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Warning: boring personal stuff ahead! 

Guys, I was really  hoping to finish a Roxanne's chapter in January and then get back to Katt, but I had to move in a different apartment on a short notice, and it compromised that plan a bit. 

So I'm officially single now... we'll see if the bachelor life is as fun as they say... 🕺🏂🏌️‍♀️⛷️ 😊  Hey don't worry about me, it's all good.  That separation had been happening in slow motion for years and I was stuck. Then I visited this apartment in December and I totally imagined myself there. But I had to decide rapidly and it wasnt the ideal timing at work plus it's January in the Canadian winter... but I made it and really happy where I am now. 

I'm almost done settling in, so I can finally get back to my art! Thanks for your support and patience.

Peace and cheers



Wow big step! Wish you all the best! ❤️🙏

person A

Glad you’re coming out of the other end well! Good luck to you! 💕

Maureen Healey

It's hard finishing a long-term relationship (been there). But it will give you the chance to do the things you enjoy.. all the best!!