as he got closer was their back, their very vertebraes seemed to be cracking and growing as they clenched their teeth in an explicably arousing experience. Little by little, Matt witnessed his friend gain an inch, then another, then completely pass his height until it finally stopped just short of bumping into the ceiling. Their skin seemed to be stretching to insane degrees, the surface twitching with fragility as Matt brought a curious finger to their belly... And made it happen.



With a sickening tear and a shameful ejaculation in their pants, Matt opened his eyes wide when he saw his friend's skin produce a huge tear in answer to the slightest of tensions. But the gore and blood he had expected to spurt out never came, instead he witnessed some staggering abdominal muscles that formed a near flawless 8 pack. The muscles were adorned with a beautiful bronze skin that glistened with sweat from the ecstasy their friend had just gone through... What? How had that just transpired--

"It’s b-breaking through! Neeeugh! I-IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOOOOD~!"

Waver's loud moan sealed the deal for his friend. Whatever was happening, he couldn't allow himself to stay too long to witness it! He needed help, he needed to get out of here pronto!

As Matt turned and frantically looked for the nearest exit, Waver's inner body flexed and swelled yet again, the barely hanging on flesh beginning to tear in several spots. Biceps like boulders, thighs the size of tree trunks, abs hard as marbles, and plateaus of muscle upon their backside shredded through their skin as if it were a cheaply made costume. Their facial features were loosening as well, becoming more like a mask shuffling and bagging over another face.

The changes were too intense for them, and they stumbled forward, bumping into Matt as they tried to run. Their frightened friend tripped into a counter top and fell to the floor, knocking various items over in the process. One of these was a glass container filled with a gelatinous, turquoise goo. The container shattered after hitting the ground, spilling the material onto Matt. He looked at it worried, seeing it jiggle about as if alive, but his attention was soon captured once more by Waver and a very different type of goop smacking into his body from above.

Staring up, he saw Waver almost completely naked, their body having become too big for their clothes, his pants and undies tattered and falling. It gave Matt full view of their throbbing dick which was cumming profusely onto them. The skin of his balls were stretching apart, tears revealing massive tan ones beneath desperate to burst free. And their cock, it looked bloated with need, but it wasn't filling with backed up spunk, oh no, but a second, larger dick growing erect within, forcing its way up Waver's shaft like a reverse urethral sounding.

With a large snap that made Matt hop, Waver's hips snapped wider and their ass kicked with strength and feminine fat, ripping the outer shell wide from the butt-crack outward. It was another thunderous revelation unleashed upon their pleasure ridden mind, their sense of self sinking into the fountains of strength welling up. A curious persona was chipping away at their psyche, one that felt more comfortable, more fitting for this body. it was that of one named Asher, a woman full of determination, who was loyal to those close to her. She had a heart full of love and a body brimming with the power to protect.

"SHIT! Wh-What am I--Guh!? I’m… YUAGH! I feel amazAAAAH~! FUUUUCK YESSS!!"

One of Waver's hands grabbed at the loose flesh of their face and yanked down as they bellowed in ecstasy, ripping half of the old away to reveal the new woman beneath. She had similar blue eyes, but they were more intense, more confidently focused Matt could tell despite their pupils rolling into the back of their head. She had a teethy, mature grin and a nose sharply beautiful. Along the back of their head where other skin had fallen, tufts of very long orange hair with blacked tips spilled out. Down the tears in their back other hair seeped out as well. It was styled wildly like the mane of a wild beast.


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