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Here is the completed story, a man seeking adventure is transported to Mondstadt and turned into Amber. 

“Are you going to buy anything or are you here to peruse yet again?”

Jack gave a small hop before turning his head left and right, seeking out the source of the voice he had just heard. He’d been visiting this antique and clothing store, the Switch Witch, for several days now since discovering it, but hadn’t once been greeted. Most of the days the store felt empty.

“Enough of your daydreaming. Over here.” the voice called out again, guiding him towards a large, oak wood desk cluttered with papers and occult-like trinkets with a gorgeous woman sitting at it.

“Um… hello?” Jack responded, unsure what she wanted his attention for.

He wasn’t the nervous type, but one look at her and her large breasts nearly popping out of a black, draping witch dress caused him to avert his eyes. She was tall and shapely, a dream in every way. Her voice had an aged quality to it, the tone of someone mature who navigated life’s twists and turns with a lax poise. She was a total milf!

The woman chuckled at the obvious aversion then said, “I’ll introduce myself first. The name is Anis. And you hun?”

Jack, realizing he was acting a fool, straightened himself out and looked straight at her amethyst eyes to introduce himself.

“Sorry. The name is Jack. Was there something you wanted from me? I… assume you’re the store owner.”

“Right you are cutie.”

Anis gave a warm grin as she leaned forward, eyes half shaded beneath thick lashes. She placed her elbows onto the desk and bound her fingers together in a contemplative manner. Every movement she made not only captured his gaze but his ears as well, the excessive amount of bangles on her arms jangling with every seductive motion.

“I’ve had my eyes on you all week wondering exactly what it is you seek.” She said. “I now believe I know what it is. Do you?”

Jack was a bit perplexed.

“Look I, I’m just browsing lady.”

“Anis.” She silently snapped back.

“Sorry, Anis. I enjoy antiques, simple as that.”

The disappointed witch woman leaned back in her chair and sighed.

“Tsk, tsk. You mustn’t lie to yourself my dear. What you seek is what these weathered objects represent. You can’t fool me.”

Jack crossed his arms and replied, “Fool you about what?”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve called out to you Jack.”

Anis rose slowly from her seat, dragging her delicate fingers across the tabletop as she moved towards him. He gave a step back once she got close, surprised that she was taller than him by a few inches.

“This was the first time my voice reached you. You’ve been lost in your own little fantasy each visit to my humble store. It’s adorable really.”

Jack turned away, a bit disgruntled at being found out. He tried assuring Anis that she was over-thinking things, but she wouldn’t bite. In fact, she leaned forward and put her mouth close to his ear to whisper the truth.

“You want an escape from your wearisome life don’t you?”

Jack couldn’t deny it any longer and she was starting to peak his interest. Maybe something exciting could come about from this encounter.

“Alright got me.” he said, feeling much more relaxed as he turned back to face her. “Your store is the only place that I’ve found antiques like these. Many of them feel as if they are from a whole other world. I like them.”

Anis perked up and immediately went on the move towards a corner Jack had been perusing moments ago.

“Perfect! Secrets are like barriers between people. Now that we are past that, how I can help you?”

Jack enjoyed her motherly demeanor, his heart opening up more each time she spoke. It felt genuine, heartfelt, a feeling he hadn’t received from others he tried opening up to.

“It is a bit embarrassing. I mean, I’m not the only one that feels their life is boring. Plenty of college students feel unfulfilled.”

Jack walked up behind Anis who was shuffling through some smaller antiques and continued.

“Some have told me I should go on a trip to another country. I don’t know though, what I crave is something more. I want a permanent escape from this… life, if you can call it that.”

“Heh, an adventurous soul trapped in the everyday tedium. A tale as old as time.” Anis replied while finally picking out an object from where she had been rummaging. “Lucky for you, I have just the fix~.”

Anis held up a pair of brown pilot goggles. They looked unassuming aside from their golden trim, but something about them stirred a feeling of wonder within Jack he hadn’t felt since he was a child. Staring into the amber colored lenses, he could swear he saw swirling shapes taking form. Mountainous peaks and rolling hills winding through old ruins. It was hard to make out for sure, but every angle he looked at them brought about new, fascinating reflections.

