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Thank you everyone for your support. I am very happy and encouraged by everyone's support.

We will change the download method to prevent unauthorized reproduction sites.

I knew that it had been reprinted without permission before.

Of course, it's unfortunate and unpleasant, but I thought that even if unauthorized reproduction were stopped, the number of supporters would not increase.

The reason is that there are people who watch works on illegal sites.

I don't think they are my fans and have no intention of supporting me.

I think if it's no longer available for free, I'll just stop watching it.

I thought it would be good if only those who really supported my activities remained as a result, so I left it alone until now, but paid content is only for those who paid for it, so I will take measures.

To everyone who supports us from regular patreon,

I am truly, truly grateful.

That's why I felt so sad that I had to report this situation.

I feel very sad.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these measures.




It is no problem! Thank you for still providing us with beautiful characters.


Thank you for your warm comments! It's very encouraging.