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Right So as tradition, I have a Nude Version of our Steggo boy! ALSO with some additonal stuff!

Some of you may remember this old pic from a year or so ago >

So he was originally part of a bigger picture which I never got the chance to get around till a week ago where it was conveniently a friend's birthday. So I went a head and finished the Idea, granted said friend may have shown some of you ( if ya know who the Blue Rex is) the pic but in case ya haven't then... HERE IT IS. But.. if you have seen it, then yall can get a sneak peek of the Follow up that I have in the works. 

I dunno how far I'm gunna go with this one though since theres no birthday urgency but we'll see!

I got more of out.. Steggo Friend on the way so stay tuned!



Dorenrab Sildano

Unintentional Titus pog 8y Ahaha but for real love this


Wieners out, lads~