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Long time no see guys, sorry that I haven't been around much but I still got some stuff for you. most of it being Goofy weird shit BUT....I hope you guys enjoy then non the less...


 A little Birthday gift for a certain chunky lion. the guys LOVES bears so i thought... BEAR BUN cake.... question is, is it actually a cake... well i mean.. technically it still is a cake depending but like...Booty cake.. whatever.


 Right so my buddy  @LuckygoneCrazy ‏ ASLO had his birthday recently and i couldn't resist doing something weird here cuz i love him. you guys should totally check him out though.


 Very rarely do i ever show case my stickers like this except for twitter. BUT i know some of you are from tumblr and don't seem often. But i wanted to show off the recent ones I've done and have already slipped into the Pack already.. Been secretly replacing the old ones since they ( to me) look a bit outdated.

The V word

 This takes the cake with the dumbest doodle..and would probably get me in trouble with some vore folks haha. but yeah... telling my Ex about my certain interests was a bad idea and he kepts trolling me about it.. 

Hissy Lizzy 

 So I was going through some old artwork one day and saw a Sketch that i never bothered finishing and thought it would be a good idea to see what i could do. Plus i don't hardly ever draw lizards that often so why not. 

ALSO.. found that sketch of a GOLD FISH and i couldn't stop laughing. like.. Just google Pregnant goldfish and see what i mean. its like a golf ball with fins.

SO uh.. right thats about it for this month.. but soon once i get some stuff sorted out  I'll try to get back on schedule but for now things might be a bit wacky. I'll try to get the NSFW post up soon so keep yer eyes open. Until then guys, see ya later.



Dorenrab Sildano

Jfc Syc ahaha Also, that's certainly one way to eat a booty


Oh my is there a link to your sticker pack by any chance?


Im sure you'll find it on your own. its spreading out there pretty far hence why i never bothered setting up a link for it.


Well it looks like the hunt begins *mission impossible theme plays*


lmao, I'm with the goat, VORE ME


The expressions for B is just 👌👌👌


Booty cake for breakfast because it's his birthday and he can eat what he wants. Treat yo self!

Dorenrab Sildano

wait, WAS SYC VORE ANON?! edit: apparently not whoops
