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Here is the start of another upcoming story, one of a man getting reacquainted with a Digimon friend from his past Renamon. She has in store a unique method to keep them together forever.

James blew the dust off his collection of old toys his parents had mailed him, memories flowing back. Hours and days of time had been spent as a child playing pretend with these plastic molds of honestly cheap junk. It didn’t matter to him though, it was time well spent. As he dug through the poorly organized pile with a cardboard box, he came across the crown jewel of his treasure trove, a Digivice toy from the franchise known as Digimon.

He nearly hopped in joy, thinking he had lost the device years back when he was still a kid. Here it was though, staring him in the face and looking just as cool as before. You could say James was a super-fan of Digimon. The series told stories of kids and teens going on adventures with fantastical, sentient, cartoon monsters and finding themselves in combat across various locals both in the real world and the chaotic, alien-like digital world. The intrigue of the setting and monster designs never left him in adulthood, still buying the video games, watching the shows, indulging in the… porn.

Burying his head in a hand briefly he gave an embarrassed chuckle thinking about it. In many ways Digimon had grown up with its fans, creating works that still targeted their older audience. But one thing the fans certainly did for themselves to keep the spark alive was create lots and lots of porn, especially for the more sexually inspired monster designs. It could explain James’ own continued fascination with the series, always coming back for more when it came to a particular Digimon named Renamon.

Renamon was a seductive design to say the least, having the appearance of a humanoid, golden fox and possessing some desirable assets in regards to their shapely ass and legs. They had the alluring tones of a woman’s voice as well, always staying calm, cool, and collected, never losing their composure in the heat of battle. Her animal features were no slouch either, bringing something exotic to the the femme fatale vibe. James couldn’t quite explain it himself, but something about the mix of human and animal only enhanced the awesome factor as a child, and that attraction turned into a thirst once an adult.

Gently brushing the surface of the Digivice with his thumb James also thought back to how much trouble this little toy apparently brought his parents. They always said that he would pretend to have an imaginary friend and was very insistent about it. His Digimon partner was Renamon, obviously his favorite, and he’d babble on and on about her and cause a ruckus in the house as he pretended to fight alongside her. It was quite difficult to get him to cut out the act, so to speak. For all he knew his parents probably hid the replica Digivice from him to put an end to the nonsense.

“Haha! I was such a handful.” he said, digging into a memory of knocking over a valuable lamp during one play session. “Though, I can’t say I remember too many of the specifics. Kids are weird and I suppose I was no different.”

As James began lowering the Digivice back into the box, the screen display on the front lit up and blinded him with a harsh beam of light. At the exact moment, he swore he heard a distorted, female voice call out to him.

After the light dimmed towards a more natural illumination, James flipped the device around and was shocked to find the back battery panel open and empty, not a battery to be seen.

He stood up, perplexed, until the distorted voice returned, making him double taker around his empty room.

“Whose calling my--?”

“Jah--James. James you’ve returned.” the voice said, the distortion dusting off and allowing the voice to come in crystal clear.

James’ eyes widened as he realized the woman speaking was coming through the Digivice. Not only that, but it was a voice he recognized, a voice from his childhood.

“It’s me, Renamon.”

He couldn’t believe it, what appeared to be an honest to god Digimon was talking to him, and his childhood favorite at that. Not sure hows to respond, he did his best to keep his cool and strike up as casual a conversation as he could given the circumstances.

“Um, Hello…. Renamon. Nice to meet you?”

Not very convincing, but he wasn’t sure how to proceed.

“You left me alone for so long…” Renamon said in a somber tone.

“Huh? What do you mean? I don’t even know you. At least, I don’t think I do.”

“Nonsense. When you were a child we were inseparable.”

There was obvious hurt to Renamon’s words that she was trying to mask. As James thought on things he realized that this Renamon must be the imaginary friend his parents spoke of.

“Oh… that. Well uh, I am sorry if I hurt you Renamon. Be to honest, I don’t much remember those days as a kid. A lot has changed since then, and those are such distant memories for me. It is all a haze.”

“Hmph, do you know the hurt you brought me? I always wished I could be with you someday outside of the digital world. I wanted to, so badly. Yet you abandoned me.”

“Come on now! I was just a kid. “ James snapped back. “How I could make sense of whether you were real or not?”

After a few moments of silence Renamon responded.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s all in the past and you can make up for it now. Do what I say and we can be reunited, forever.”

James distractedly rustled his short, brown hair while looking away from the Digivice. He felt guilty, but there was also a rising wave of nostalgia permeating his thoughts, as if the friendship he had shared with Renamon was slowly coming back to him. Pushing up his slacking glasses, he felt a determination to make it up to her.

“Okay. What do I need to do?”

“Place your palm over the screen of the Digivice.”

James did as he was told.

“Just like that. Now, let me handle the rest. I’ll be with you soon.”

Sitting patiently, James felt a strange heat rushing into his hand as the Digivice’s screen lit up with the same intensity as before. The heat then traveled up his arm and out across his entire body. It wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact it was pleasant, enough that he nervously tried to force an erection from forming in his shorts.

