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So Golden Demon is over! I've been in recovery mode for a few days but I'm back painting now :D

I've posted a video of my thoughts of Golden Demon and a few other bits. There will be another painting video this weekend for a few more of the vampire bits.

I'd just like to thank everyone for all of the support. It was great to chat to so many of you! My voice did actually die during the weekend, it sounded a bit like I'd turned into a frog.

My vampire unit managed a Commended Entry, which means it was being discussed  as a trophy candidate. I was apparently very close, but the standard is so high that elements other than the painting can work against you. In my case the selection of vampires might not have been ideal as they were from different vampire factions, while a more focused unit might have been better, instead of 4 "boss" characters.

I'm already working on new projects, some of which may be secret 👀

Don't forget to join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/gF378wWg There is a members only area where I keep frequent updates.




U da man Richard !