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SO.... its been a while since I posted anything NSFW so....YEAH.. time to change that.

also you can tell its been a while cuz I forgot to label the Polaroid as 18+ lol.

Blow Dry

... couldn't think of a clever title here honestly, but this was back when Nikerdoodler's birthday a few weeks backs and it was like.. a semi quick pic and just thought... "sweat" cuz he would always mention how hot its been where he lives so.. yeah.. sweaty lion trying to cool off.
[click here] for a close up

I Sit for your Benefit 

Ok so like uh.. same dude, Nickerdoodler. .. stays up in un-godly hours ( and I thought i was bad) playing Splatton and he made a tweet saying "some one should sit on me till i sleep". well i can sit on him but i can't promise sleeping lol. but yeah.. a quick little joke piece.

Caught Red Handed...Again

B just has the worst timing.... which is.. very true to me honestly.. my timing with anything sucks ass but uh.. yeah you might have notice in the last pic that i used purple for shadowing too so thats what i really wanna experiment on. just wanted to test out Warm against Cool colors to make the image more.. uh.. dynamic i suppose heh.. but i wanted to do this cute idea though.

ANYWAY thats all for Now.. imma TRY.. key word, TRY.. to post both rewards at the same time on Sundays again.. i just had like.. a back up of SFW stuff to weed out . but yeah i'll see you guys next time, expect lots of dogs..




Busted. B must learn a lesson in personal space.


I love these. BTW, are you going to do more Gideon Gray commissions? They're the best!