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So uh...those who've been following me for year through FA or early twitter days... yer gunna see a familiar face or two.


[Click Here] for a closer look

I'm sure ya guys remember him, right? This was.. or uh.. is my Old Fursona from way back. like 2012 to 2016...stopped drawing him around March.. thats when the Bear came in to play. Really don't know if i will like.. even Draw him that much though. Maybe unless I have a good reason maybe. 

Now these I actually drew BEFORE I did the piece above. Clearly i was wetting my whistle here cuz I'm mad rusty with this character. 

Big Fan 

[Click Here] for a closer look

Well this sure brought back memories. This was like... hmmm late 2015 i think... December if I remembered right.. first time ever drawing TairuPANdA's Tuler Puma... main reason why I dug this up is cuz.. well just keep scrolling down lol.


[Click Here] for a closer look

So AGAIN... Haven't drawn Tuler Puma since.. forever... I guess I'm lucky his design hasn't changed a whole lot since then but it still took some getting use to. Granted I probably wont draw him again though. Mainly did this as a warm up cuz I have a commission involving him coming up so i wanted to stretch a bit.

Again these are early roughs I did BEFORE the Drawing above. just a silly doodle to warm up with.

ANYWAY... you'll see more of these guys Wednesday and that will be it. after that I got some developmental stuff i wanted to do here so I'll be working on that. so see ya guys on Wednesday.



Dorenrab Sildano

The cat(s) came back, he just couldn't stay awaaaaaaaay


It's cool to see the old style right next to this fresh update. I didn't know that he's a Maine Coon. The behemoths of the cat world. Another thing to like about him besides the toothy smiles and bloody noses.


Whether it be a cat, bear, or a wolf. It looks awesome! Love your style. Definitely could see this in a Disney film. 👍


I remember him! :D the closer look images don't seem to be working though. :( At least on mobile anyway.


Yeah from the begining he was suppose to me a maine coon but design wise he sort of became his own thing after a few years.


they seem to be working just fine for me. i haven't seen any other complaints about it.


Change is good I used to be a bull as my main but now I'm happy with my wolverine sona.

Raygun Draygun

These felines are lookin fine! Though, I am curious if there's any chance we'll ever see an updated Ed?


OH damn..you must have been followin me for ages then.. but uh.. i don't think so. i have a hard enough time drawing humans as it is.