“These goggles have seen a world unlike any you’ve experienced.” Anis slyly whispered. “Take them Jack, and let your soul be carried away by the winds of adv—”

“I-I’m sorry. But I have no money on me.”

Jack tousled his short, dark brown hair, bewildered by the odd sensation that had washed over him. He turned to leave but was stopped dead in his tracks by a pair of breasts squishing against his back. Anis’ fond embrace soon followed, her hands placing the goggles into his.

“You are mistaken. These are yours now sweetie. I promise that they will set your heart a flutter much more than it is now.”

“O-Okay I get it! I’ll take them. Thank you very much Anis, but I have to go.”

Jack wanted to get out as fast as he could, trying to hide the stiffness in his jeans. Anis chuckled at the frantic departure, giving him a gentle wave as he departed.


Back in the comfort of his apartment, Jack paced anxiously with the goggles in hand. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. For all he knew this whole thing was a ruse. What could a pair of goggles do after all? But if it were real, wouldn’t it be worth the try?

Wasting no more time, he slid the goggles onto his face and adjusted them. Strangely he could only see pitch darkness, the lenses darker than a pair of sunglasses. Right as disappointment settled in however, a rush of light flooded his vision, followed by his body feeling weightless. His foot soon enough met ground once again and the blinding light began to fade. His eyes though were met not by his dimly lit, boring bedroom, but a vast green field with ankle high grass sprawling out towards a cliffside.

He was immediately awestruck and shifted a hand towards the goggles to remove them, curious to test if what he was seeing would disappear if he were to remove them. He halted though as a gentle gust brushed across his body, the grass elegantly swaying all around him. His heart opened up to the possibility of what he was seeing, the sensations so real that he chose to believe it such on the spot.

He took one step, than another several seconds later, slowly working himself up to a normal stride as the shock subsided. There was no way he was in his room anymore, having walked far enough that he would’ve slammed into a wall. This ruled out the possibility of virtual reality. Passing by a large boulder, he touched its surface. It felt as real as anything else.

A few steps later he reached the cliff side which looked out over a vast, green landscape unlike anything he’d ever laid eyes upon. Its beauty rivaled anything he had seen in travel books or online, but there was an ethereal feeling it gave off that cemented it as something otherworldly compared to the lands of his world. The bloom casting on the shrubs, tress, and grass felt magical and the foam of the waves crashing on a nearby beach looked as puffy and white as the clouds in the sky. Subtle qualities to the textures, sights and smell of everything ferried Jack’s spirit away towards a serene calm. It strangely felt like home.

Soaking in the sights for what seemed like an eternity, Jack felt a tear roll down his cheek. His eyes beneath the goggles sparkled as they watered up, their pupils suddenly turning from green to gold. A feeling of familiarity washed over him and it felt as if he was looking at the world through someone else’s eyes. Landmarks filled out as names in his head, the giant, snow-capped mountain in the distance called Dragonspine and the lush fields below surrounding a massive tree known as Windrise. Somehow he knew this world and knew how to traverse it, his legs springing to action as he navigated down the treacherous cliff as if it came naturally. Hopping from one outcropping to the next, he soon reached the bottom and found himself within the blanket of shade cast by the towering fir trees of Mondstadt.

“I’m in… Mondstadt.” Jack whispered, savoring the name like a fine touch of wine to his lips. It was a beautiful name, and he didn’t care how he knew it. Whatever force had brought him to this amazing world, he was thankful.

Apparently so was his body, as he quickly noticed himself growing hard within his grey sweatpants. It had been exhilarating that’s for sure, but not enough that it should excite him in this way right? After another gust of wind tickled his body and made him even harder, he felt embarrassed. He was alone though, and his heart was beating so fast. The body wants what it wants and he was the happiest he had been in ages.

Fixing his eyes back onto the wondrous landscape before him, he felt his dick twitch. Throwing worry to the wind, he decided to indulge and slipped his hand into his pants. He started pumping gently, soaking in the sights and sounds. Every chirping bird and brush of wind made him harder, his dick steeling within his stroking hand.

“Oh wow… It’s so beautiful.”

