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SO... this week is gunna have a ...heavy theme of.. YOU GUESSED IT...Hyenas... dunno why.. I just.. sorta started liking them lately... that said, lets get started!


[click here] 

This will be... the only time you'll ever see B as a hyena ....ever....as much as i love em I don't see B sticking to that.


[click here] 

YUP....YUP..... ok but in  all seriousness. this was mainly an experimental page. i was messing around with brushes this week along with importing some new ones and I thought i should test drive them.

Able to YEEN

[click here] 

[click here] 

Right so Ramburr or uh.. i guess in this case RamYeen commissioned me to make a bust and.. of course there gunna be a version with a bloody nose...

Maple Room

[click here] 

Right so this is sort a follow up to last weekend's post with the Trashy room and I thought like.. what other alternates could I do with it.. granted I really didn't need to do this but...... its been ages since I designed anything regarding like.... environment or interior design. 


[click here] 

Ok so I was still messing around with brushes and pens with this one. Even made like a cool Marker brush! But yeah its been a cool minute since I even drew TairuPanda and I...think I still got it? Also I wanted to give Waffle a try and I'm kinda happy with it, especially the pen that I used on him.
ALSO if yall haven't already go ahead and Check out  TairuPANda  's Patreon! its got more WAFFLE and tons of juicy stuff there!




Woo yenas :V


YES, adorable yeens! My favorite's gotta be the feral yeen X3


These yena one are too good love the expression and the way you draw hyena

Patrick Strouse

I got to say, your backgrounds are some of the most gratifying things to see. Yeens are extra sweet though. B-Yeen is so HANDSOMELY.


Oh trust me I'm still trash with em haha. i 'm not as confident with him but im glad you actually like em. and yeah i surprisingly turned out well.