“Uuuh, Renamon? Is it supposed to fell HYAAH! AAAAAAHN!”

A burst of energy rattled James to his core, shaking him silly. The warmth in his body spiraled out of control suddenly, a feeling of uncontrollable joy not his own pouring into him. Nipples went erect, so did his crotch, every erogenous zone tickled to the point of ecstasy. The teasing felt evasive, as if something intimate was entering him and forcing him to let go, to let it crawl deeper. Throughout the process, hologram cubes began to materialize all around his body like digital growths, segmenting portions of his flesh inside them before settling back into place like normal. All the while, he could hear Renamon’s voice moaning along with his own, as if they both were experiencing the exact same pleasure.

James dropped the Digivice form sheer shock, but the blissful barrage wouldn’t cease. The pleasure continued to climb and climb, and at its height, right as he thought he might brick in his boxers, it came to halt, all abnormalities ceasing in an instant. He quickly fell against a wall, gasping for air as if he had ran a marathon.

Baffled at what had just transpired, but too weak to think, he took a minute to gather himself. He then called out to Renamon, but received no reply. Picking up the Digivice from the ground he noticed that the screen was no longer illuminated. Had he imagined it all?

Don’t worry. It was real and I’m still here. Renamon called out, but not from the device, but as a voice within James’ mind.

R-Renamon? Where are--huh? You’re… in my head?”

Yes, this was the only way I could free myself from the device. By digital binding myself to your physical form.

James didn’t know what to think, pacing towards his bed and taking a seat.

“That’s cool, I guess. Does this mean I’ll be hearing you all the time in my thoughts?”

Not at all James. It won’t be a problem once I allow my processes to overwrite your genetic code. Think of it as updating your current systems. This way we can become a singular being, and never be separated again.

“Okay at least that’ll, wait huh? What do you mean by overwrite?”

James’ heart suddenly gave a massive series of thumps, sending him flinging backwards onto his bed. His body broke into a sweat, his eyes rattling about in his skull as if hopped up on some massive caffeine kick.

“Re… Rena… mooon!” He forced out, every breath feeling strained at the moment.

Do not worry James. I’ll make sure it is a pleasurable experience for you. I’d never harm you.

The second her assurances echoed through his cranium, the tightness in his body released, but was instead replaced by a similar rising pleasure to the one he had felt earlier. Yet again his nipples and dick went erect while he squirmed clinging to his bed sheets, desperately trying to keep the feelings at bay.

Alright, you should be downloading my systems now. I’m unsure how our body will acclimate, but once things have settled a bit--

“This is, m-my body!” James groaned, slamming a fist against his bed as he rubbed his thighs together, the heat in his loins becoming unbearable.

We share a single body and mind now, and I find this… fighting back uncomfortable. It’s not right to halt your body’s natural functions. Besides, I can tell by your thoughts that when your penis is stimulated like this that it is enjoyable for you.

This isn’t natural! None of this is! Hyah! Hoooh! Wh-What are you doing to me!?

Renamon’s composure broke for a moment, worried about the surprising response from James. She assumed he’d be excited to come together like this.

James, calm down! I will do my best to create a body we both can be proud of. I want you to enjoy yourself… I, want to enjoy myself too. Our reunion should be a happy one.

“I don’t understaaaah! Aaaah! Oooooh fuuuck!”

James screamed in confused bliss, waves of pleasure traveling throughout him as his bones vibrated fierce and his flesh seemed to turn to malleable putty. Fleshy pulsations riddled the surface of his body as every inch of him began to shift unnaturally, muscle tightening and roiling, bones snapping out of place and back again at new angles.

Oh… wow. I’m starting to, uhn. Feel the sensations of our body. Is it supposed to feel this--ooh.

The flailing man’s body was being molded by unseen hands, yet he knew whose hands they were and was helpless to stop them. Yet he tried, feeling around for the Digivice. Once he got a grip on it he brought it to his face and desperately searched for an off button, pressing anything he could find on the no longer functioning toy. Realizing the futility, he tried to take back control through his mind, hoping that would bring an end to it.

Renamon stop this! You can’t hyaaah J-James! I’m sorry but this, ah… I don’t want this to st-staaa--

“--aaaAAAAH! Renamon! Nooo!” James cried out, watching the Digivice fall from his grip as both the pointer and middle finger, and pinkie and ring on each of his hands began fusing together.

He watched in horror as the finger’s combining masses formed larger, more robust digits, the fingernails of each sliding together and thickening into a large claws protruding out. His thumbs weren’t spared either, each one gaining massive amounts of girth. They too soon brandished claws, and as his hands expanded greatly to accommodate the new size of his fingers, black, fleshy padding began expanding from the surface of his palms. Before he could belt out any further protests, James’ new black claws trembled, then unsheathed even longer, reaching nearly four inches while white fur began to grow at the base of them and spread down each finger. Their sudden growth spurt sent spikes of excitement down to the tips of his toes, which began to curl and tremble with a similar sensation at the tips. Before he knew it, his toes were fusing as well.


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