Jack had no way of knowing it yet, but he was having an out of body experience. While he was truly experiencing this fantastical world and every sensation that came with it, his actual body was still rooted within his bedroom. He was standing upright, taking but the occasional step despite moving much more freely where his soul had been sent. However, the actions between his body in both worlds were starting to align the more he indulged in his mounting pleasure, his hand in the real world beating himself off at the same pace.

An odd tingling began to ripple across Jack’s body in both worlds, his flesh lightly pulsating and muscles minutely spasming. It was pleasant to him though, merely adding to a budding heat growing within his loins. The heat rippled out, turning into rolling waves of pleasure across his body.

Laboring between words, Jack moaned, “The… the sky.. huh? Th-The trees… Oooh… I can’t… I can’t take it…”

He was lost within the moment, not paying any attention to his shifting body. His brown hair was growing longer, crawling down towards his backside. His fingernails became longer too, pretty adornments for his slimming fingers. The bush around his genitals were fading away, its cushion felt less and less each time his hand patted against it, until nothing but smooth skin was left behind. In fact, everywhere his skin was smoothing, his complexion light and fairer now.

Oh yes, please,” Jack begged, slipping into a trance. “P-Please… let me stay here…”

Within the real world, his body was swaying in the same agitated manner as the one in Mondstadt. His bones popping and cracking beneath the skin, making him twitch in anticipation while his height trimmed and frame grew slimmer. With each inch shaved off came a hike in pleasure, Jack quickening the pace of his stroking, remaining fixed on the beautiful lands before him.

After a few intense shifts to his skeleton, his spine shot into a finer curvature and the flab in his gut sucked inward to leave a flat tummy in its wake. The hastening ordeal made his knees weak and he felt ready to collapse. With his moans growing more passionate, he backed into a tree, his body in the bedroom following suit by backing into a wall. He sensed himself building towards an orgasm, but this was unlike any buildup in the past. He poetically imagined it as his soul’s triumphant song trying to force its way out through his dick.

His body had shrunk considerably by this point, his pants hanging loose and plain shirt sliding down on one shoulder. In the realm of Mondstadt though something further was happening, his clothing unnaturally shifting into unorthodox shapes that looked like thick wisps of smoke. They remained shapeless for a few moments before they regained their form, but as completely new attire. His shirt and pants were replaced by a red, croptop jacket with long sleeves and the hood down, a dark brown jumper outfit and white shirt with an open top with brown collar, brown short shorts and red stockings beneath white boots that both ran up past the knees. A red bow shaped like bunny ears also fastened itself on top of his now thicker head of hair that ran down past his bottom.

The outfit was classy, knightly and looked unbefitting for Jack. His body instinctively knew this to be true and trembled to life with knew fervor, his hand pumping faster and faster. Red wool gloves with a brown leather layer framing their topside appeared on his slender hands, adding a further, enticing texture to his strokes. Everything was working in perfect consort to make Jack feel good, to feel right at home. It was his world now and he was compelled to cross over.

In the bedroom, he bounced on and off the wall, precum staining his sagging pants whose space was being refilled by swelling thighs and butt cheeks. With every new explosion of fat that pumped into Jack’s quickly feminizing body, his dick shrank a few centimeters. His hand was sanding away its length, every ounce of warmth filling his loins screaming at him to give in. It was like he was being denied entry into this world until he did. Plain, simple, boring, that was all he was. But he felt it deep within his racing heart that he could be so much more!

“Yessss! Oooh fuck yes! Th-The knights! Hyaah! Out, Outriderrr!”

Jack let out a cavalcade of effeminate moans, his eyes fluttering as tears filled his eyes, somewhat blurring the vision of what had brought him such pleasure. A rush of memories, goals, and resolve not his own came pouring in as a jumbled mess of sentences, a joyful, adventurous being—much like he wished to be—blinding him of nearly all thought.

The body in Mondstadt began to fill out his new attire perfectly, butt snuggly held within his shorts, thighs straining against the stockings, and modest, perky breasts lifting within the shirt with their cleavage pushing forth. His face crunched and contorted, feminine features coming into shape. He was close, his cock mere moments away from letting go of the man he used to be.

“Used to… wh-what the fuck!?”

Jack screamed in terror as long bangs brushed in front of his eyes and he whipped his head downwards. Seeing his body almost nearly a woman woke him from his moment of bliss. While still reeling from the near orgasm, he ripped the goggles from his face, whisking him back to his bedroom where he landed with a thud on the floor.

