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This tail be getting touchy. What does it have in store for our guy? :3

While the rational side of him tried to doubt what it could see, reality was impossible to ignore once he felt the texture of his tail, the sensation registering no different to him as if he were touching his skin. It was apart of him no doubt, every smooth, plated inch of the silver appendage reacting to the strokes of his hand like a pleased kitten. He surmised it had to be linked to his own mental state, as in the moment he certainly found his own stroking to be pleasant as well. Teasing it brought him a sensation similar to rising hum in his dick whenever arousal began to stir. It fact, he could…

“Guhn! Oooh… W-Why does it--haaah! Mmmm…”

He could feel his body heating up fast and opted to remove his clothes. Peeling off his shirt felt agonizing in a way, the dragging of it across his skin like static stimuli. The strong pleasure from before was returning, but it felt more sedated this time, never pushing him over the edge. That said, he was beginning to feel lightheaded.

Leaning back on the toilet, Jack laboringly moaned, eyes pointed at the tiled ceiling as he felt his body enticingly shiver again and again. His cock and entire body was pooling with warmth, the euphoric response so addicting that the man hardly noticed his new tail working it out of him. Spurred onwards by his own lust, it had coiled around his dick and was beating him off. Like another brain intrinsically linked to the body, it too wanted to keep feeling good and put its flexibility to work. Its soft texture made it easy to tease, like the smooth grip of a woman’s hand stroking up and down.

Lost in a haze, Jack merely rode the moment, unaware of his body heaving and throbbing. With every forced breath and desperate pant, muscle shaved off his frame and height. The bones in his body lightly rattled, losing their thickness and masculine shape. His skin too softened, gaining a smoothness not unlike his new tail, all the blemishes of his skin fading away into the silky surface. His breathing intensified, and he placed a hand against the wall of the stall to keep himself steady, his bottom sliding from the toilet seat as he became more agitated. The tail was picking up speed, but it still wasn’t enough--not for his body, not for him. Frustration was building between both parties as they couldn’t quite push past that threshold. Luckily the tail had an idea, using one of the five diamond frills around its tip to brush the top of Jack’s cock.

“Hyah! What the fuck?” Jack yelled, a sting of ecstasy shaking him to his core. Flinging himself forward he noticed his tail wrapped around his dick pumping away, and the top of his dick being tenderly polished.

He recoiled in disgust and so did his tail, realizing that he had caved in so easily. This was not a time to indulge. He had to figure out just what had happened to him and how to fix it. He worried what might happen if he were to succumb to an episode like he had earlier.

“Huh? Wait a minute? My arms…”

Jack pulled both arms to his face, noticing they appeared thinner and more elegant in their slopes. Even all the sunspot marks were missing, his skin looking absolutely beautiful. The shock only grew from there as he continued to examine, noticing a similar situation had befallen his legs. Feeling around his gut he had also shaven off a few pounds there as well. What the hell was happening to him?

“GAAAAH! Hggh, holy shit!” Jack suddenly screeched, feeling a harsh, steaming hot pinch at the base of his spine which then sent pleasing shock waves through his tail. It was a wake up call for the limb, giving it the courage it needed to start taking action once more. Something was off about what it was attached to, no longer agreeing with the reservations held by its master.

Grunting in terror, Jack noticed it happening again, the tail growing. The same leash-yanking sensation from before returned, and all the pleasure with it. Thankfully he was more in tune to it now, so he at least felt like he could fight it. Grabbing the tail, he powered his way through the pain and pleasure to try and keep it from burrowing out of him. It seemed to only make it more difficult though instead of halt its progress, the tail still slithering its way out. It even started coiling around one of his thighs once it was long enough to do so, giving it more leverage to tug against his pull. It asserted further dominance by thickening wider than he could grip, snatching his ability to struggle. Powerless to stop it, his body continued to shrink and have its mass widdled away.

