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This isn't necessarily important or anything and I feel I've asked this question once before but I noticed some new folks here so its more so asking them but.... Do yall prefer to read Long Descriptions to posts?

Long time fans know that I run my mouth a lot if its for a set of pictures that I'm really passionate about but I'm just wondering if you guys prefer shorter descriptions or if you like reading them at all? Things like that.

I'm kinda working slowly on something on the sideline and was thinking of doing something with a word format+image so If yall are down for Reading then cool beans, if not then I'll think of a different option.



Text is good supplement to the art if you feel the need to elaborate. It's nice to know some context.


I enjoy the long descriptions!


It's always nice to see the thoughts behind the art (or just thoughts in general)


I have enjoyed reading the thoughts you post. It gives context to the pieces and has generally been well written in the past.


I like reading whatever descriptions you may have regardless of their length. I try to read all of them because it's enlightening to see the thoughts and stuff behind a project or piece.


Long descriptions really lend into the postings, give fun backstory or thought processes and insight. I enjoy reading through them and don't view them as long at all. :D

Hr. Seehund

The longer the better! I believe longer posts help with world-building​ and understanding a character, while short posts are for one-off characters like in random adult pictures.


Definitely long descriptions

Dorenrab Sildano

I like seeing what you have to say. It enhances my enjoyment of the pictures, at least!


I looooove long, juicy descriptions.


Often times, the story attached to a piece will do more for me than the pic itself. Erotic art, for example: A story is more arousing than an image. I'll even make up stories/scenarios to make a fucky pic more fappable. For sfw stuff, I dig deep into lore and connect stories to establish narratives. It's my thing~


I'm down with the long writing!


I really like the long descriptions! They give more story and information than the shorter ones. They're nice!


I enjoy reading long descriptions. I like to have some context.


Yeah! It's always fun to hear what you're thinking, see what you have to say, so I'm all for keeping long descriptions!


I dig detail, but do it as long or short as you deem appropriate for the piece bud.