He felt his body give several kicks, his eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head as the orgasm the other world worked so hard for finally came. The changes that had befell him began to reverse as he shot out ropes of thick cum while his dick enlarged back to its natural size. Gradually his breasts and woman’s ass faded and his body grew back into his clothing. The beautiful form Jack had been given was no more, expelled into his soggy sweatpants.

Staring around his shabby room, Jack was a mess of thoughts. It took a few minutes for the strange, foreign thoughts in his head to fade away, his usual sense of self returning. He shook with anxiety, worried that the strange transformation could happen again at any moment. He tossed the goggles under his bed and into the darkness, hoping to never see them again.


Almost 2 weeks had passed since the incident and Jack was regaining some sense of normality. But with that came his usual depression and unflattering thoughts about the state of his life. Almost every night he dreamed of that magnificent world he visited. Truthfully he still yearned for it, but it was not worth the price.

Returning home one night, the desire for those rolling green hills weighed down on him heavily as he sat on his bed. He knew the goggles still resided beneath him. He was unable to get rid of them, fearful of picking them up once again and feeling that temptation. The withdrawal this time was particularly strong, so much that he started to rationalize reasons to wear them.

I... I know what to expect this time, he thought to himself. It can’t be that hard to control myself right?

After a bit more pacing in thought he caved, reaching under the bed for the goggles. His heart began to flutter the moment he felt them within his fingers. Quickly he pulled them out and stared into their shiny lens once more, seeing the shapes of the world he missed. It hadn’t been long since his journey there, but he already looked back on the landscapes like a long-cherished memory.

“I have to see it again.” he said with a smile before slipping the goggles on and transporting himself back to the plains of Mondstadt.

Arriving was just as breathtaking as the first time, Jack’s senses being swept up in every detail. The grass seemed to tickle the air and the way the birds chirped and insects buzzed felt like music against the backdrop. Ridiculously large dandelions with a faint magical glow swayed about and spread their seeds, filling his nostrils with a pleasing, ephemeral scent as they passed.

Jack could feel his cock beginning to stir in his pants, but it felt more constricted than usual. Looking down, he realized he was not in his normal attire, but the female clothing that had appeared on him during his last visit.

“Oh shit! Right uh, must stay calm.”

His dick eventually settled and he took a deep breathe. The outfit was a bit too tight in spots for his liking, but it seemed he didn’t have a choice in the matter. It was thankfully baggy enough around the bottom and chest areas that walking wasn’t much of a burden. He did feel a bit silly crossdressing, the big ribbon tied on his head of short hair looking especially out of sorts, but he tried his best to push it from his mind and focus on exploring more of the vibrant landscape.

He traveled further than he had the previous trip, crossing small lakes and ponds and hiking up large hills until he came across a batch of crumbled ruins. They were made of stone and looked to be of a bygone age judging by their scattered remains and the overgrowth around them. They also appeared surprisingly smooth and fresh in spots, as if nature itself refused to ruin their beauty.

Jack chuckled to himself, thinking he was getting excited over some simple ruins that honestly didn’t look far removed from the ones of his own world. Though as he passed through rising stone archways and past large rock faces that reflected the sun in strange manners he knew there was something different about this place. It was hard to put his finger on it, but the world felt off-kilter in a captivating way, it felt like… home.

Eventually Jack found a dirt path and followed it to the top of a cliff facing out to sea. On its edge was a collection of peculiarly aligned stone architecture surrounding a large statue that appeared to be some archaic ballista in the shape of a compass at the face of it. It held a large, golden arrow, pointing like a dial towards the water. It was amazing craftsmanship and Jack took the time to look over every cracked and creviced inch of it.

Taking a break, Jack leaned forward against a waist high stone post with a smooth, diamond-shaped top. The surface felt cool even through his gloves. Closing his eyes, he reminisced about all the ruins he had just seen, names percolating within his head as if he knew the lay of the land.

“Thousand Winds Temple… the Midsummer Courtyard…”

Jack’s cock began to stiffen in his shorts as whimsical recollections gently filled his head.

