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OK SO PART 2 of my Dino obsessed posts... Basically turning every friend into a dino... what a shocker lol. But low key though its been mad fun doing this... get to experiment with drawing different species and translating them from their furry counterparts.

So some of you  may have caught me Draw a bit of "ItakeyourLemons" in my long stream but i'll tell ya what, yall got lucky cuz the first attempt at Drawing Lemons was uh.. questionable-

I dunno WHAT i was trying to do here... but was trying to turn Lemons into a Allosaurus but i think i tried to go TOO realistic here. that just shows that Simplicity is key for stuff like this. 

And heres my take with HiHungry_Im_Dad and turned em into a Pteranodon. Tried to translate her feather patterns to scales but I think I did alright. 

Now some of you may remember when i turned Tuler into a T.Rex but that was more of a Beta version I guess. whenever i look at that particular pic I think-

-"Its not... Tulery enough... somethings off.. whys the hat so sloped...the energy doesn't feel right". SOoooo I prettied him up a bit more and gave him the proper energy.. it was mainly the eyes. but either way I liked this version ALOT more now. 

BTW Lemons does have a Patreon so if yer interested give em a Peek an help out a fellow Dino Nut like myself HAHAH
And of course lets not forget the Panda for any new folks here lol



Hr. Seehund

It's the ​dawn of dinosaurs!




Your dinos are so cool!