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Got a new story preview here of a librarian being transformed into Lisa from Genshin Impact via an erotic painting.

Ellie adjusted her black, rectangular glasses as her amber eyes continued to be transfixed by the painting of a grand mage hung upon the wall of the large library within the Knights of Favonius headquarters. The small, skinny woman seemed lost in thought, her nerves written across her slim face. She couldn’t help but compare herself to the woman in the painting, Lisa, who seemed to tower over her as much as the tall, hard-wood bookshelves lining the walls. Ellie was no grand mage herself, but she had taken over Lisa’s duties as Librarian. The morning sunlight shining through the tall, steel-framed windows accented the particles of dust floating about the library, many of the books ancient and extensive in their cataloging of history and fables of old. It all felt far bigger and more important than her, a task ill-fit for a nerdy, bookworm commoner.

Clutching a few books close to her chest, Ellie continued to gaze into the eyes of the painting. Lisa’s image bore confidence within a calm, composed demeanor--something Ellie could only dream of being herself. A languid individual was Lisa, loving her sleep, but one who nonetheless took her job seriously and always knew exactly what to do with whatever troubled her. Such proficiency and refinement was evident in every aspect of her as a person, even down to her svelte looks for which Ellie admired. The painting captured her beautifully, her fair skin, green eyes, and wavy, and light-brown hair tied in a loose side ponytail. Her outfit consisted of a purple and white dress with open slits at the sides and gold embroidery, along with black gloves with pale purple trim, a large, purple witch’s hat, black lace stockings, and black high heels, and an earring visible on one ear. A gold necklace holding her purple, electro vision (gifts bestowed upon chosen mortals by the gods that grant elemental abilities) fell above her cleavage, clasped to her dress. Reflecting her favorite flower, a motif of roses was present throughout her outfit, with a pale purple one pinned to her hat, one tied to her ponytail, and a large ornamental gold rose attached to the belt on her hip.

She was truly as beautiful as a rose and Ellie couldn’t help but wallow in how she look by comparison. She was a thin looking thing too small for her clothes. She never had much a sense for fashion, nor the money to commit to anything more than the basic. Her wardrobe for today was puffy, loose fitting short shorts with a brown crossover belt, a thigh strap on one leg, brown leggings with tan colored heels and a plain, dark brown underbust corset held over a light tan short-sleeve, button-up blouse. It was a casual style typical of the city-state of Mondstadt where she resided, nothing standout. She usually wore a dark brown choker as well with medallion attached, but had forgone wearing it today for a particular reason. Not that it would’ve made Ellie feel any more pretty, her self-esteem a constant blight onto her mood as of late.

Just as it seemed Ellie would be stuck in her mental molasses for the rest of the day, she felt a reassuring grab at her shoulder. She turned around and was greeted by the sight of the woman she admired even more than Lisa, Jean, the current Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius. As Grandmaster, it was her duty to make sure the Knights ran like a well-oiled machine and to act as the lawmen of Mondstadt, keeping it citizens safe and upholding the laws for all. It was tireless work maintaining the City of Freedom. Which is why it shocked Ellie that Jean had the time to check in on her. She hadn’t seen her since her first few days on the job several weeks ago.

Ellie could feel her knees lightly shake. To be in the presence of the Dandelion Knight herself in such the state she was in was nerve-wracking. The righteous and rigorous Jean surely must have been disappointed seeing her new librarian in such a distracted state. Like every other woman she looked up to in her life, Ellie’s short stature made the feelings worse, as if her heroes were towering over her insignificance.

The beauty of Jean shined bright within the cascading natural lights seeping into the library, her warm smile and shimmering grey-blue eyes like that of a parent welcoming their child. She was tall, with an athletic build, fair skin and medium-length gold-blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She wore a white, blue, black, and red strapless shirt with gold symbols and linings along with a long blue coattail attached to it, a pair of separate white sleeves, and a short blue and gold cloak. Her toned legs stood out within her white tights, embroidered with gold diamond-dot patterns, capped off with a pair of white, high-heeled knee-high boots with gold patterns and black heels. The gold cross earrings she wore sparkled in the light like her glimmering eyes. To Ellie, she was the image of perfection.

The hand Jean had placed on Ellie’s shoulder lifted and moved to gently brush some nervous sweat from her cheek. Jean then said, “A successful day starts from the morning. You giving it your all today?”

“A-Ah, yes Jean o-of course!” Ellie stammered while attempting to fix some of her dishevelled hair with her free hand. She tried avoiding looking Jean in the eyes.

“I hear you’ve been working hard Ellie.” Jean commented with a bright tone, but hint of worry. “But you mustn’t overdue it. Great work earns a good rest.”