“Windrise… mmm… Springvale…”

Dick fully erect, Jack began to rub up and down against the stone post. Light moans started fluttering from his lips as he found himself lost once more to foreign memories playing like a fantasy within his head. The feminine, adventurous soul that had permeated his thoughts before was bubbling to the surface.

“C-City of… Mondstadt, ahn~… My h-hoooh! Home…”

He had done what he said he wouldn’t, grinding mindlessly against the ruins as his ass swelled and chest filled with soft fat. Eyes completely closed and with a smile he rode the building pleasure, giving cute hops whenever a shift in his frame occurred. He was shrinking and swelling in all the right ways, thighs bursting from his shorts, stockings clinging to his legs, arms slimming in his sleeves, breasts filling his top, sides and waist dipping into the contours of the attire. It was all building towards an intense strain within his cock.

Back in his world, his body was changing as well. Like before each body was linked, and his earthly form was mimicking the actions of the one in Mondstadt. He rode cowgirl style on his raised bed frame, feeling the same intoxicating sensations throbbing in his dick. This time however there seemed to be an even deeper heat that was hollowing out his insides beneath his cock, making it all the more unbearable.

The forces changing him were working fast, as desperate to finish off Jack as he was desperate to cum. He didn’t have far to go, his plump ass hiking up his shorts and his thighs looking thick enough to push him up the highest peaks. His tummy even tightened with sensual, chiseled muscle. He possessed an adventurers body, meant for exploring this vast, beautiful land. But it belonged to another… it belonged to—

“A-A-Amber! Oooh! Ah, Amber!”

Jack moaned out the name of a woman several time, the name of the woman dancing around his thoughts. She was parading as him, his sense of self mixing with her memories and mannerisms. It was a blender of personas, with one gradually chipping away at the other.

Suddenly, some release came, a wetspot forming in the man’s shorts as precum began to pour from his tip as quickly as the long hair pouring from his head. His face, his voice, all were becoming more feminine by the second, pretty lips yelling no and yes as a tug of war played out within Jack’s mind.

“Oooh Amber! N-Noooh yes! Hyah, aaah! No, STOOOP!”

Jack managed to break free, eyes opening wide as he reached for the goggles and quickly tore them off. He was immediately transported back to his room where he fell limp onto his bed frame. He leaned forward, body twitching within the most intense orgasm of his life. Like before his male body returned to him upon the copious amounts of cum spilling into his undergarments. His voice was the last thing to change, Amber’s light, chipper tones fading into his masculine huffs—the moans feeling more like disappointed whines by the end.

After regaining his composure, Jack stayed out of his room and away from the goggles for a few days till eventually working up the courage to pick them up and throw them into a box. It was a temporary shield, and while he knew he had to get rid of them for good, his body felt a panic attack whenever he thought of throwing the goggles away. There was only one option left, return them to Anis.


“Please, take them back! I-I can’t have them around me anymore.”

Jack sat the box with the goggles down onto Anis’ desk, trembling as he did. For how determined he was, parting with them felt like the hardest thing he’d ever done.

Anis gave a perplexed look before pulling out the goggles. She inspected them, her expression feigning ignorance.

“Strange… I was certain these would lead you exactly to where you heart desired. Do you mind trying them on so I can see what the problem is?”

“No, no!” Jack yelled, taking several steps back and turning around so he wouldn’t have to lay eyes on the goggles. “Those are dangerous, I can’t go back!”

As the unnerved man began to walk for the door, Anis crept up quickly from behind and slipped the goggles onto his face.

“Nonsense hun. This will only take a moment.”

Anis’ words quickly faded to the back of Jack’s head as he was yet again transported to the beautiful world that spelt doom for him. He immediately lost all bearings of where he was within Anis store, his vision focusing in on a dirt road slithering across many green hills and cliff faces.

He was in a panic, turning away from the beckoning road while making a grab at the goggles on his head. As he turned however, his eyes met something he simply couldn’t ignore. Stopped dead in his tracks, he looked in awe at a stone bridge before him leading towards a city surrounded by stone castle walls. It was like something out of a fantasy book, massive windmills towering above fachwerk shops and mansions peeking above the walls. Elevated atop the city limits was a gothic style church with a large, robed statue with wings and cupped hands stretching towards the heavens.

