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Right so like I promised with the polls earlier I came in with some B's. truth be told I wanted to do more But half of the ideas got lost when I got sick early october BUT you get an idea of where I'm going with B though. 

ok so for this I believe some of you may remember that I streamed this some time ago but I wanted to actually finish this and see how... grossly ridiculous it is lol. Basically this came up as an Idea with a friend of like...What would we be like if we were a Final boss of a Clothing store and mine was.. Spencers but uh.. i dunno.. I could have gone WAY to far out with this. plaster it with memes and band names but I felt it would have been cluttered to hell. BUT I like how it looks now though! took a little Inspiration from RE2 clearly but....Giant paws though....

Now this I also "attempted" to draw while Streaming but some of yall may know that went terribly lol. But yeah this... I... remember getting this DM shortly after a friend of mine posted their part of a Art trade of Lady B and like.. I just HAD to do a response to it lol. 

NOW THIS I hope I get to expand on later but design wise this is where i want to go with B. maybe these aren't a total surprise to some if you guys remember the music i listen to... a pretty clear influence here but hopefully more SOON. 




Haha that icy hot stuntaz pose. They're all cute


"Bear taco". Oh no.

Scotch P

Bear taco?? Dont you mean a "Baco?"

Hr. Seehund

I'd make that face too if I ever got a text like that.

Tempo Nook

Bettah watch and get ready to catch deez HANDZ! All of these are great, really liking the concept arts. You pull off the hats great!