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Another preview for this story for you all. This one involves Thorani from the game Indivisible.

Kovit seemed to be in his own world, everything around him blocked out as he relished in his endless drink. His flushed face and agitated little hops made it hard for Batu to not feel embarrassed, as if he was looking in on something private. Kovit’s still raising dick and building moans made it clear that this was a euphoric experience for him. The young man felt a twinge of jealousy admittedly, but he also felt something stir within his own loins as well. The slender slopes of his teacher’s exposed shoulder, the glossy, bowed-lips now filling out, and the long, black lashes growing around his fluttering eyelids… he was becoming beautiful.

Batu knew there was still a man before him, yet their visage was that of a goddess, and he could not wrestle his mind away from that truth. It was captivating in a way where he did not wish to intervene, simply watch, regardless of the shame he felt rising in his pants. It felt wrong to think of teacher in this way and it confused him as someone who only felt such feelings towards women. Still, he looked on, his heart beginning to race.

Suddenly Kovit’s body gave a few larger hops, his head slightly kicking back as the sound of a spilling waterfall could be heard. The bulb that had formed in his hair began to drop down towards his lower back, taking the shape of a teardrop as it did. The tip of the teardrop formed a sort of knot, blocking off the fresh water pouring into the hair above. It caused yet another bulb to take shape, bloating above the on below it. The outpouring of new fluids caused an even more ecstatic outpouring of moans into the flask, every inch of the rejuvenated man trembling in ecstasy.

It didn’t take long for the dam inside Kovit’s body to break, all the excess water he was taking appearing to have reached its limit, at least to Batu’s prying eyes. Tears of joy ran like streams down Kovit’s cheeks, as did drool down his chin. Even his ears and nose began to leak, but with sparkling spring water. Most bewildering was his fat cock--full of backup--cumming profusely in his jeans. It looked messy, white goop staining through the pants onto the outside cloth. Yet even that was made dazzling by the following torrent of water which swiftly replaced it, washing the stain clean with its glistening spillage.



Batu leaped back a step, startled by the sounds of breaking bones and deforming flesh filling the hut. The muffled cries of his teacher was alarming too, but sounded surprisingly jubilant given what he had just heard. What caught him most off guard though was Kovit’s eyes snapping wide open as he keeled forward. He was staring straight at him, perhaps even through him, pupils effervescent and full of splendor. They were an unfamiliar pink as well, adding even more allure to them.

He knew not what to do or what to say, but Batu’s body responded in earnest, an erection sliding up in his tight pants. His own eyes shook in awe at the most beautiful jewels he’d ever seen looking back at him, disappointment mounting as they started to roll back into Kovit’s head. He appeared to be tugged backwards, his neck craning towards its previous position from the weight of now a third expanding bulb sloshing about on his still growing hair.

Whatever blessing Kovit was being given, whatever enlightenment was possibly flowing into his head, there was no fear in him for it. Batu now noticed that the harsh breaking of his teacher’s body mere moments before came with the gift of elegance. His hips jutted wider and his sides had caved inward, creating a welcoming waist for which Batu wished he could wrap his arms around. He had never felt the touch of a woman, only ever admired from afar, but he could state with absolute certainty that the body emerging from the man he cared for like no other was the most beautiful he’d ever seen, and it was not even finished yet.

The changes seemed to be accelerating, as if they were encouraged by Kovit’s own acceptance of them. His chest began to soften and rise, the unmistakable shape of breasts forming. They gently kicked with each surge of fat, no doubt being filled with the blessed water. As they became larger, his loose clothing began to elegantly lift upon his chest and become soaked by the perky nipples beneath squirting into the fabric. It had been insane how much water Kovit had taken in, it had to go somewhere. The sheer amount of leaking from his body had Batu worried though, the once man struggling to take even another gulp.

For a moment Batu’s concern overrode his arousal and he yelled, “Kovit! Please, you don’t have to drink anymore!”

His teacher continued though, desperate for more. His strained expression made it clear though that this was the last he could handle and he forced it down, clogging his throat for a few moments. Once the bulge of water made it’s way through he dropped the flask, a sense of overwhelming relief washing over Kovit, his voice sounding softer as it sighed--a lithe, feminine tone. But then came a rush and he arched back in pleasure, a cavalcade of rapturous moans pouring forth as his eyes were taken over by an aqua glow.

Batu fell on his bottom, alarmed by the sight. He couldn’t make sense of what Kovit was experiencing, but it seemed otherworldly, like a divine power was filling him up and pouring out his eyeballs. The leaking from his body had become worse too, every hole on his face crying profusely, and his clothes becoming drenched by the divine waters being expelled from his cock and swelling tits.

