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I've just posted a video showing how to paint the NMM gold armour for Rogal Dorn! This model was sent to me from Games Workshop as part of the Horus Heresy launch event.

There will be a PDF out very soon for the armour too.

I've also painted up some Horus Heresy MKVI Imperial Fist marines that will be out on video and PDF as soon as possible.

I'm hoping to get the Squig Hopper Gloomspite Gitz video up tomorrow as well!

There is also a video of the Adeptus Titanicus Dire Wolf Titan in Legio Mortis colours that will be up any day!

As you can see, I've been busy painting things so expect a lot of content!




I found it! You tube


Beautiful gold! Any chance of telling us how you did the cloak, it’s such a rich regal looking purple