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Final preview. Will be finishing it up soon ^_^

Everything went quiet, and he soon realized the tail had let go of him completely, sitting in a heap beneath him with the tip wagging about perplexed. The sense of dread was thick in the air however, as Jack realized the voice that had yelled out was very much that of a woman.

Not wanting to believe it true, Jack talked to himself. His heart sank as the mature, soft tones of a woman fluttered from his lips. His new voice carried some sternness to it, evident even in his jittery state, yet there was a youthfulness mixed in. It felt nostalgic the more he spoke with it, proud even that despite the dire situation her role as a warrior and royalty came in crystal through her tone. That’s right, she wouldn’t dare give in to such--

“Agh, no! Why am I thinking that way again?”

More strange thoughts began to pour into Jack’s mind along with memories of a life that wasn’t his. Fighting on battlefields with loyal comrades and brushing off others’ glances over acts of cuteness he would unintentionally display were all becoming so vivid. That wasn’t him though, he wasn’t this Princess, this Corrin? That name continued to ring in his head, his tail frantically hopping over the thought of it.

“Guh, I wish to be taken seriously! I’m not some cutesy Princess.” Jack said aloud, thinking he was fighting against his thoughts, but only falling deeper into their painted pictures of a false life. He managed to break free again though, cursing that he thought of himself s a Princess again.

“What is this about Dragons I--gh… I’m Jack! I’m on a trip to the Museum and, huh?”

Looking down, Jack noticed the tail was no longer idly sitting by, but wrapping its tip around his cock.

After hesitating for a moment he sternly commanded, “S-Stop! That is so vulgar! Why must you, uhn… Oooh.”

The tail began to stroke and quickly, causing him to slouch back onto the toilet seat, the pleasure much more relaxing this time. It was as if the tail was reassuring him this was okay, to just relax and let it take care of the rest. While it did feel good to unwind like this from time to time, she would die from embarrassment if any nobles from her kingdom caught her like this.

“I work so hard on the battlefield and yet, uhn… they q-question my resooolve!”

Jack’s dick fired off small bursts, placing his hand son the sides of the stall to keep steady as he rocked of rhythm to the strokes of his tail. He couldn’t keep all their judgments out of his mind, all the times they doubted her rapport as a ruler. Using her tail like this was such a nice way to unwind from the stress.

“Oooh yes, I… I… What? This tail? It’s corrupting me! I have to get out of here!”

Jack forced himself up, more determined than ever to make a push out of the bathroom. Who cared if people saw him in such a state, he needed to get help! Right as he placed his hands onto the stall door however, his tail throbbed in agonizing bliss, sending him back down in his seat.

“Gahn! Oh heavens! Not again!” He cried, his tail wiggling about. “It’s g-growing again!”

Jack was nailed in place by the tail’s actions, slowly thrusting his hips as it swirled its tip around the head of his dick. He couldn’t resist, the action causing his heart to excitedly race, her big, beautiful tail knowing just the right way to tweak her.

He cried out no, but his body bucked yes, the woman’s soul inside poisoning his rational mind. These were not his thoughts, not his words, and certainly not his worries. His worries were breaking free from this rapturous hell.

He could feel the possibility of escape slipping with every passing second, feeling the veins in his tail throb like the veins on a ribbed, meaty cock as more mass continued to pile on. Every bit of strength added to it meant less chances for him to fight back. He had to act fast!

“Cease at once!” Jack ordered, frightened at the sight of the tail’s tip prodding at the opening to his dick.

The tail would not be reasoned with, driving into Jack’s hole like it were its Princess’ pussy. It stretched him wide and burrowed halfway down the tip almost immediately.

“OOOOH FUCKING GAAAAAWDS!!” Jack yelled at the top of his lungs. Every seldom used nerve ending within his dick excruciatingly awakened, pelting his body with an otherworldly sexual kick.

He looked on in horror at his widening cock, grotesquely deformed to match the shape of the tail’s tip gently pumping back and forth. He could feel his face grinning like a mad man, this level of pleasure reaching heights he never could have imagined. He bucked willingly along with the tail’s thrusts, tears pouring down his face as he cried out for help. It was such terrifying pleasure, his body moving by pure instinct, some primal force within him unable to resist the call.

