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Alright, here is all the story I've got done so far. A woman blooming into a Lilymon through... interesting means.

An exasperated gasp filled the foyer as Jackie shuffled into the house, finally escaping the unbearable summer heat. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she quickly made her way into the shade of the kitchen, taking off her blazer along the way. The commute back and forth from work had been rough this month given the heat, but she always knew she had her girlfriend Megan to look forward to once she was home. However, she had yet to greet her today.

Jackie noticed a decently large box on the kitchen counter and a note on the side of it. Taking a look at the note first, she realized it was from Megan. It read that she had gotten her a gift for their anniversary and that she’d be back soon after grabbing them something nice for dinner.

“Crap, it’s our anniversary?” Jackie grumbled. She had forgotten and had no gift she could think of to scrounge up quickly.

“I’m sure she’ll understand. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

An uncertain smile crossed her face, but a smile nonetheless, as she looked at the box and worked to get it open. Knowing Megan, she likely wandered around some weird shops looking for something unique. She always said a strange gift is a memorable one. Though that didn’t always translate to a perfect gift for Jackie, but it was the thought that counted.

Finally ripping the top off the box, she was surprised to see a rather tame gift. Why it was in a box made no sense to her as it was a potted plant. She figured Megan wanted the surprise factor. Well, she certainly was surprised over seeing such a normal gift. However, the more she examined the plant, the less normal it seemed. The pretty pink bulb looked like a lily, but far bigger than any she’d ever seen--almost the width of the pot. Even stranger were the long green leaves that seemed like they were from a different plant all together popping out from the dirt. There were also various green pointed nubs peeking out from the soil.

Jackie eventually moved on and carried the plant over the window bay in the living room, placing it in front of the scorching rays of light bleeding through the glass. She wasn’t going to be surprised at all if the plant burned to a crisp from this weather. Which would be disappointing, for she had to admit the plant was beautiful.

“This may be the best gift you’ve ever gotten me outside your company dear.”

Jackie chuckled and thought back on all the bizarre gifts her girlfriend had given her with a look of sweet reminisce on her face. She then took a quick sniff of the flower’s lovely aroma. There was going to be no holding back once Megan got back home that was for sure. She was ready to throw her arms around her woman and give her a far more affectionate gift~.

Suddenly, she heard the plant jar rattle. Perplexed, she kept her eyes on it, this time actually seeing it rattle.

“What the… huh?”

The green nubs on the soil began to wriggle out more, exposing themselves to be vines. The green leaves grew longer and the lily bulb began to raise up from the dirt on a thick stem. Jackie backed up in awe, not even sure she could trust what she was seeing, the flower feeling as if it was climbing higher and higher out of its pot, vines extending past body length. It wasn’t long before the plant was towering above her.

“Megan… What the fuck did you buy!?”

The plant whipped its vines towards Jackie, perhaps sensing her growing fear. It was intent on not letting her run, immediately coiling around her waist and limbs with as many vines necessary to hold her in place. They were sturdy and felt as thick as ropes, out wrestling the thrashing woman for control. They had considerable strength as well and despite Jackie’s smaller stature, it was still impressive in how they were able to lift the adult woman off her feet and hold her suspended in place.

“This can’t be happening! Wh-What is this thing!?”

Although she was bound tight, it wasn’t necessarily painful. However, that did little to silence her concerns. The vines not wrapped around her were getting very touchy, rummaging beneath her clothes,  lifting and dragging. There were some sharp points on the some of the vines as well, and those were used to tear through the more troublesome parts of the clothing. It was clear that the damn thing was stripping her!

“What are guh, d-doing! Put me down! Help! HEEEELP-UUHN!”

Jackie was caught off guard by one of the vines traveling quickly to her face and spewing a pink, mist substance at her. It made her eyesight grow hazy for a moment and her mind flutter. After a few moments, she began to feel a strange yet pleasant warmth permeating from wherever the vines were touching her.

“No, Nooo! Put me down! H-Helguuh!”

Her pointless cries were suddenly silenced by a vine choking out her neck. It was tight enough that she went light headed, but it contracted every now and again, allowing her a deep breath before tightening again. It was simultaneously aggressive yet thoughtful, which honestly scared her more. What exactly did it want and why… why did getting choked feel good? This wasn’t from some fetish that she had tried with Megan, nor was it something she had ever fantasized about. This was terrifying and yet her body was saying otherwise. The plant had clearly done this to her, and she was starting to have a thought as to why, but she desperately hoped against it. The more the vines moved across her body however, touching her chest, flossing her ass, rubbing against her orifices down below, she knew what she was about to face and her entire body tensed.


Gritting her teeth, Jackie felt the head of one of the vines begin to rub against the folds of her vagina. The sensation was heightened however, feeling far better than any other time she had played with herself similarly. And she was good at that! She knew how to please her body better than anyone, certainly far better than some creepy plant right? So then how… how could this terrifying creature be doing so--

“Hooh! Oooh gaaawd!” Jackie cried out. Her pussy gave several squirts as the vine rubbed and then entered her. Her clit was painfully swollen, whatever heat filling her body having now gripping hold of her like a prison of lust. The vine began to fuck her.

