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I should be able to finish up this story by months end. For now here is another preview dears ^^

Hu Tao lifted herself up off the chair and flew more forward onto the desk in front of her. Her dribbling dick pressed against the side, causing her to wail in delight. She figured she found the sweet spot, so began to push it even harder against the table, not truly making sense of exactly what she was doing. She simply knew she should keep pushing forward, crawling forward, all the way to sweet release!

The more she climbed forward onto the table, the harder she pressed her dick against it. A flame then engulfed the tip and began to chip away at it the more pressure she applied. Inch by inch shaved off it like a cigarette bud being smoked away. All the while her slim ass began to inflate, heat rising in each cheek and carrying with it bubbling fat. Her thighs too were starting to expand, tender tissue building upon the frail, wobbling limbs. Her lower body was starting to look like a proper, healthy young woman now, quivering in ecstasy as a force pulled harshly at each side of her hips.

“O-ya! That’s it! I, I’m going to--!”

The heat packing within her lower torso suddenly exploded, bringing swift, explosive changes that sent Hu Tao finally over the edge. Her ass cheeks chewed up the back space of her shorts with one large kick, her hips taking over the sides--bones firing off like firecrackers as they widened to allow for more mass to spill into her bottom. Her thighs filled in the rest, stretching the shorts until they were a comfortable, skin-tight fit. It left no room for her shriveling cock and balls, as both were jammed inside her and flattened out of existence. Each testicle was burned asunder and her dick was split open into a cavernous space leading to a womb. It made the burning in her loins more pronounced, but nonetheless satisfying as she felt fluids spill from her new pussy.

As she squirmed within the throes of a climax, Hu Tao could already feel another one building and she needed to quickly change her position in order to brace herself. The height of her body had diminished drastically though and she was no longer able to touch the ground, so she stepped onto the chair in order to lift herself fully onto the table and flip onto her backside, landing on her glowing vision. She felt so relieved to be where she was now, the warmth of her vision filling her more directly now through its touch as it embedded itself within the backside of her coat. She immediately stuck both of her hands down her shorts to tend to her fiery womanhood.

She was nearly there, the only leftovers of her former self the hairy, bulky lower legs, thick calves, and big toed feet wriggling within a pair of dirty boots. They looked garish connected to the young beauty above, but the heat was anxious to melt it all away as it had everything else. This power belonged to Hu Tao and no one else. It thirsted for its master once more and by the gods it would have her.

“Yes, this is it~! The flames are rising!” Hu Tao shrieked as she bucked, her hands vigorously rubbing her folds and fingering the slit.

Her lower legs stiffened as the heat finally reached them, all the hair being burned away and replaced by silk. Her strong calves went from rock solid to delicious fat in an instant and her large ankles melted down into daintier hills. Every inch of her was pleased, her libido rising like magma in a volcano. There was only one way to put out this raging fire within her, and so she fingered faster, and faster!

“My flames!? They’re consuming me!” Hu Tao yelled in delight. It was shocking but welcomed, this sort of eruption of her own power the most erotic thing she had ever felt. Her glowing, butterfly familiars materialized around her and playful spirits began to slither up from the darkness, beckoned by the whimsical call of Liyue’s ferrywoman of the dead. Hu Tao could sense it too, relishing in the idea of having an audience with the spirits she loved.

The heat finally reached her feet, the socks beneath her boots crawling up to just below her calves, matching red blossoms decorating the tops of each. Her wriggling toes were trimmed down several sizes and her feet became shapely and demure under what felt like lava filling her boots. That lava then molded her footwear into a pair of low-heeled dress shoes that clacked against the wood of the table top.


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