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Alright! so Gnollvember ain't over yet so I got a few Wips that I hope to finish up in future. First being Logos.
the Gnoll head was for my boss ( thank god he loves Gnolls with Tusks)
and the other logos were icons for some Gnoll Factions for the Campaign I'm in, the last icon is my favorite cuz it could make for a sick tattoo.

The second pic is actually a gift art for BeardyBen and his gnoll Abott, Still trying to get the idea down but him singing to a bunch of gnolls at a Gnoll Tavern. I can't wait to add more details to this!

the last pic is a personal piece. trying to wet my whistle on different gnoll types other than uh....Big tusky himbos, AS MUCH AS I LOVE EM.. but I do have fun doing something different. 




I love the way you sketch and mark-make! Great stuff~