“Yooou stubborn bastard! Guhn! Stop! I-I said staaaahp aaahn!” Jack yelled through his moans, his hands unable to clutch the tail anymore, but merely slide along its ever expanding length. The feeling of its ridges gliding across his palms were like an omen, each one the bumps on a road there was no coming back from.

The tail near its base had become thicker than his upper thighs, prompting Jack to try and thwart its progress further down his leg. The damn thing had a hold of everything above his calf, and was still coiling further down. He tried to rip it away at the tip first, but recoiled, smacking into the stall wall. The sensitivity was far too great at the point, so he was forced to change strategy yet again. He found it less daunting to pull at it near the knee, enough slack given if he bent his leg. Finally he seemed to make progress, the tail loosening more and more and the intense feelings shivering down his spine fading. He quickly realized that was due to the tail having stopped growing, holding a soft, pulsating grip onto him.

“Heh, finally ready to giv uuh? Huh, aaaahh!”

Jack’s face planted hard against the stall as the tail became aggressive once more. It was no longer growing, but it was constricting him even tighter than before. The calf was smoothing out gracefully under the embrace, while the mass in his thigh was squeezing out of the openings in the tail’s grip, fat plumping into thicker amounts. All the while his bones were lightly breaking under the skin, being crushed and then reformed into an even daintier, more refined build than what had already befell them. The tail wanted perfection, a bodily structure that could properly flaunt the beauty coming into shape. The frills at the end of the tail got in on the action as well, clasping his feet and crushing and molding it into a pristine, feminine sculpt. Each beautiful toe shined with a glossy coat as they curled, the fuzzy frills brushing across their surface like the gentle blow of a lover.

It was painful, and uncomfortably pleasing, Jack reduced to a cumming mess as he swiped desperately with one hand at the tail. Once he managed to hook a few fingers underneath it, it released him, its work done. He gave a huge gasp of relief, but it was short lived, the determined serpent immediately wrapping around his other leg and starting the same process over again. His transformed leg planted onto the ground with newfound strength and a distinct jiggle. The thigh was a balance of corded muscle buried beneath bountiful fat, while the lower leg was elegant, sporting a firm, lean calf. All of it towered above the smooth, shivering bare foot sliding on the restroom floor. Every time the virgin leg flexed it felt refreshing. It made the mad quivering within his other reshaping leg come across as excited, as if it couldn’t wait to join its sister.

“H-H-Hooh! Ooh fuck! Oh no! Oh yes! Oh god! Wh-What is wrong w-with my bodeeee!” Jack cried out, flowing from scream to moan as his leg was finished off, cum spilling freely onto the stall wall and joining the mess he had already made on the floor. His balls felt like they were deflating, all their stock being emptied by a body that had no idea how to handle such pleasurable heights.

Like before, once the tail finished it released him, only this time it cracked itself like a whip against the stall, splashing some of the fresh cum onto Jack. It startled him to attention and he raised up on the toilet seat. Looking down at his unmistakable female legs, he was terrified over not only the obvious, but how right they looked to him. He felt an itch at the back of his mind telling him that these were the legs of a beautiful and proud warrior.

Jack shook himself free of such ridiculous thoughts, rose to his feet and began fiddling with the lock on the door. The tail sprung into action, coiling around his torso and starting to pull at him.

“No, nooo! Please! No more! Let me--GOOH!”

Even with the new power in his legs he stood no chance against his muscular tail. It yanked him back onto the toilet seat and gave him no method in which to fight back the moment it began to squeeze. His body went nearly limp from the pressure, the hold on him so tight that he could feel his own pulse thumping throughout his body. Like before with his legs, he could feel his bones crunching and reforming beneath the skin, all the while his muscles and flesh being played with.

The tail was more tightly bound than as it was with his legs, squishing his torso like a corset. The invisible strings of it were being pulled tighter and tighter, the excess pudge in the mans gut wriggling up his tummy like the condiments being squeezed up a toothpaste tube. The more mass that was siphoned from his gut, the flatter it became, and the more pronounced the grip there felt like it had on him. Forcing out strained breaths, he felt something about to give, his spine rattling and sides trembling.



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