Anis saw Jack stop dead in his tracks. She took the chance to approach him from behind and gently grab his hands and lower them from his head. The man’s body gave a little hop to the feeling of her embrace, her breasts squishing against his back like soft pillows.

“Wha--? W-Who!?”

“Shhh, I’m here…”

Within the realm of Mondstadt Jack could hear Anis’ words, but not her voice. Instead they came through the filter of another, someone who was holding his waist just as she was. Their voice was stern yet with an air of care put into each delivery. It stirred something familiar within the man’s heart.

Looking down, Jack noticed again the red adventurers outfit on his male body, as well as the arms wrapped around him dressed in black gloves with blue palms and lavish white sleeves that opened like flower petals. Thoughts of who they belonged too quickly trickled to the forefront of his mind, visions of an icy-haired, hourglass beauty, taller than he was, with a pale complexion.

“Eula…?” Jack questioned, before he felt his body shudder over several cracks to his frame. The changes were starting again.

Anis heard Jack softly speak the name and smiled. She had already found her ticket in.

“Yes. It’s me Eula.”

No matter how Anis sounded in the real world, it came through a filter to Jack’s ears, her words becoming what they needed to be to further beckon him to the other side.

“Why did you run off like that Amber? Hmph, always thinking for yourself.”

The name Amber rattled Jack’s brain and he squirmed, feeling his body’s mass shift and contort like it had the times before. He nearly fell forward, only the woman’s grip keeping him up.

“Noooh! Oooh, I’m not… I’m not A-Amber!”

Anis held his body within the shop tighter, noticing his dick going erect within his jeans. She carefully unzipped them and slipped a hand inside. She wasted no time teasing the tip of the man’s cock, helping it grow. The Eula figure within Mondstadt did the same, Jack struggling against his own body’s crumbling defenses as his eyes remained fixed on the breathtaking city.

Anis and Eula both whispered, “Amber, what do you see?”

Jack’s brain trembled, Amber’s essence and memories bubbling forth. He tried to close his eyes, but to no avail. It was all too beautiful.

“Mondst-stadt, ahn!” he moaned, his body rapidly thinning and shrinking as the words fumbled out. “I see our, aaah, m-my hoooome!”

Anis giggled at the sight of Jack’s now androgynous body minimizing within her grasp, his head now resting back below her chin. She gently rubbed his flat, tightening tummy while stroking his exposed dick with a gentle pace. She intended to savor this as much as possible. It was a shame Jack’s body seemed in a rush though, his hair quickly growing longer and skin becoming softer to the touch.

Jack yelled, “No! That’s not, gaaah! Fuck! I-I doh, hoooh! I n-need to, g-get away! Get away from me!”

His heart was pounding like crazy within Eula’s arms, the building memories of Amber’s fueling the arousal. It shouldn't be natural for pleasure to feel this good, but nothing about this was natural. His body wanted it but his mind was playing catchup. Was he even sure he wanted this? This mystical land… the fellow protectors at the Knights of Favonius… Eula…

Jack began to moan Eula’s name over and over, Anis feeling his dick throb with each utterance. She took this as a sign to pick up the pace, working his shaft faster, her index finger rubbing against the tip.

In the other world, Jack was amiss over his situation. He felt as if he had known Eula for a long time, theirs a friendship that had blossomed into romance. Visions of her hand slipping inside him elicited more excited yelps than the strokes she was delivering. He was powerless to the pleasure, his body no longer fighting back. His only option left was to beg for his release.

“Eula please, uhn! You h-have to stah… aaah!?”

Jack went wide-eyed as he turned his head up towards Eula, his brain whiting out for a brief moment at the sight of her gorgeous face. She held a firm expression with a hint of softness, her eyes fixed on his. This was the woman he loved!

“Hooh! Oh nooo! Oh Archooons!” Jack moaned, feeling a frightening amount of affection swelling within him.

Anis felt Jack’s thighs plump around her pumping hand and his ass swell against her thigh. He was staring straight at her through the goggles with the golden eyes of another. His softening features were wracked with ecstasy, transfixed on what she figured was this Eula. It was endearing seeing the look of utter passion he held for the woman—truly a pure love. Even though it was not directed at her, Anis couldn’t help but blush.

“Look how happy you are Amber,” Anis said, placing an arm behind Jack’s back and lowering him slightly. “You’ve found what you are looking for.”