“Th-The Oasis, is in me! It’s filling me up!” Kovit yelled, his blissful, sultry voice cutting through the moans for a brief moment.

Batu wished to respond, to call out to him, but his tongue was in a knot. He had nothing he could think to say. It was clear as he watched Kovit’s breasts jostle and grow and his ass rise like pillowy dough that there was nothing to be done but watch and wait. Whatever was happening to him there was no going back now. He was even beginning to feel blessed by the sight, bearing witness to what he could only describe as a goddess being born.

“This s-swirling in my h-head, Aahn! It’s flo-hooowing in! I don’t know if I c-can! It’s so--H-HOOOOH YESSS!”

“Huhn? K-Kovit…” Batu softly groaned while placing a palm on his wet pants above his twitching cock. His teacher’s voice was so sensual, his breasts becoming so bountiful, it was impossible to think of him as a man anymore. He was utterly embarrassed, desperately hoping that if the man he knew was still before him that he would not think ill of him feeling such haunting arousal.

Batu squirmed as silently as he could, watching the magic unfold further before his eyes. Kovit’s wet clothes began to scrunch, clinging tightly to the tantalizing curves of his body. The creases and folds created by their wetness than began to wriggle of their own accord, as if moved by the water soaked into the threads. Both his top and jeans seemed to mesh together the more they wriggled as if they were fusing, all the while their color being stained the celeste color of his glowing eyes. The blue was covering everything it could from his boots to the polished nails at his fingertips.

“Y-Yes I, Ahhn! I understaahooh!” Kovit shouted, forcing whatever words he could between his fervent moans.

His saggy wet garbs, now a singular gown covering his body, began to change with his spoken understanding with the power flowing through him. It tailored itself before the watching Batu’s eyes, the top clinging tightly around the lower torso and chest while it tore apart at the neckline, revealing a gold collar around the neck. The top now separated, it quickly formed a sort of miniature jacket with golden borders around the front cuts of it. The area around the shoulders puffed up, but the rest clung tightly to the arms, outlining every graceful rise and dip the blessed body it covered. The sleeves opened like water lotuses at the wrists, a thin, golden trim outline the cuffs. The lower part of the top that hadn’t torn fashioned itself into the upper part of a white-blue dress with golden trimmings. It was certainly revealing around the chest, Kovit sending his own hands down to admire the lift it brought to his nearly fully exposed tits. While tracing the cleavage, his moaning became more controlled, the slurring of his words fading as his palms met the silk cupping his breasts.

“Yes I, I understand who I must be!”

Kovit’s demeanor was more elegant now, though still being filtered through the filter of an endless orgasm.

He looked compelled to slip a hand in towards his freshly developed breasts, but was halted by the shudders of his own body and the clothing lovingly embracing his lower body. So he brought his hands down from his chest, sliding them enticingly down his tummy, past a golden scarf forming around his waist, and to his thighs. Both hands opened and closed repeatedly once there, as if desperate to cling onto something for stability.

“I am more now… Ooh! One with the Oasis!” Kovit declared, his words booming with importance and maternal grace.

The magic fashioning his clothing continued, his gown covering his lower body taking the shape of a dress with more gold trimmings, a slit cutting itself open and exposing a large part of his left thigh to the blushing Batu still watching and rubbing himself. The leg was perfection, a savory thigh for which there was no temptation to taste, but to merely worship for its succulency. What was revealed only made Batu desire even more to see the rest, only the contours of Kovit’s desirable curves shaping the form of the tightly clinging dress. All of it was beautifully topped off by the dirty boots worn down by sand reshaping into a pair of light blue slippers without a speck on them.

Kovit now looked fit to be a goddess, but there was still more to come, yet another bulb starting to form from his body length tail of hair. His eyes began to glow even brighter, indicating to Batu at least that things were heightening yet again. Despite this, his teacher’s tone continued to transition into that of a wise, well-spoken woman with poise who was no stranger to the exquisite pleasure she was bearing. She merely continued to soak it in, every ounce of the majesty filling her, letting it instill her with a greater purpose and mold her cultivating, fatherly nature into that of a mother.

“Yes, good, I shall carry it… Your wisdom! Your image! Your purpose! It is mine n-now… m-mine nowOOOH!”

The man now woman felt herself crack a bit towards the end of her grand declaration, the godly powers awakening within her congratulating her commitment to their cause by unleashing the greatest pleasure yet, that of womanhood. She could feel it hollowing out her insides, carving a path into her squirting dick. She quickly adjusted and dampened her screams yet again. It did not mean she wasn’t cherishing each joyful tug to her dick however, each moan a deeply satisfied one.


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