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I've just posted two new videos, the first one looking at preparing the base colours for the Avatar and the second video looking at how to paint the helmet in NMM steel, as seen in the photograph above.

The next videos for the Avatar will look at how to paint the yellow lava glow, the blackened skin and the NMM gold symbol on his chest.

I will also be posting some Golden Demon entry updates as now Golden Demon UK has been confirmed to be in Warhammer World in Nottingham on the 1st and 2nd of October. I'm very excited!

There is also the Horus Heresy Open Day event, which I will be attending as Games Workshop has asked me to be there as an "Influencer". I think the tickets have already sold out, but if you were able to get one then please come and say hello!

I'll also be making some videos and PDFs for the Heresy release.




Are you doing anything else with the gargant ?