“Noo! Nohaaat Amberrr!” Jack protested, joyful, conflicted tears streaming down his face.

Anis began to move her face in closer and Eula mirrored her actions.

“You must pay Amber,” Eula said, her sharp nose brushing past Jack’s cute one. “For making me worry...”

In perfect harmony, both Anis and Eula’s lips met that of Amber’s, whose features had completely consumed Jack’s in both worlds. The beating in his chest hurt, Amber’s breasts swelling rapidly alongside each thump. His eyes were rolling back, every reservation he held dipping into a serene darkness. A hand that felt initially as if it wanted to pound at Eula’s back instead held onto it, wanting to pull in closer to this warmth, this… love.

Then he came, and he came hard. All the buildup of cum that had been held back each time he traveled to this world was released, his mind and body finally in agreement that this was the world he belonged to, the life he wanted to live. She was a woman of Mondstadt, a protector of this city, together with her closest friend, her partner Eula.

Lively, feminine moans began to pour into Eula and Anis’ mouthes as Amber awoke. It was a smoldering, pleasurable fire between her legs, all thoughts of being a man erased from her head. This made her confused over what she was feeling down there, an emptiness inside that just couldn't be reached despite Eula’s apparent efforts. She felt so free though and safe within Eula’s arms, so she ignored the oddness and let her lover continue.

Amber’s dick shrank faster with every stroke from the women, their cum slick hands gliding effortlessly up and down, squelching sounds playing out as her balls sucked inside her. With a loud, wet pop, Amber’s slit opened like a mouth around her shriveling cock. It caused her to wrestle free from her kiss for a moment, the pleasure so great that she had to scream to the heavens in thanks.

“Haaahn! E-Eulaaah! D-Don’t staaawp! Mmph!”

Anis and Eula silenced Amber with another kiss. The tongues of every woman danced together, each determined to savor the sweet evanescence while Amber’s cock dried up into a nub tucked within her slick, dripping folds. Eula and Anis’ fingers could finally reach their prize, Amber’s womanhood. The moment they entered her however, Amber completely lost her stability and fell to the ground.

Both women guided her descent, keeping their fingers inside her and lips locked. They hovered above Amber in dominance, fingering faster and faster, adoring each time their perky outrider bounced. She was about to blow, they could feel it! Just a little more and—!

Anis planted forward suddenly, her hands and face phasing through Amber’s body like a ghost as orbs of light began to flutter off of the woman’s body. She had become translucent and was dissipating into the air, which indicated to Anis that the world had finally welcomed the newly born. She watched the body before her disappear to a world of adventure, the goggles staying within her realm and falling to the floor as the moans of Amber were cut off for good.

An out of breath Anis simpered and said, “It feels good to help others~.”

Outside the city of Mondstadt Amber cried out in bliss as she reached orgasm, her love’s fingers buried deep inside her as they held her shuddering body. Once Amber settled down a bit, she hugged back, basking in the warmth radiating from Eula’s icy exterior. She knew she should say something, but wasn’t even sure of what she had done to upset Eula.

“I’m… sorry Eula.”

Eula pulled back and helped raise Amber to a seated position. Her icy glare fixed onto her, but Amber could see past it and see the worry that they showed.

“You are so annoying,” Eula said, her grip on one of Amber’s arms tightening. “Do you know how long you’ve been gone? You know how rough it is for me when you are not around here right? The ridicule I put up with?”

“No I—”

Eula turned her head away, which worried Amber. She did the only thing she could think of and kiss Eula on the cheek.

“I’m very sorry, I mean it!” Amber insisted, brightening up her tone and trying to work Eula with a wide smile. “I know people are always judging you, but you’ll always have me okay?”

Amber hugged Eula tight, causing the woman to twitch a bit in surprise.

“I’ll never lose sight of what is important to me. This city, the Knights, you.”

Eula gave an affirming pat to Amber’s head, pulled in her head towards her chest and then softly said, “I love you… Amber.”

Amber giggled and replied, “I love you to!”

The two women rose up holding hands and stared back at their city.

Amber struck an excited pose which caught Eula’s attention and she asked what her deal was.

“I was just thinking,” Amber said with a sunny smile. “That every day with you feels like an adventure.”


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