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I've just posted 2 videos for the Emperor's Champion. 1 is for how to paint his leather belt and keep the purple atmosphere of the model, 2 is the OSL )Object Source Lighting) from the lamp on his belt, as seen in the photograph above.

The PDF for his armour is nearly done. I'm adding more to it since the video to cover a few more details. This means the PDF will have more information, so even if you've watched the video you might get a bit more from reading the PDF.

I've got a Nurgle video that will be up soon! This will start off with very easy tabletop painting and then turning it into something more high level!

I'm also working on another video for Adeptus Titanicus, this time a Legio Fureans Reaver Titan.




Nurgle 40k like more death guard or nurgle demons/fantasy?


It's going to be both actually! I've got the new Nurgle boxed set for the Maggotkin army, and the Death Guard Lord of Virulence for 40k