Ellie began to shelve the books she was holding and replied, “Oh I wouldn’t dare Jean! Seeing how hard you and the Knights of Favonius work for the people of Mondstadt… W-What kind of librarian would I be to you all, how could I ever live up to Lisa, if I were to succumb to such basic duties.”

Jean leaned a bit and gave an inquisitive look, before staring up at the painting of Lisa that Ellie had been captivated with. In the artwork, Lisa was standing relaxed, with a serene look upon her face, placing a hand on a small stack of books on a wooden table within the library.

“Indeed… it must be daunting having Lisa watch over you all the time.” Jean said, walking up alongside Ellie who looked up at her a tad confused. “Lisa is the one who left this painting behind before she departed on her personal journey. She said it would allow her to keep an eye on any troublemakers.”

Jean gave a small chuckle before her expression soured ever so slightly.

“When Lisa was around, I always had piece of mind.”

Before Ellie could muster up any words of comfort, Jean looked her way and said, “On behalf of the Knights of Favonius, I wish to thank you for your wonderful work Ellie. Please remember to rest from time to time.”

With a smile Jean turned around, ready to return to her office, until Ellie nervously spouted, “M-Master Jean! Later I… I have something I’d like to tell you later. A-After my works been completed of course.”

“Of course.” Jean replied, before leaving Ellie alone yet again in the library.

Ellie sulked as she thought about how rough Jean had been having it ever since Lisa left. Most who knew the two well in Mondstadt figured that they were an item or at the very least really close behind the scenes. No one truly knew why Lisa left--some figured for pursuit of greater knowledge or to be lazy somewhere free of duty. Jean never spoke of the reason.

The timid woman wished she could be there for Jean as Lisa had been, to be of greater help to her beyond a simple librarian. She wished to win Jean’s affections as Lisa had. The thing Ellie wanted to tell Jean later, was that she loved her. She was sure she wasn’t alone as many in Mondstadt idolized Jean, likely even lusted for her like she did. It had really come to a head the past few weeks, and she had grown pent-up every time she caught a glimpse of Jean. It made her so…

Ellie pulled out from her pocket her choker she often wore, this time brandishing instead of a medallion, a purple vision--which she had neglected to tell anyone she now possessed. She slowly fashioned it onto her neck and lightly touched the vision. A week ago she had awoken to a large crackling sound within her bedroom as a vision was bestowed upon her by the gods. At first she thought they must be mocking her, giving her an electro vision like Lisa, the woman whose shoes she was trying to fill. I mean, surely she wasn’t cut out for possessing a vision. But as the days went on she began thinking of it more as an opportunity to live up to the lofty expectations. It was through this brewing confidence that she decided she would confess her feelings to Jean and rise above her sheltered, timid self.

Clutching her vision tightly, she felt a few sparks hit her palm. Ellie closed her eyes and tried picturing her ideal self. All that came to mind though was Lisa. She couldn’t keep her out of her head and so began to idealize her instead. She pictured the Lisa in the painting, only shaplier, with larger breasts, fat thighs and wider hips. Ellie’s mind was picking at the arousal she felt towards the woman and accentuating her features and demeanor in a way that beckoned her within the fantasy. Lisa was giving a seductive smile while flirtatiously lifting the bottom of her dress with one hand to reveal her black lingerie beneath.

Ellie backed against the painting, sticking a hand into her dampening panties. Her breathing quickened as she began to finger, her dream Lisa gesturing for her to come close, the body of her idol meant only for her. Ellie approached, and her arousal grew, as did the electrical energy flickering from her vision. Her hair stood on end as a warm current  began to flow through her, sparks literally flying off her body as she lost herself in the fantasy.

Imagining her idol’s large bosom enveloping her head while being pulled into an embrace, Ellie began moaning Lisa’s name. Unknown to her, the vision within the Lisa painting was glowing with the same brilliance as her own, trails of electricity converging and connecting with the one she wore. A harsh current quickly shot down her arm to her hand below, sending a startling spark through her fingertips and into her snatch. She bucked and was sent over the edge, her entire body tensing in an orgasm. Her cries of pleasure elevated, but she was quick to cover her mouth and hold back their true sonority.

Thankfully the library was empty, and she was able to bask in the glow of the morning, the electricity fading from her shivering body. After taking a moment, she smiled and turned to face the painting once more, feeling strangely refreshed. But she was quick to worry again once she saw what had become of the painting. It had changed its image, the Lisa from before now replaced with an exact replica of what Ellie had pictured in her fantasy--big boobs and inviting with a lifted dress.

Suddenly, without warning and before she could even muse on what this meant, tendrils of runny paint fired out from the painting and wrapped around the back of Ellie’s head lies straps, pulling her in. She face-planted into the painting, sinking into what had become a deep, viscous pool of paint that extended beyond the flat plane of the painting. She found herself buried into the same spot she was moments ago in her mind, Lisa’s bosom. And she was getting a mouthful, the painting’s excretions not only pouring down Ellie’s throat like a thick swill, but into her eyes and any other orifice it could find on her face. It was smooth to the touch and glided gently into her, no pain at all, and the taste of it on her tongue was like rich milk.

