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Wanted to keep the theme of " BIG TEETH" going tonight so why not bring out a big toothed werewolf right?
So in the order these are its going from oldest to Newest so pardon the style difference.  Some of these you may remember on Twitter or tumblr...except he had Pants on back then.  
!!!!!!BLOOD WARNING!!!!!!

Go Easy

[click here] 

(mild version) [click here] 

this is what started it all...jeez. i ever forgot WHY i even made him. i think it was for Halloween 2 years ago. 

Safe Word

[click here] 

(mild version) [click here] 

Now this was when he was getting more... developed sorta speaked. hes in the more unsavory side of werewolves i guess.

Still No Safe Word

[click here] 

(mild version) [click here] 

Pretty much a follow up from the previous  drawings ... just more uh....rougher.....i swear this guy is like.. the Evil version of Waffles the more i look at him... like.. hes that Uncle in the family that No one wants to talk about. 

Halloween Bar Night

(clothed) [click here] 

[click here] 

I'm sure the clothed version makes more sense.. i just had to make a nude on though. but basically theres some Halloween special at a bar and if yer dressed up you get half off on drinks. so... whoes gunna question a guy with a  wolf head right?

Little Pigs

[click here] 

(Flat colors) [click here] 

now this is obvious follow up from the previous one. Just so weird that they were both a year apart. Anyway not sure about the story here. I wanna say the guys had to much to drink and started indulging but the ol wolf have a different kind of thirst ...maybe? I dunno.

ANWAY.. thats all for this whopping post. it wouldn't have felt right leaving some out.  this is kinda like an introduction to this guy. anyway I'm gunna go pass out... Hope you guys had a good weekend. goodnight!




holy crap that barn image is really well done!


Im just gonna bend over and let him rail my rear now. xux

Dorenrab Sildano

Oof, guess you aren't safe from him even if he enjoys your company. Poor guys.