“F-Fuuuck! Gagh! Nooo! Pleashhg, stopaah! Aaaahn!”

Her eyes began to wince and tears fell down her face. Against her will, she moaned. It felt so humiliating, crumbling from the violation of this damn monster of a plant! Kicking and trashing with all her might though proved futile. The many vines had her within their grasp, only allowing the enough movement to appear as if she was putting up a fight. Almost as if it was deriving enjoyment from seeing her struggle.

“Stop it! Gagh! F-Fuhucking STOOOP!!” Jackie screamed with all her might, eyes furiously shut.

Her loud order seemed to stop the plant, but for a moment. But upon opening her eyes again, she saw the tip of the vine wrapped around her neck placing its tip against her lips as if it was shushing her with a finger. She went cross-eyed looking at it, a shiver traveling up her spine as the vine inside her began to thrust once again. The spark of pleasure caused her mouth to open once more with a moan, followed by the vine around her neck tightening once more. The tip near her mouth took the opportunity to directly silence her, shoving itself into her mouth to the back of her throat. It to began to thrust.

Jackie’s eyes rolled upwards and she let out a flurry of agonizing, gagged moans, spit spurting out of her mouth as the vine rolled within it. She could only breath through her nose now, her head feeling even lighter. Everything was becoming a hazy mess of discomfort and bliss, the vanilla paint of the ceiling she was staring up at encompassing her vision like a blanket of white.

No! She wasn’t going to let it win!

Jackie pushed herself back up from the brink of passing out, fighting back again the vines w3iht more vigor than before, fighting through the pain, through the pleasure! She could feel the vines being pulled by her own reserves of strength she had summoned and her feet meeting the ground once again. It was working, she was going to--!


Jackie flung backwards, as even more vines coiled around her limbs, yanking her back into her previously restrained position, suspended carefully in the air. What came next, made Jackie almost regret fighting back.


Muffled, unintelligible screams forced their way out from Jackie’s plugged mouth as she bit down on the vine pumping away at it. Another massive vine had shoved itself into her ass, a hole she never considered, nor ever wished to play with. It brought a rush of new sensations to her body, ones she wasn’t equipped to handle within all this heightened pleasure. Her ass clenched, the vine hitting her prostate, sending her eyes and mind fluttering to another realm.

Jackie came. She came hard and shamefully, tears flowing down her cheeks like waterfalls.

As she rode the waves of her forced orgasm, the plant seemed to pump her mouth full of a similar mist as the one it had prior. Shortly after, she could feel her body’s libido already gearing up again. Was it giving her an aphrodisiac? It had to be, there was no other explanation. And it had just given her a heavy dosage!

Squirming in confusion and fear, she felt her nipples perk up harder than she had ever felt in her life. Her clit was throbbing like mad, and pussy salivating uncontrollably onto the vine sliding in and out of it, happily lubricating it. What was most concerning though was her body. It began to bounce. Slowly but surely it sped up, finding a rhythm to match alongside the thrusting of the vines inside her. She couldn’t help it, couldn’t fight it. Jackie was instinctively thrusting back against the disgusting vines, her body a broken vessel chasing even an even higher plateau of ecstasy within this appalling dance.

Fuck it, she thought. She didn’t care anymore. If appeasing these horny vines until they were satisfied was the only way of escape, so be it. She felt disgusting for caving in, but at the very least it felt amazing--as terrible a silver lining as that was.

The plant wriggled happily over her loosening up, the vine in Jackie’s throat penetrating even deeper down into her throat. Her eyes were nearly rolled back into her head, her head itself hunched forward mindlessly bobbing back and forth. She was lost within the moment now, unaware of anything else around her. Which meant she didn’t notice the pot behind her smashing into pieces, as a giant, pink lily bulb emerged, that was quickly growing to the size of a large watermelon.

The ominous plant head rose up behind the suspended woman, the vines attached to it still thoroughly working her. Many more vines wriggled to life beneath the bulb, and many of its exposed roots throbbed in need, desiring somewhere new to nestle into. It was clear where their next home was, the tips of them tickling Jackie’s skin as they poked into the fleshy surface of her neck and upper back. Too far gone in the pleasure being delivered to her, Jackie merely assumed the sensations were some reaction to what was already being done to her. It wasn’t until the roots grew fatter and longer, spreading like river ways under her skin, that she knew something was amiss.

WHAT THE FUCK IS IT DOING NOW!? Jackie panicked, muffled words of protest once again trying to force their way out of her stuffed maw. The prickling sensation of the roots spread all throughout her quickly. They crawled down her shoulders and into her arms, the ones going down her back branching off into her legs. Several others wrapped around to her front and spread across her torso, even some wriggling towards the tips of her breasts. They were like an entirely new circulatory system being built within her.