Despite the bizarre pleasantries of the sensation, Ellie screamed within the painting, the rest of her body wriggling outside of it, kicking and pushing at the wall to free her head. Paint splashed around due to her thrashing, staining her clothes and skin. The flecks that feel onto her clothing began to seep into them and spread like a wildfire of color. The purples, whites, and golds of Lisa’s outfit was painting the canvas of Ellie’s clothing. Her corset and shorts became purple with gold and black embroidery, while her leggings and blouse were dyed white and her heels gold and black. Her belt became gold, with an elegant purple rose blossoming around the buckle like a stamp of approval from Lisa herself.

Ellie couldn’t see any of this of course, her head deep within the bosom abyss, forcibly guzzling the flowing, living paint. Her eyes could only see the colors of the painting’s world rushing past her vision as it entered her, the warm chill it brought within her gut causing her body to mildly quake. She could feel her tiny tummy rising as the paint filled her up, her stomach stretching to limits she didn’t think possible for her small frame. It stifled her kicking and screaming, her body growing weak under the exhaustion of a full belly.

As her arms and legs began to waver, more tendrils of paint raced out from the painting and subdued her, binding her legs and arms flat against the wall like leather straps. Ellie now laid flat, head buried, and at the full mercy of the overflowing magic of the painted Lisa.

With little she could do to escape, Ellie began to focus in on the sensations of the paint traveling across her body. It trickled down her shoulders, her entire head having already been encased, and began to slither down her arms. It felt like a cold, thick paste was moving like a slug across the surface of her skin, leaving a tingling feeling within its confinement. This tingling was followed by muscle spasms in her shoulders and upper back, continuing down her arms the more they were consumed. Her bones as well  began to ache, a buzz reverberating through her arms as her fingers twitched in reaction to the sensations creeping closer.

Ellie couldn’t see it, but the paint once it reached her hands took the brief shape of a delicate, human hand. She could feel it however once it clasped hold of her own hands, a softer than expected touch minglikng with the space between her fingers before lining itself up with their shape. A shiver hit her body, and the paint in her stuffed stomach trembled as the painted hand sunk and became an outer shell like it had elsewhere on her body. This particular connection felt intimate though, as if someone was seizing control of her hands and wishing to guide them. Ellie was doing her best to keep control, but everywhere the paint had covered was starting to feel like it was squirming more and more to a different tune while at the same time molding its contours into something far more--


A familiar voice suddenly reverberated within the disorienting painted void Ellie was trapped in, rising above her muffled cries of fear and confusion. It was the voice of Lisa and she was speaking as thoughts in her head.

You really must be more refined darling. Lisa teased, her voice as soothing as Ellie had remembered. And handle yourself with grace. I’m sure you’ll earn Jean’s company then.

After the mental suggestion, Ellie felt her hands crack and contort, her fingers growing longer, more slender, and as Lisa had mentioned… refined. The same bone rattling ordeal traveled through her arms as well, both feeling as if they were growing slightly longer and wiry in the process.

Lisa!? Lisa it’s you isn’t it!? Ellie shouted out in her mind. Why are you doing this!?

The living paint was now trailing down Ellie’s bulbous tummy now, having taken over the entire top half of her torso. The amount of space it had to travel to wrap around her giant gut really drove home how much paint had been forced into her. She was in a panic, but all the Lisa could do was giggle.

Dear, I’m afraid you are mistaken. Lisa replied. This is your doing. This is your fantasy.

Ellie vehemently denied it.

You can’t fool me cutie. Lisa continued. Jean is a gifted and dedicated leader. Seeing how hard she works makes you want to help her out, no? You wish to be there for her and to love her… like Lisa~.

The bringing up of Jean riled Ellie up, her agitated body unable to resist caving to the sudden, tempting thoughts brought on by Lisa’s words. She began to imagine herself looking on in envy into jean’s office, pleasuring herself to the sight of Lisa and Jean, the two she admired most, making love. Ellie felt ashamed that she had given in so easily, but try as she might to push her thoughts elsewhere, all that left her mouth were needy, pent-up groans.

The painted straps around Ellie’s arms began to loosen, freeing her trembling arms. Unexpectedly though, she could feel them moving with a purpose not to struggle, but to explore. One arm rubbed at the underside of her bloated belly pressed against the wall, almost tenderly so. The other arm started to travel lower, to a burning need between her legs. It may as well have been the painted Lisa guiding her, as both limbs now looked like that of the witch herself coated over Ellie.

That’s right, dig in, Lisa encouraged with a chuckle. There’ll be plenty of time for work later…


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