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NOW those of you who Joined my Stream the other day got to seem working on this and I did make enough progress BUT... My COMPUTER didn't like an App that I opened and Crashed. GRANTED.. it wasn't a Huge Deal, some of you might remember I wasn't TOOO happy with how this came out and as I was working on it, the errors were more clear. But I'll revisit this Pic at a later date, (November Probably). but for now  you can enjoy the first Draft of it. Hopefully I could expand on this MOOORE

ALSO I hope you guys enjoy the..."PEEKING" aspect I've been going with my NSFW lately. I find it slightly more fun than just drawing Intimate stuff on its own. its Playful I think. 




Sometimes you just gotta see what your co-workers working with.


Pumpkin spice


I think you do playful teasing in art really well. I think it'd be great to see more pieces like this from you in the future. Just barely covering or only getting a half view of something is just as enticing if not more so. :D