Jackie, sensing the plant had loosened its grip earlier when she had accepted her fate, thrashed about once more. She could feel her senses growing more wild and the pleasure she was feeling somehow even more intense. She figured it had to do with what she was now feeling, these wriggling snakes inside her body pumping a foreign fluid into her. Despite no swelling, her body felt bloated and every minute touch to her skin orgasmic. She couldn’t take it anymore!

NOT SO FAST, the vines may as well have said. All the newly freed ones from the pot quickly restrained the flailing woman as the ones already holding her in place tighten their grip yet again. Jackie felt like she was about to pass out from not only the pleasure, but form lack of oxygen as well, her mouth too clogged and throat being constricted too tightly. The plant sensing this, released its grip on her neck and retracted the vine from her drooling mouth. Finally, Jackie could speak again. But she found it hard to communicate clearly given how raddled her mind was with horrific amounts of invasive bliss.


She snapped her neck back, her gaze meeting what loomed behind her, the source of her attacker. Eyes turning to saucers, she saw the giant pink bulb with a network of dangling roots, creeping closer to her from behind.

Jackie screamed in terror, the most shrill sound of fright she had ever let loose in her life. It was like staring at an alien monster hovering towards her face. It didn’t help that several vines tugged at her head to keep her in place and her gaze fixed on her impending doom. She could sense it, that it was coming for her head!

Between loud screams and awkward, orgasmic cries, Jackie’s body throbbed from the suckling roots inside of her. The longer they did their work, the more certain areas of her skin began to feel scorching hot. At her wrists, a mass of roots pierced shallow above her skin and began to bloom a leathery, leaf like material. The green material began to fuse and accumulate in mass, wrapping snug, yet comfortably around her arms as they grew up it. Stopping at her biceps, they formed a pair of sleeves, each one brandishing mustard colored flower petals that bloomed from the wrists.

The same process happened at her ankles as well, a leather made of a strong, leafy material sprouting from protruding vines. These formed more loosely around the legs, shaping into a pair of fashionable green boots that ran up to just below her knees. They each had a yellow flower pattern design on the vamp, as well as a yellow flower blooming on each one’s sides.

The biggest instance of roots sprouting forth though was in her torso, some from above her clavical, other around her waist and underbust. Beneath the vines holding her in place, a pink, svelte fabric formed that was soft like the surface of a flower petal. It formed a snug, sleeveless top with gold, ornate leaf designs on the front of it. The bottom bloomed open like a flower, the petals taking the shape of a dress that reached midway down the thighs. Jackie was dressed in a living flower, her body the soil allowing it to flourish. And the bulb staring her down wanted to find its home within that same soil.

“NOOOOO! NOOOHOOOH GAAAAWD!” Jackie yelled, her bucking body betraying her again and again as the bulb found itself mere inches from her face. Suddenly, several terrifying, nub shaped appendages crawled out from the butt of the bulb, all of them carrying spiked protrusion on their ends like a mace.

The helpless woman’s eyes darted about, trying to keep track of every tentacle from the plant caressing her face and sliding across her skull, and rubbing at her ears. Soon, her entire head was enveloped in them, the feeling of a hundred worms roiling on top of her flesh. The tears flowing down her cheeks were like sustenance to them, causing some to bloat in size. Soon enough, Jackie’s worse fears came to pass, as each and every tentacle found an orifice to insert itself into.


Nothing she said could halt the appendages worming their way in. Several crawled up her nose, while others wriggled through her ears. Her vision was even blocked by dozens of smaller slipping past her eyes and under her eyelids. Others gagged her mouth yet again as they used it as an entry point. All of them were headed for one place, their poking and prodding of it causing every sensory experience for Jackie to spin wildly out of control.

They were wrapping around her brain! Not just hugging it, but shoving themselves between the creases, other stabbing into the fatty surface. Her nerves went wild, her constant orgasms turning into an nirvana like pleasure that felt inconceivable. She couldn’t feel herself breath anymore, couldn’t sense the motions of her body. All she could feel was a roiling wave of pleasurable static heading back and forth within the indecipherable shape of her body. Her entire being was short-circuiting.

And amongst all that chaos, the bulb began to nestle on the top of her head, while the rest of the roots inside her began to suck. The plant was not merely fusing with Jackie, but sucking her dry.


Her entire body convulsed, as the plant drank from the fluids and extra mass it deemed unneeded within its host’s body. Jackie’s limbs thinned rapidly, and several inches were shaved off her height. Very quickly she was growing more small and petite, even her breasts deteriorating to perky, small orbs lifted within her lily dress. All that was absorbed intended to make Jackie even more cute and pristine, her skin like soft porcelain now.

Content with what it had done to her body, the butt of the giant lily bulb began to wrap around the top of Jackie’s head like the unhinged mouth of a snake trying to eat. Excruciatingly it expanded its opening around the width of her head, lowering itself like a hoodie over her head and ears. Two petals rested across her cheeks, while another fell between her eyes. Once it was clamped on tight, a giant yellow stem within the bulb pierced the top of her skull.


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