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RIGHT.. so this is gunna be HUGE dump on ya guys so.. Heads up

Wake UP

[Click here] 

this was like.. one of my first Gideon Grey commissions I did but i never revealed the full pic anywhere though.  at least... not the booty...

Going for a Dip

[Click here] 

This one was my favorite to an extent.. like the concept and some of the things I've did here.. background could have been better .. maybe. 

Don't Talk about Fight Club

[Click here] 

THIS... i... don't think i posted either... YEAH I didn't but this was like.. Fun for me for a lot of reasons.. I'm gross.

Working Hard

[Click here] 

I remember I streamed this one and like... you can tell what I focused on the most... I kinda just went "meh" on the background but.. the sweaty boar was... important.

Cloud  Bear

[Click here]  

I just had to include this one cuz its just too Cute.. the peeking belly makes it... and small feets.  If ya wanna see more of this Character, check out  @breezegame 

But alright guys thats all for this week here. Gunna try to make it a habit to post Every Sunday if i can or just the Weekend in general so peek your eyes out.



Hr. Seehund

Your background are so lovely, and I LOVE Cloud Bear. I hope to see more of Cloud Bear, but great dump my friend. Keep up the good work.


I wanna lick Gideon.