His cries of help soon gave way to rapturous moans that felt poised to never end, his voice becoming raspy from the constant belting. It sounded closer to roaring after a while, his tongue flicking carnally about as he felt himself reduced to a mere animal in heat. Yes, the Dragon side of her knew how to let go and block out all the noise of human matters. If only she was allowed this more often, to let her Dragon blood run wild.


Roar after feminine roar bounced off the porcelan walls, delightfully ricocheting into her twitching ears that were growing yet again, sharp as daggers. His toe and fingernails all began to sharpen as well, becoming claws wildly scratching at the stall walls. It felt good to let the beast out, to let it consume her, to let it change her!


Her tail obliged, ramming even further into her cock, growing thicker as it did. It looked more like a bloated snake eating another bloated snake at this point, the tail burrowing down towards the base of her urethra with every thrust. All the while a empty pit began to form in her belly, and it grew big enough to star slamming at the walls of her dick. She was being fucked from both sides, each side desperately yearning for the other.

Hoooh gods! Ooooh gods! Wh-What is happeninggGGRAAAAAGH!” Jack moaned in agony, his brain snapping back to the reality of his situation. He was letting this girl, this Dragon fill his thoughts so easily. It just felt so good, so liberating!

The fucking from his tail suddenly became harsher, slamming itself all the way to the opening of an abyss hollowing itself out beneath his dick. His stretched cock began to shrink and slink inward, looking like a condom being pulled from his tail as it pounded away. The mushroom head of his cock was nothing but a hole now, a hole no longer bothered with male needs as it poured every ounce of cum out its clogged opening. The organ was wasting into merely an entrance to far greater wonder.

The tail at last hit its mark, crashing into an anxiously awaiting cave. The Princess’ pussy was complete, nerves set ablaze by her invading tail. Her womb was still forming, but not too far behind, both of Jack’s balls sucking into him, one each being pulled towards the sides of his uterus by flexible tubes while being crunched into a pair of ovaries. He could feel his hips vibrating as they made space for them, ready to burst at any moment.

With a loud, drawn out snap his hips widened, the womb inside him decimating his male physique. Clear fluids squirted out the fleshy, withered head of his cock, looking more and more like the lips of a pussy as it slacked to the thrusts of the now fully grown tail.

He was a slave to a woman’s body now, and all the pleasure that came with it, yet he was still clinging on to a shred of hope. With the tail still fucking away, Jack lifted both his legs and began kicking at the stall door. It was so hard to maintain composure with the rapid ramming into his snatch, the tickling of his tail feathers only making it more pleasurable. He had to rely on this strength he was given to break free, this wonderful… empowering--

“N-NOOOOO! This is naaah--Not me! Hoooh please! R-Release meeee!”

As he continued to wail on the door, a magical hum alongside a golden light began to fill the stall. Wispy streaks began to form all around his body, slowly materializing into more distinct shapes as they touched his skin. As he watched the misty forms solidify, a familiar outfit came into being. Whatever mystical forces had done this to his body where now bestowing upon him the very outfit he fawned over in the museum. The lavish, Drakin armor of the warrior Princess was now on him.

He let out a scream, the grim reality of what this all meant made abundantly clear. It was a scream so loud that it had finally reached the ears of someone near the bathroom door. They came rushing in, calling out to anyone who may need help. Jack yelled yes again and again, begging for help. To the Samaritan however, the replies sounded more like a woman being fucked in the bathroom stall, not helped by the constant banging of Jack’s feet.

“Uh wait. Who is--What are you doing in there!?” The man asked, appalled over what he was hearing.

Jack knew this was his last chance. With eyes closed and teeth gritting he put all of his force into it his next kick and smashed open the stall, nearly throwing the door off its hinges. This blindsided his wood-be saviour with the sight of a woman dressed in period armor with a giant tail slipped into her panties fucking away.

“Sir! Pleeeeez! Save me!” Jack begged through a twisting grin, feeling that the pleasure could take him at any moment. “I-I can’t hold, oooh! It feels soooh! H-H-Heavenly!”


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